Prospective Solution To Maximize The Positive Impacts And Minimize The Negative Impacts Of Tourism Industry

Dr. Anukrati Sharma, Associate Professor, University of Kota
Law forms our society and controls every single feature in our lives. It characterizes our responsibilities, and also serves to legalize and identify relationships and gives us means of equalize when problems arises. To study law in a subject like Tourism means making the most significant contribution towards society, as tourism and law are both related to society and serve them. In this era, we are observing the negative shades of tourism on the society. It is much more needed to be focused on the courses like Tourism Law.
The fundamental principles, theories, approaches, practices and key ideas of this particular course must be designed with the guidance of experts from various fields. There is no doubt that tourism industry in India has immense potential, but still, it is one of the most unorganized sectors of our country. The unemployment ratio of our country can be reduced to some extent by enhancing the tourism sector. It is one of the largest industries to generate employability in India. But the question is ¬ on which cost we develop Tourism in our Country? The negative impacts are visible on society, heritage, culture, wildlife and on the environment.
The tourism industry enhanced the extensive usages of natural resources, more consumption of water and energy, thrashing the belief system, ruining traditions, in-creasing prostitution in other words sex tourism, cutting down the forest, and many more. They are the common negative outcomes of the tourism industry. In fact, some-times it is like we are neglecting our people `Domestic Tourist' to attract the International Tourists. Hence, it is essential to efficiently and effectively formulate and implement the tourism policy. For the strict implementation of the formulated policy, we need to teach law in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism studies to our youngsters.
“The tourism law degree must provide students a theoretical, philosophical and practical foundation in legalization”
Tourism Law is not only a subject to study, but it is guidelines of the rules, principles, and policies that strengthen society. The tourism law degree must provide students a theoretical, philosophical and practical foundation in legalization. In this century we need to provide the students a degree which not only let them know about the know-how about the subject but makes them under-stand why and how they could be innovative and more effective in their specializations. Tourism industry affects Regional, State, National and Global employment. There is an immeasurable untapped possibility of the course on Tourism Laws in our country.
The courses may provide Post Graduate Diploma in Tourism and Social Law, Post Graduate Diploma in Tour-ism Management and Law, Post Graduate Diploma in Ecotourism and Law, Post Graduate Diploma in e- Tourism and Law and Post Graduate Diploma in Accessible Tour-ism and Law. These programmes can provide solutions to many issues related to the tourism industry. Probably these programmes will shape up the Tourism industry in a better way. The aspirants will be acquainted with the lacunas of tourism policy. Moreover, the programmes will provide a wider scope of study about the local and global tourism laws. It is a high time when the colleges and Universities need to provide students the courses/ programmes which are beyond the obvious choice.
Dr. Anukrati Sharma, Associate Professor
Dr. Anukrati Sharma is currently Associate Professor in the Faculty of Commerce and Management, University of Kota, Kota Rajasthan, India. She has worked as an internal trainer and teacher in the management arena. She is serving as the Editorial Board Member of 26 reputed National and International Journals and has attended and presented 51 papers in International and National Conferences.
The fundamental principles, theories, approaches, practices and key ideas of this particular course must be designed with the guidance of experts from various fields. There is no doubt that tourism industry in India has immense potential, but still, it is one of the most unorganized sectors of our country. The unemployment ratio of our country can be reduced to some extent by enhancing the tourism sector. It is one of the largest industries to generate employability in India. But the question is ¬ on which cost we develop Tourism in our Country? The negative impacts are visible on society, heritage, culture, wildlife and on the environment.
The tourism industry enhanced the extensive usages of natural resources, more consumption of water and energy, thrashing the belief system, ruining traditions, in-creasing prostitution in other words sex tourism, cutting down the forest, and many more. They are the common negative outcomes of the tourism industry. In fact, some-times it is like we are neglecting our people `Domestic Tourist' to attract the International Tourists. Hence, it is essential to efficiently and effectively formulate and implement the tourism policy. For the strict implementation of the formulated policy, we need to teach law in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism studies to our youngsters.
“The tourism law degree must provide students a theoretical, philosophical and practical foundation in legalization”
Tourism Law is not only a subject to study, but it is guidelines of the rules, principles, and policies that strengthen society. The tourism law degree must provide students a theoretical, philosophical and practical foundation in legalization. In this century we need to provide the students a degree which not only let them know about the know-how about the subject but makes them under-stand why and how they could be innovative and more effective in their specializations. Tourism industry affects Regional, State, National and Global employment. There is an immeasurable untapped possibility of the course on Tourism Laws in our country.
The courses may provide Post Graduate Diploma in Tourism and Social Law, Post Graduate Diploma in Tour-ism Management and Law, Post Graduate Diploma in Ecotourism and Law, Post Graduate Diploma in e- Tourism and Law and Post Graduate Diploma in Accessible Tour-ism and Law. These programmes can provide solutions to many issues related to the tourism industry. Probably these programmes will shape up the Tourism industry in a better way. The aspirants will be acquainted with the lacunas of tourism policy. Moreover, the programmes will provide a wider scope of study about the local and global tourism laws. It is a high time when the colleges and Universities need to provide students the courses/ programmes which are beyond the obvious choice.
Dr. Anukrati Sharma, Associate Professor
Dr. Anukrati Sharma is currently Associate Professor in the Faculty of Commerce and Management, University of Kota, Kota Rajasthan, India. She has worked as an internal trainer and teacher in the management arena. She is serving as the Editorial Board Member of 26 reputed National and International Journals and has attended and presented 51 papers in International and National Conferences.