| | 8 SEPTEMBER 2024HIGHERReviewFor centuries, architects are trained to think as well as build solutions by leveraging the design process step. While design thinking is a non-linear iterative process which the teams utilize for gaining understanding about the users, redefine problems, challenge assumptions, & generate innovative solutions for prototyping & testing, it involves five main phases such as Empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test.Empathize The empathize phase includes the element of understanding who you are designing for, the problems that should be solved as well as the challenges that may arise when solving them. Adequately, depicting this specific phase involves either looking beyond businesses or private objectives to focus on various stakeholders, ask them the right questions as well as gather relevant insights. And for architects, this may comprise various factors such as considering local communities, cultural connections, environmental features as well as resonant aesthetics.DefineThe define phase puts all the gathered insights into practice in order to define the landscape and the clients that you are designing for. Finding themes and patterns and achieving agreement among the stakeholders as well as the design team are therefore the major objectives.IdeateA multi-stakeholder architectural team will come to some of the creative pathways that are assessed for viability as well as longevity through various steps in the process such as brainstorming, mind-mapping, deep discussion as well as strategizing. Diverse collaboration is highly beneficial in the ideate phase since it allows several ideas to arrive at the table for thorough analysis.WHY ARCHITECTURE PROGRAMS ARE EMBRACING DESIGN THINKING APPROACHESFOCAL POINT
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