The University of South Wales

The University of South Wales is a major player in British and global higher education. The University formed South Wales was formed in 2013 by the merger of the University of Glamorgan and the University of Wales, Newport. The university has a strong record of employability, with more than 94 percent of their graduates in employment or further study six months after course completion. At the University of South Wales students can learn more through the practical methods. They are a leader in using simulation to enhance teaching and learning. Students get a head start in their professions by training in state-of-the-art simulated environments. Internationally acclaimed clinical simulation centre, a courtroom, a forensic scene-of-crime house, film, fashion and music studios, a stock trading floor, an aerospace centre which includes a real Jetstream 31 airplane and flight simulator, and sporting facilities used and endorsed by world champions such as the All Blacks and the Springbooks are few to list among them. The University of South Wales is a popular choice amongst Indian students and currently they have more than 230 Indian students studying in the campus.