Top 10 Promising B.Ed colleges in India-2018

More than a profession, teaching is a service to the country. The testimony of this statement could be verified when The Education Commission (1964-66) professed, "The destiny of India is now being shaped in her classrooms". India has had a time-honored tradition of holding teachers in great regard. The famous Sanskrit shloka Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Guru Devo, Maheshwara commands the learners to consider teachers as Gods, such is the status of teachers in the society. Indeed, educators throughout the world give their best to provide quality education and contribute to sustainable development.
It is said that only an appropriate teacher can create the right doctor, sound engineers, honest politicians and a good citizen of the society. But unfortunately, there is a sizeable dearth of proficient teachers in the country in the present time. According to the latest report by ASSOCHAM, at present, there are about 50 percent vacancies in schools across the country, with 30,000 vacancies for teachers in Haryana alone where more than 800 schools are being run without principals.
This shortage can be filled by the entrance of teachers who are well trained with the skills required for being a right teacher, as non-trained teachers often face a tough time in making students understand the concepts resulting into a bad teaching-learning experience. The rapid technological advances enabling technology integrated into education, demands the modern day teachers to be versed with the uses of ICT in the classrooms. In this scenario, a Bachelor in Education degree helps the aspiring teachers profoundly. The recent upgradation of public schools along with the introduction of numerous reputed schools has put the compulsory norm for the candidates to hold a B.Ed degree.
The need for a skilled bracket of teachers led to an explosion in the number of Teacher training institutes in the country. This makes the individuals who are having an interest in teaching unclear regarding which college will be right for them in terms of infrastructure, faculty expertise, learning resources or quality. To help the students who are dreaming of becoming a teacher, we have rounded up a brief list of the country's best teacher training institutes after an in-depth research and contemplation as "Top 10 Promising B.Ed Colleges in India-2018." Our team of experts has made sure that the shortlisted institutes live up successfully to the expectations of the contemporary criterion for quality teacher education.
It is said that only an appropriate teacher can create the right doctor, sound engineers, honest politicians and a good citizen of the society. But unfortunately, there is a sizeable dearth of proficient teachers in the country in the present time. According to the latest report by ASSOCHAM, at present, there are about 50 percent vacancies in schools across the country, with 30,000 vacancies for teachers in Haryana alone where more than 800 schools are being run without principals.
This shortage can be filled by the entrance of teachers who are well trained with the skills required for being a right teacher, as non-trained teachers often face a tough time in making students understand the concepts resulting into a bad teaching-learning experience. The rapid technological advances enabling technology integrated into education, demands the modern day teachers to be versed with the uses of ICT in the classrooms. In this scenario, a Bachelor in Education degree helps the aspiring teachers profoundly. The recent upgradation of public schools along with the introduction of numerous reputed schools has put the compulsory norm for the candidates to hold a B.Ed degree.
The need for a skilled bracket of teachers led to an explosion in the number of Teacher training institutes in the country. This makes the individuals who are having an interest in teaching unclear regarding which college will be right for them in terms of infrastructure, faculty expertise, learning resources or quality. To help the students who are dreaming of becoming a teacher, we have rounded up a brief list of the country's best teacher training institutes after an in-depth research and contemplation as "Top 10 Promising B.Ed Colleges in India-2018." Our team of experts has made sure that the shortlisted institutes live up successfully to the expectations of the contemporary criterion for quality teacher education.