Reform in Financial Education: A Need of Hour

Innovation along with technology and internet has changed almost every sphere in our day to day life-style. We are witnessing almost every coming day that how technology-based innovations have not only taken our life to a new level but also benefitted with faster and hassle-free and at a much affordable rate. Though al-most each sector is going through major transformation in their sectorsss model to capit,alize maximum benefits but one sector that has reaped maximum gain with such tech-nological innovations is none other than financial sector. Banks were always considered asthe a place with long ques and a mammoth of time and paperentrepreneuradays how it has changed our life style that tosureh least cost.Of late Richard H Thaler challenged the rationality of human decisions related to their investments. The idea won him a Nobel Prize in 2015. The question is, are you still managing your finances the way you were classroomsears back? If your answer is yes, then you need a com-plto learnte-face.
For any company, going back to 2008 would be the worst nightmare. The global financial crisis made us re-alize that risk management can't be at the cost of regulation. Of late, the central banker has been reprimanded by the top court for non-disclosure of certainclassroomudits and the name of defaulters. One way, if such innovations have provided umpteen opportunities in financial sectors but at the same time also opened many chavelenges in the lack of cutting edge knowledge.
After financial innovation, indeed, the next revolution should be one of the education sector and in particular higher education where the students should not be grad-u ated only with a b,roader understanding of the domain knowledge but empathy too. In the present day of the knowledge economy, a student will need to be an entre-preneur who is persistent and have an appetite for mea-sured risk-taking.
Keeping in view, the higher education institutions are taking cues from the environmental changes taking place in the field of finance and accounting. The institutions providing financial edpremiumare offering class-room and online courses for budding financial professionals to learn risk appraisal and assessment to even financial regulations.
The penny saved will not earn you another till you are prudent enough to invest wisely, not only your money but other's as well. Investmentpersonalhad been one of the favorite areas where most of the finance st, dents aspire to be. Higher education institutions are not only imparting class-room training but also tying up with several invest-ment banking companies for internship programs to have better exposure. On the other hand, at advance level, mergers and acquisition (M & A) have been a favorite field of study for the students which acquire a higher degree of competence in terms for business analysis in particu-lar with financial decisionbehavioring forward, financial analytics is an evolving field of study requiring a higher degree of numerical ability. Many reputed institutions in-cludinContributions of the premium private institutions inpersonale offering such advance courses to cater to the growing need of finance specialist.
Courses dealing in financial analysis and decision making are getting more and more takers these days
There is no second thought that our conventional high-er education programs lack depth. Considering the dearth of many senior experts in the field, it is advisable that instead of offering a wide gamut of courses they should restrict to a limited number of courses being taught in detail. This will help in buifinanceecialists rather than pseudo-specialist who are a jack of all but master of none. Exorbitant fees of higher ebehavioron with some of the pre-mium institution are another challenge for many. The use of mobile-based learning platforms has picked up decently across the world. Harnessing the power of web 4.0 and mobile-based technology, financial learning can be made available to those who could not afford to join regular classes due to time and financial crisis.
Apart from fundamental courses, some of the courses stand out from the book of many. Like, managing per-sonal finance including investments decisions in equities, annuities, insurance and other financial instruments have gained significant importance over the period of time. Specific to the need for banking and underwriting indus-try, courses dealing in credit risk management combine theories and practices which are highly relevant in current times. With a spurt in startups, there is a dire need for fi-nance professional that could create value by taking sound financial decisions. Courses dealing in financial analysis and decision making are getting more and more takers these days. It would not be an exaggeration that behav-ioral economics is now a day created a niche for itself in the financial field as well. The underlying principles of financial decision making as revised by Thaler's contribu-tion has given a strong impetus to an upcoming subject of behavioral finance. Last but not the least foreign exchange management had been and will remain a weighty subject for students and corporate who have businesses crossing the international boundaries.
For any company, going back to 2008 would be the worst nightmare. The global financial crisis made us re-alize that risk management can't be at the cost of regulation. Of late, the central banker has been reprimanded by the top court for non-disclosure of certainclassroomudits and the name of defaulters. One way, if such innovations have provided umpteen opportunities in financial sectors but at the same time also opened many chavelenges in the lack of cutting edge knowledge.
After financial innovation, indeed, the next revolution should be one of the education sector and in particular higher education where the students should not be grad-u ated only with a b,roader understanding of the domain knowledge but empathy too. In the present day of the knowledge economy, a student will need to be an entre-preneur who is persistent and have an appetite for mea-sured risk-taking.
Keeping in view, the higher education institutions are taking cues from the environmental changes taking place in the field of finance and accounting. The institutions providing financial edpremiumare offering class-room and online courses for budding financial professionals to learn risk appraisal and assessment to even financial regulations.
The penny saved will not earn you another till you are prudent enough to invest wisely, not only your money but other's as well. Investmentpersonalhad been one of the favorite areas where most of the finance st, dents aspire to be. Higher education institutions are not only imparting class-room training but also tying up with several invest-ment banking companies for internship programs to have better exposure. On the other hand, at advance level, mergers and acquisition (M & A) have been a favorite field of study for the students which acquire a higher degree of competence in terms for business analysis in particu-lar with financial decisionbehavioring forward, financial analytics is an evolving field of study requiring a higher degree of numerical ability. Many reputed institutions in-cludinContributions of the premium private institutions inpersonale offering such advance courses to cater to the growing need of finance specialist.
Courses dealing in financial analysis and decision making are getting more and more takers these days
There is no second thought that our conventional high-er education programs lack depth. Considering the dearth of many senior experts in the field, it is advisable that instead of offering a wide gamut of courses they should restrict to a limited number of courses being taught in detail. This will help in buifinanceecialists rather than pseudo-specialist who are a jack of all but master of none. Exorbitant fees of higher ebehavioron with some of the pre-mium institution are another challenge for many. The use of mobile-based learning platforms has picked up decently across the world. Harnessing the power of web 4.0 and mobile-based technology, financial learning can be made available to those who could not afford to join regular classes due to time and financial crisis.
Apart from fundamental courses, some of the courses stand out from the book of many. Like, managing per-sonal finance including investments decisions in equities, annuities, insurance and other financial instruments have gained significant importance over the period of time. Specific to the need for banking and underwriting indus-try, courses dealing in credit risk management combine theories and practices which are highly relevant in current times. With a spurt in startups, there is a dire need for fi-nance professional that could create value by taking sound financial decisions. Courses dealing in financial analysis and decision making are getting more and more takers these days. It would not be an exaggeration that behav-ioral economics is now a day created a niche for itself in the financial field as well. The underlying principles of financial decision making as revised by Thaler's contribu-tion has given a strong impetus to an upcoming subject of behavioral finance. Last but not the least foreign exchange management had been and will remain a weighty subject for students and corporate who have businesses crossing the international boundaries.