| | 8 December 2019HIGHERReviewIN MY VIEWEDUCATION SYSTEM: INTERNATIONAL VERSUS INDIAN UNIVERSITIESBy Prof. Seema Singh, Head - Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, BMS Institute of Technology and ManagementHigher education is a very big step after graduation in a student's life and plays a vital role in the careers of the aspirants and helps improve their skills in their relevant field. It helps the students to switch between fields and also involve in research. As a general trend, an international master's de-gree is preferred by many of the Indian graduates.Significant growth has been seen in the number of Indian stu-dents migrating to foreign desti-nations for their higher studies. And this growth is expected to increase over the years.Getting Into a Premier Insti-tute in India Versus Abroad for Higher Education:First, Indian entrance exams for higher education, GATE and CAT are the two popular entrance examinations for en-try into the elite IISc, IITs, and IIMs for masters in management or masters in technology pro-grams. These exams are tough to crack. For example the GATE examination, a student should have an in-depth understand-ing of all the subjects taught in engineering to score well. But what if the student is not in-terested in a particular subject? And what if the student is weak in a certain topic? He still has to slog, put a lot of effort in that subject just to do well in the exam. Second, foreign institutions don't base their admission de-cisions on the outcome of one examination. The GRE exam is comparatively a lot easier as compared to GATE or CAT. They take into account various different aspects of a student's profile like project work, re-search experience, academic performance, extracurricular, relevant work experience, and social contribution. All these aspects are developed not in six months or one year, rather over a period of four to five years. Currently working as Professor and Head in Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, BMSIT&M, Dr. Seema Singh has overall 17 years of teaching experience and 10 years of research experience. She is the author of 30 publications in reputed International Journals and International/National Conferences and has been awarded for guiding best project of the year from KSCST in 2015.Prof. Seema Singh, Head - Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
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