| |9 AUGUST 2024HIGHERReviewhas drastically changed the educational landscape. Gone is the custom of using libraries to obtain reference materials. It is inevitable that technology will advance, and as educators, we must welcome and value this development.With smart-phones, iPads, and tablets in hand, today's students have un-paralleled access to a wide range of instructional resources from the comfort of their seats. Students no longer need to physically visit libraries as earlier days because they may in-stantaneously download or view pertinent content. And, as a teacher, I completely recognize the power of electronic gad-gets in enhancing students' knowledge and fostering innova-tion.I encourage students to use their devices as tools for im-proving understanding and promoting critical thinking. For instance, I leverage technology to explain complex concepts like the bending and deflection of beams with different load conditions through multimedia presentations. This student facilitation approach empowers them to remember, under-stand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and even create new con-cepts effectively. And, here comes in the biggest challenge, distraction. Despite various benefits, these electronic gad-gets cause potential distractions that harms the education life cycle. However, it is important that we view these challenges as opportunities to embed technology in a way that directs students' focus toward meaningful engagement. By address-ing these challenges, we not only mitigate distractions, but also empower students to navigate and utilize technology responsibly.In your opinion, what are the key principles of innovative education, and how do they differ from traditional teaching methods?In traditional teacher-centered learning, communication is unidirectional, focusing primarily on teaching rather than ensuring effective learning. This approach may leave stu-dents uncertain about their understanding. In contrast, student-centered learning fosters a dynamic two-way com-munication channel between teachers and students. Here, teachers not only disseminate information but also facilitate understanding through processes like remembering, under-standing, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating--a concept akin to Bloom's Taxonomy. This method significant-ly differs from teacher-centered learning, where assessing students' understanding is more challenging, leading to a notable variance in exam scores.The most effective innova-tive practice involves engaging students, integrating technol-ogy, fostering critical thinking, and promoting collaborative problem-solving. This student-centered approach enhances students' communication skills and overall understanding. Notably, feedback from students in such environments is more satisfactory for teachers. This feedback becomes a cat-alyst for lifelong learning, as students continue to learn and adapt even after completing their formal education--a testa-ment to the success of continuous learning initiatives.How can we stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in education, and how should we incorporate them into teaching or educational programs?In the pursuit of excellence in teaching, I have always em-phasized the importance of continuous learning and pro-fessional development for educators. I believe that teachers must dedicate at least 30 minutes daily to staying updated through technical journals or magazines relevant to their domain. This commitment to ongoing learning ensures that instructors bring fresh insights and updated knowledge to the classroom, enhancing their ability to connect theoreti-cal concepts with real-world applications.Beyond traditional sources, educators can leverage media, government commu-nications, and social media platforms to share their research, achievements, and stay informed about global developments. Engaging with platforms like Twitter (X) and LinkedIn fa-cilitates networking with peers and professionals, broaden-ing perspectives.Furthermore, collaboration with colleagues within and outside the education sector is vital for profes-sional growth. Teachers should actively seek opportunities to collaborate with professionals from other industries and universities, fostering interdisciplinary learning.Additional-ly, I emphasize the importance of developing a diverse skill set, aligning their skills with industry expectations, and cul-tivating a positive attitude.While concluding this conversation, I stress that the world offers abundant opportunities, and with a combina-tion of skills, effective communication, critical and creative thinking, students can confidently navigate their career paths. India, in particular, is a landscape of opportunities, and students are encouraged to seize these prospects, adapt to challenges, and emerge successful in their chosen endeav-ours.
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