The Dawn of a New Era of Entertainment

The media and entertainment market in India is poised to rise to Rs. 1,66,000 crores by 2017 from a current estimated size of Rs. 91,700 crores. The entertainment industry is witnessing a new era with the disruptive presence of companies such as Netflix exploring opportunities in the country. The company launched in 2007 has a presence in over 130 markets across the world and annual revenue of over $ 6 billion.
These developments and investments from foreign organizations are led by developments within the country. By the end of 2014, India had around 116 million internet enabled smartphones and the number is expected to reach 435 million by the year 2019. This growth presents a good opportunity for digital content aggregators, advertisers, app developers and online streaming companies to engage users through relevant mobile-led strategies. Even Facebook has tried to penetrate the Indian market with its largely unpopular philanthropic program called The program has been largely unsuccessful in the country due to the violation of net neutrality. Netflix faces a similar challenge in market penetration with the lack of proliferation of internet in the subcontinent and more so with the FUP cap clause maintained by ISPs. However, it was an exciting year with one of the major highlights being the implementation of �Digital India: A program to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy� by the government. With a drive towards progress the media and entertainment industry is poised to move towards a progressive future.
Owing to the rapid developments in the sector, the media industry is also able to generate a large amount of job opportunities. To aid enthusiasts, students and aspiring candidates alike, who are looking for a good platform to acquire the skills to enter and survive the industry, we are coming up with an issue that can rid them of their woes. This issue of The Higher Education Review Magazine presents "20 Most Promising Media and Mass Communication Institutes.�
Addendum: In the December Engineering College of the Year, 2015 issue, there was an error in printing the name of Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management. Our team apologies for the error and hopes to eliminate such occurrences in the future.
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These developments and investments from foreign organizations are led by developments within the country. By the end of 2014, India had around 116 million internet enabled smartphones and the number is expected to reach 435 million by the year 2019. This growth presents a good opportunity for digital content aggregators, advertisers, app developers and online streaming companies to engage users through relevant mobile-led strategies. Even Facebook has tried to penetrate the Indian market with its largely unpopular philanthropic program called The program has been largely unsuccessful in the country due to the violation of net neutrality. Netflix faces a similar challenge in market penetration with the lack of proliferation of internet in the subcontinent and more so with the FUP cap clause maintained by ISPs. However, it was an exciting year with one of the major highlights being the implementation of �Digital India: A program to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy� by the government. With a drive towards progress the media and entertainment industry is poised to move towards a progressive future.
Owing to the rapid developments in the sector, the media industry is also able to generate a large amount of job opportunities. To aid enthusiasts, students and aspiring candidates alike, who are looking for a good platform to acquire the skills to enter and survive the industry, we are coming up with an issue that can rid them of their woes. This issue of The Higher Education Review Magazine presents "20 Most Promising Media and Mass Communication Institutes.�
Addendum: In the December Engineering College of the Year, 2015 issue, there was an error in printing the name of Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management. Our team apologies for the error and hopes to eliminate such occurrences in the future.
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