The Inevitability Of Higher Order Teaching Pedagogies

Harsha S. Aluri, Director IT, KL University
"Tell me I forget. Teach me and I may Remember. Involve me and I learn" - Benjamin Franklin
The very purpose of education is to make mans' life simple - to set himself in equilibrium with the world. Wisdom is the abundance of common-sense and this sense can be grasped only by putting the acquired knowledge to implementation. This ideal is the premise of modern education system to drive students in the quest of insightful knowledge and explore challenges. As an effect, higher order teaching pedagogies have emerged as a testimony for greater endeavors.
"It is the quintessential standard to be set by the educators. When students are incubated to pursue higher education this way, their learning becomes joyful and ever rewarding. They see no difference between life and career anymore. Self-growth leads them to an ethical-life, and emotions help them empathize with their peers. Ultimately, the highest manifestations in them unfold to discover the likes of Einsteins, Gandhis, and the Tolstoys!"
The dawn of 21st century has determined the way and life of education today. As computers have replicated our heads and as cellular technology has become a new window to the world, education now has prudently augmented it's margin by not remaining a mere tool for the privileged few but has come within the reach of each and every enthusiastic learner. With these very prospects of digitization, our way of life has certainly been uplifted. The better we educate ourselves, the better have we secured our future.
True Education is the culmination of human embodiment. Thanks to globalization that has brought all the fists of academic institutions together to take a leap towards a better future. Also, thanks to the invention of internet that is the sweetest fruit of past century's science and technology.
The world of academicians, educationists and researchers in teaching methodologies, whether to leave their mark or to gain a prominent position in their respective domains are ever dwelling into the deeper waters of the pedagogic curriculums to come up with a prime jewel. This very drive is constantly changing the way the education is to be perceived and perfected in keeping the best interests of the pupil in mind.
The esteemed universities are always keeping a constant eye towards these emerging trends that best suits their overall philosophy towards education.
The following are the few among many models that are being readily instilled as inevitable facets of higher education:
Project Based Learning
What separates traditional classroom environment from project based learning is that in the former, there is always a perpetual wall hanging between the student and the world he belongs to. While in the latter, a prism has been replaced to perceive the world with what he has been learning. The old school model teaches facts in a passive way and hence isn't adequate for the student to face the world with all it's colossal advents. Hence arrived the need for Project-based learning that integrates tradition with 21st century skills like team work, problem-solving, research, time-management, technology and self-growth.
Lab Taken To Class
The dynamic approaches of modern pedagogy have dispelled the gaps between students and their objectives by bringing labs into their classrooms. The prime motive behind this advent is to make perceptive learning to be transformed into cognitive practicality in immediacy. When concurrency and availability of labs are right at the students' dispense in a classroom, gained-knowledge is compelled to turn itself into realised-concepts. This technique incorporates content and process to be unified in simultaneity leaving no space for volatile nature of the mind. Research suggests that laboratory experiences in classrooms are more likely to foster students with a thoughtfully sequenced flow of instructions in two emphatic ways, the mastery in subject matter and enhanced scientific reasoning.
Hence, Lab taken to class precisely design the learning outcomes in mind 'then and there'.
Flipped Classrooms
A novel trend in learning that has emerged as the essence of extensive research done by academicians and other collaborative experts is a Flipped Classroom, where learner-centric activities have taken over a traditional classroom. Flipped classrooms do work quite the reverse of traditional classrooms where less didactic approaches in learning are engaged through online content, reference videos, and subject matter consortiums.
In a flipped classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions, or carry out research beforehand, while engaging in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of a mentor. Instructions have rather turned down into constructive-discussions between students and their teachers. A more time can be spent in class on higher-order thinking skills such as problem-finding, collaboration, design and problem solving, work in groups, research, and construct knowledge with the help of their teachers and peers.
The world of opportunities has been dichotomized into immediate success and complicated lifestyle. Unless a student is both academically skillful and adventurously innovative, he is incompetent to face life in its entirety. Hence, the necessity of higher order teaching pedagogies. They offer the student a dynamic approach through internalization, to feel while he thinks and to comprehend what he apprehends. This typology of learning never exhausts the mind but rather makes it a device of Innovation.
It is the quintessential standard to be set by the educators. When students are incubated to pursue higher education this way, their learning becomes joyful and ever rewarding. They see no difference between life and career anymore. Self-growth leads them to an ethical-life, and emotions help them empathize with their peers. Ultimately, the highest manifestations in them unfold to discover the likes of Einsteins,Gandhis, and the Tolstoys!
The very purpose of education is to make mans' life simple - to set himself in equilibrium with the world. Wisdom is the abundance of common-sense and this sense can be grasped only by putting the acquired knowledge to implementation. This ideal is the premise of modern education system to drive students in the quest of insightful knowledge and explore challenges. As an effect, higher order teaching pedagogies have emerged as a testimony for greater endeavors.
"It is the quintessential standard to be set by the educators. When students are incubated to pursue higher education this way, their learning becomes joyful and ever rewarding. They see no difference between life and career anymore. Self-growth leads them to an ethical-life, and emotions help them empathize with their peers. Ultimately, the highest manifestations in them unfold to discover the likes of Einsteins, Gandhis, and the Tolstoys!"
The dawn of 21st century has determined the way and life of education today. As computers have replicated our heads and as cellular technology has become a new window to the world, education now has prudently augmented it's margin by not remaining a mere tool for the privileged few but has come within the reach of each and every enthusiastic learner. With these very prospects of digitization, our way of life has certainly been uplifted. The better we educate ourselves, the better have we secured our future.
True Education is the culmination of human embodiment. Thanks to globalization that has brought all the fists of academic institutions together to take a leap towards a better future. Also, thanks to the invention of internet that is the sweetest fruit of past century's science and technology.
The world of academicians, educationists and researchers in teaching methodologies, whether to leave their mark or to gain a prominent position in their respective domains are ever dwelling into the deeper waters of the pedagogic curriculums to come up with a prime jewel. This very drive is constantly changing the way the education is to be perceived and perfected in keeping the best interests of the pupil in mind.
The esteemed universities are always keeping a constant eye towards these emerging trends that best suits their overall philosophy towards education.
The following are the few among many models that are being readily instilled as inevitable facets of higher education:
Project Based Learning
What separates traditional classroom environment from project based learning is that in the former, there is always a perpetual wall hanging between the student and the world he belongs to. While in the latter, a prism has been replaced to perceive the world with what he has been learning. The old school model teaches facts in a passive way and hence isn't adequate for the student to face the world with all it's colossal advents. Hence arrived the need for Project-based learning that integrates tradition with 21st century skills like team work, problem-solving, research, time-management, technology and self-growth.
Lab Taken To Class
The dynamic approaches of modern pedagogy have dispelled the gaps between students and their objectives by bringing labs into their classrooms. The prime motive behind this advent is to make perceptive learning to be transformed into cognitive practicality in immediacy. When concurrency and availability of labs are right at the students' dispense in a classroom, gained-knowledge is compelled to turn itself into realised-concepts. This technique incorporates content and process to be unified in simultaneity leaving no space for volatile nature of the mind. Research suggests that laboratory experiences in classrooms are more likely to foster students with a thoughtfully sequenced flow of instructions in two emphatic ways, the mastery in subject matter and enhanced scientific reasoning.
Hence, Lab taken to class precisely design the learning outcomes in mind 'then and there'.
Flipped Classrooms
A novel trend in learning that has emerged as the essence of extensive research done by academicians and other collaborative experts is a Flipped Classroom, where learner-centric activities have taken over a traditional classroom. Flipped classrooms do work quite the reverse of traditional classrooms where less didactic approaches in learning are engaged through online content, reference videos, and subject matter consortiums.
In a flipped classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions, or carry out research beforehand, while engaging in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of a mentor. Instructions have rather turned down into constructive-discussions between students and their teachers. A more time can be spent in class on higher-order thinking skills such as problem-finding, collaboration, design and problem solving, work in groups, research, and construct knowledge with the help of their teachers and peers.
The world of opportunities has been dichotomized into immediate success and complicated lifestyle. Unless a student is both academically skillful and adventurously innovative, he is incompetent to face life in its entirety. Hence, the necessity of higher order teaching pedagogies. They offer the student a dynamic approach through internalization, to feel while he thinks and to comprehend what he apprehends. This typology of learning never exhausts the mind but rather makes it a device of Innovation.
It is the quintessential standard to be set by the educators. When students are incubated to pursue higher education this way, their learning becomes joyful and ever rewarding. They see no difference between life and career anymore. Self-growth leads them to an ethical-life, and emotions help them empathize with their peers. Ultimately, the highest manifestations in them unfold to discover the likes of Einsteins,Gandhis, and the Tolstoys!