| | 19 May 2021HIGHERReviewOur Programs:Robocs Automa onIOTDrones3D prin ng and CNCComputa onal Thinking (Scratch, Python, Java)ML & AILydnow's courses are not only relevant and meaningful in today's context, but they are also in line with the future and are reviewed and upgraded every year.LEARNING STEM's FROM CURIOSITY 502, Fortune House, Near Occasions Lawn, Baner - Pashan Link Rd, Baner, Pune, Maharashtra - 411045 | Visit us at: www.lydnow.comContact us: +91 96075 00733 | +91 96076 00733LYDNOW ROBOTICSTechnical excellence is the cornerstone of Lydnow.Lydnow Robotics' students winning the st1 prize at Cozmo Clench Robot Design Competition @ IIT Mumbai Techfest 2018LYDNOW ROBOTICS PUNE : KALYANI NAGAR | PUNE CAMP | BANER | KOTHRUD
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