| | 8 MAY 2024HIGHERReviewIMPORTANCE OF INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIPS IN FOSTERING A CONTEMPORARY & ENGAGING CURRICULUMThe global market for executive management education programs is currently valued at USD 2 billion. How do you see the market for Executive management education programs evolving in India?The market for executive education programmes in India has been growing since the beginning of the pandemic. There had been considerable demand for enrolments into online programmes, which executives used as a vehicle for upskilling. While during the pandemic, there was a dip in the traditional (on-campus) Executive Education programmes, we are seeing a lot of organizations opening their training calendars in 2022. This has led to significant growth of traditional (on-campus) programmes owing to the pent-up demand during the pandemic. Overall, there is a significant growth in both online and on-campus executive education programmes, which we foresee being on the rise in the short-term. Executives have specific demands for niche programmes and are driven by the immediate application of these programmes in the contemporary business environment. While there is demand for General Management programmes, we are seeing a steeper growth in specific niche topics like data sciences, business analytics, digital transformation, digital marketing, fintech, blockchain, and such. To raise the growth wave, educational institutions must ensure that they are suitably placed with internal expertise in such topics and have industry partnerships to foster a contemporary, challenging, and engaging curriculum.One of the many challenges of today's leader would be to manage a diverse and multi-cultural team and provide solutions to global customers. To be successful, the leader must have an inclusive mindset, appreciative of a diverse team, and sensitive to myriad cultures. How can such a mindset be inculcated through a global immersion MBA Program?Globalization and its associated challenges will come to By Prof. Himanshu Rai, Director, IIM IndoreHimanshu Rai, his extensive background includes leading academic positions at esteemed institutions like SDA Bocconi, Milan, IIM Lucknow, and XLRI, coupled with a distinguished corporate journey at Tata Steel, where he molded Quality Systems and Communication Policy.In an exclusive interview with Higher Education Review, Prof. Himanshu Rai, Director, IIM Indore shares his valuable insights on the Indian MBA education landscape, the increasing popularity of Executive management programs, importance of sustainable development practices in management education and more. Prof. Himanshu RaiDirectorIN MY VIEW
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