| | 8 OCTOBER 2023HIGHERReviewFOCAL POINT Neuroscience has provided valuable insights into the science behind finding one's passion. Passion is not simply a result of external factors or luck but rather a complex interplay between the brain's reward system and individual experiences. By studying brain activity, scientists have discovered that specific neural circuits associated with motivation and pleasures are activated when a person engages in activities that align with their interests and values. Understanding these neural mechanisms can help individuals make more informed choices and actively pursue their passions for a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. The implementation of project-based learningin schools, where students are given the opportunity to pursue their interests and passions through hands-on projects is a must. By connecting their learning to real-life scenarios and allowing for personal choice and autonomy, students can find meaning and purpose in their education, leading to higher levels of engagement and satisfaction.Genetics : Predisposition to PassionGenetics plays a crucial role in determining an individual's passion and motivation, impacting their brain's reward system. Scientific studies have identified genes associated THE SCIENCE BEHIND FINDING THE PASSION: INSIGHTS FROM NEUROSCIENCE By Richa Singh
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