| | 8 MARCH 2023HIGHERReviewNEP 2020 has many provisions which will bring about sweeping changes in the education system. The provisions of multiple entry and exit to the degree programmes, provisions to study the subjects of choice, transfer of credit, academic bank of EMPOWERING TEACHERS: ROADMAP TO SUCCESS OF NEP 2020By Dr. Tejinder Sharma, Professor & Chairman, Department of Commerce, Kurukshetra UniversityDr. Tejinder Sharma,Professor & ChairmanTejinder is a student of business studies, engaged in the transaction of higher learning with a vast experience on Lecturing, Teaching & Researchcredit, multidisciplinary approach to learning, and more. will have deep impact on the entire education system. The earlier system lacked flexibility, restricted free flow of ideas and was unilateral in approach. With the newer provisions, the students will have a multidimensional approach to learning. The scope of curriculum has widened and the activities earlier classified as extra-curricular or co-curricular have been brought within the ambit of the curriculum and the students will get the credit for their contribution in the sports, social and cultural activities. All these are sweeping changes, which need a big change in the content and approach towards learning.Implementing NEP 2020In the initial years, the prime responsibility of implementation of NEP 2020 rests upon the governments and the institutions associated with the education system. Governments are making policies and the necessary regulatory framework to implement the policy. The universities are making the syllabus of the forthcoming degree programmes, incorporating the broad provisions of flexibility, multiple entry and exit, blended learning, research and internship components, and more. Most likely, the admissions for the forthcoming sessions will be made as per the new programme. The inputs in the form of infrastructure and human ware are being developed by the institutions. Many universities are implementing the NEP 2020 in their constituent colleges and then implement on larger segment of colleges, which will minimize the teething issues. The success of NEP 2020 is highly dependent on the commitment of the teachers to implement the same in latter and spirit. No amount of policies, regulation and infrastructure will make an IN MY VIEW
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