| |19 NOVEMBER 2023HIGHERReviewcreating a dynamic and ever-evolving environment for the dissemination of knowledge.The faculty at SCODEEN Global isn't simply a group of educators; they represent individuals deeply embedded in the industry. Their role extends beyond teaching, encompassing mentoring, guidance, and inspiration. The institution places a strong emphasis on keeping its faculty at the forefront of AI/ML through continuous learning and certification programs.Infrastructure & Future Ready Amenities SCODEEN Global places a strong emphasis on online learning, while simultaneously ensuring that students have access to state-of-the-art infrastructure. The institution's cloud-based labs, featuring high-performance computing resources, serve as a pivotal platform for practical experimentation in the intricate field of AI/ML. This setup empowers students to explore AI/ML concepts without the limitations posed by hardware constraints. SCODEEN Global's vision extends beyond traditional physical boundaries, aiming to make learning an immersive and hands-on experience.In essence, SCODEEN Global offers students an environment where they can harness cutting-edge technology, access labs equipped with the latest tools, and utilize cloud computing resources at their disposal, creating a conducive space for innovation and learning.Partnering with Industry Leaders The essential cornerstone of SCODEEN Global's educational mission lies in the alignment of its teaching methods with the dynamic requirements of the industry. It maintains a continuous and mutually beneficial relationship with its industry partners, engaging in an ongoing conversation that reveals the ever-changing nature of the industry. The institute's educational programs are adaptable and constantly evolving to reflect the industry's needs, and it actively collaborates on joint projects and internships to ensure that its students become champions of industry relevance."Our role extends beyond conventional education; we are actively involved in co-creating the future alongside the industry. Our close connections with AI/ML companies guarantee that our curriculum remains perfectly attuned to industry demands. Moreover, our wealth of guest lectures and workshops conducted by industry experts further enriches the learning experience we provide", speaks Kantilal Chandre.Path AheadThe journey ahead is filled with excitement and promise! SCODEEN Global is embarking on a path of innovation and excellence, with a vision to expand its range of courses. The institute is introducing specialized tracks within AI/ML that explore the intricacies of technology in depth. Furthermore, the institute is committed to strengthening its online learning platform, making it a hub for immersive education experiences. Its future also envisions the incorporation of emerging technologies like blockchain and IoT into its curriculum, infusing it with freshness and dynamism as the institute continues to uphold its commitment to educational excellence."At SCODEEN Global, our students aren't just learners; they're future AI/MLtrailblazers. We're not just educators; we're enablers of dreams. And we're committed to shaping a future where AI/ML isn't just a buzzword ­ it's a way of life", signs off Kantilal Chandre.At SCODEEN Global, the courses are centered around experiential learning, a significant departure from traditional academic approaches
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