| | 6 MARCH, 2025HIGHERReviewBridging the Skills Gap: The Role of Industry-Academia Collaboration in Shaping Future TalentTalent Transformation is a key factor in evolving an Organization's cultureBala Vummidi, Vice President & Head - HR, SRM TechnologiesShweta Mohanty,Head - Human Resource (India),SAP1610The future of LMS in India: Making NEP a realityDr Prem Das Maheshwari,Regional Director - South Asia, D2L26Breaking Down the Executive MBA: Is It the Right Choice for You?08Social Media Detox Strategies and Their Impact on the Well-Being of StudentsProf. Rajiv Prakash,Director, IIT Bhilai30LAST WORDIN MY VIEWKB-SCHOOLS IN USA - 2025HIGHER EDUCATIONReview 10 MOST PROMISING POMPEA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS (UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAVEN) 24EDUCATIONAL PERSPECTIVESFOCAL POINT
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