Outlook on the Present Higher Education Scenario

Shiju Babu, CEO OBH Pvt Ltd Company
?The aim of education is to bridge the gap between the land of queries and the land of solutions.? Learning is a process of acquiring new information. In ancient times, we followed the ?Gurukula? system, where the student stayed with the teacher serving him. The bond between the teacher and the student was deep and the knowledge was pure. As time moved on, man got scientific and technologically assisted with which he acquired new methods to study. The wedge between the student and the teacher increased. The world has taken a leap from the world of palm leaf manuscripts to the world of tablets and virtual classrooms.
Education for the present generation is a sea of opportunities and choices. The students are moulded according to their calibre and their taste. The boundary of a classroom is long forgotten. The present system of teaching greatly affects the field of education. The learners are given the freedom to discuss their thoughts related to the concept and the subject. The availability of learning software like ?Moodle? provides current and student friendly methods for the learners to enhance their learning independently.
"Political rivalry among teachers will spread gloom to the personality and humanity of both the teachers and students"
Education is not only limited to the academic level but as Mahatma Gandhi said, ?By education I mean an overall drawing out of the best in man and child-body, mind and spirit?. It cannot be restricted and barred within the walls of a class. The leaner needs to develop his people skills and other soft skills in order to build a complete identity.
The 21st century is an era overwhelmed with all its pride. Each nation has its own cultural varieties and heritage. But the common thread that unites all the mankind is the ?technology?. Each day passes by acknowledging us with the new inventions in the technological field.There is a big gap between the generations before and after the year 2000. The overflow of technology gave a surge in IQ of the present generation. So it was the responsibility of the teachers to equip the learners to be technologically competent by improving their learning environment.
?Why do we need technology/ technological aspects in teaching?? We see this common question nowadays. There are many reasons for this. First, it is a technique for improving the learning capability of the learners. The usage of audio, visual, or such aids help them to register what they learn. Secondly, it is the creation of a favourable environment for the learner. The external exposure that they get is utilized in the curricular sector too. The practicability of the learned elements are enhanced and made experienced through the technological aspects. ?Technology? does not mean or it is not a term that simply point out a computer or a mobile. Instead, it has a wider range of meanings that includes from a piece of decorated paper to the virtual reality classrooms.
Now the major question is, ?Should the teachers be aware of the so called technology?? Of course, the modern era is for the ones who are fit and well equipped. This is the perfect time for the quote, ?Survival of the fittest?. There is a popular concept called TPACK, where the teacher must be and should have technological, pedagogical and content knowledge.
Technological knowledge highlights the practical abilities of the teacher. It focuses on how the teacher imparts the curricular objectives as well as the elements in the daily life situations. India is one among the prominent nations that are obsessed with the technology and the first thing put forth by our honourable chief minister, NarendraModi is the ?Digital India? which symbolizes the entire technological aspects.
There is a huge difference between the traditional so called, ?oral teaching? and the new ?technologically enriched teaching?. Either a student of the old generation or the new generation surely wishes for something new, innovative, and creative and which is learner oriented. This quest or wish has grown into its peak where the teachers are forced to teach using technological elements.
A real teacher is the one who enrich his/her students in the most creative and comfortable manner. The plain oral teaching can be done by anyone, but it becomes so challenging when coming to the usage of technologies.
Many of the modern schools uses the facilities like smart boards, projectors, computers, language labs, scientific labs, virtual classrooms, flipped classroom teaching, e-based learning etc. The learners of the new era are searching for ?what is new?. The respect factor in this era depends on how advanced the teacher is, rather than how deep the teacher knows about the textual context.
Students want teachers who are representatives of TPACK. Because, the information overload from the various media and gadgets have set their minds in such a manner that they do not feel comfortable in the traditional way of teaching.
But ?What are the major issues that our students face?? ?Why are they not competent with the outside learners?? There are many elements for this. Lack of proper training pre-service and in-service training for teachers, lack of availability of equipment, less interest of teachers to use the modern way, lack of resources, school or institutional infrastructure etc. are some of the major issues. But if we could resolve such barriers, it will surely change the face of our nation. And most of all, it is the willingness and capability of the learners to impart such technological based teaching done in the institutions.
Teacher is the main actor in developing intellect and information. He or she explores all the available windows of wisdom and knowledge. He can influence the students. Most of the students swallow what the teacher says as it is. The teacher is a model to all students and hence they?ll love their teachers so very much and obey him wholeheartedly. The dressing, talks, habits, attitudes, knowledge and skills are appreciated by the students. The teacher should be affectionate, able and willing to convince and clear the doubts, impartial and sincere. He should be able to command among students not only inside the campus but also all throughout their life. The students will respect their teacher, if he talks to them, find out their problems and solve it. If the teacher is multi skilled in different subjects, they will have of course, develop an attitude of worship. But alas! Where can we find such a teacher!
Unfortunately, the present day teachers are not solving but creating problems among students, inside the campus, making disputes among the staffs. if any student is slow to understand or asking a doubt, the teacher will shout or may even punish him. How can we face such a situation? Be patient, talk calm and peacefully, find out his problem and try to solve it with great care and affection. Be impartial to all students despite of caste, colour, creed, religion or politics. Corporal punishment may be considered if it is inevitable. Do not try to play politics inside the campus and spoil the bright future of the students. Political rivalry among teachers will spread gloom to the personality and humanity of both the teachers and students.
Now it all comes to the point that, what measures can be adopted to solve this situation. First of all, the teacher must have a deep content knowledge as well as competent as a teacher. Then he/she must utilize the various internet as well as technological advancements such as flipped classroom, computer enabled teaching, interactive sessions, teaching through activity method and the list goes on. Next the teacher must join an online teacher association and must engage in everything and keep on updating themselves. The teacher must try to understand the learners and adopt various strategies according to it and better keep in mind that a good teacher tells students what to do. An excellent teacher shows them how to do and a master teacher becomes a part of the student group and together moves on. The teacher must be a part of the group to make the students to exhibit their real output.
Thus, the duty of a teacher is moulding good human beings at home, school, society and nation. It is worth honor and prestige. Be committed to learn throughout life and teach until your last breath.
Education for the present generation is a sea of opportunities and choices. The students are moulded according to their calibre and their taste. The boundary of a classroom is long forgotten. The present system of teaching greatly affects the field of education. The learners are given the freedom to discuss their thoughts related to the concept and the subject. The availability of learning software like ?Moodle? provides current and student friendly methods for the learners to enhance their learning independently.
"Political rivalry among teachers will spread gloom to the personality and humanity of both the teachers and students"
Education is not only limited to the academic level but as Mahatma Gandhi said, ?By education I mean an overall drawing out of the best in man and child-body, mind and spirit?. It cannot be restricted and barred within the walls of a class. The leaner needs to develop his people skills and other soft skills in order to build a complete identity.
The 21st century is an era overwhelmed with all its pride. Each nation has its own cultural varieties and heritage. But the common thread that unites all the mankind is the ?technology?. Each day passes by acknowledging us with the new inventions in the technological field.There is a big gap between the generations before and after the year 2000. The overflow of technology gave a surge in IQ of the present generation. So it was the responsibility of the teachers to equip the learners to be technologically competent by improving their learning environment.
?Why do we need technology/ technological aspects in teaching?? We see this common question nowadays. There are many reasons for this. First, it is a technique for improving the learning capability of the learners. The usage of audio, visual, or such aids help them to register what they learn. Secondly, it is the creation of a favourable environment for the learner. The external exposure that they get is utilized in the curricular sector too. The practicability of the learned elements are enhanced and made experienced through the technological aspects. ?Technology? does not mean or it is not a term that simply point out a computer or a mobile. Instead, it has a wider range of meanings that includes from a piece of decorated paper to the virtual reality classrooms.
Now the major question is, ?Should the teachers be aware of the so called technology?? Of course, the modern era is for the ones who are fit and well equipped. This is the perfect time for the quote, ?Survival of the fittest?. There is a popular concept called TPACK, where the teacher must be and should have technological, pedagogical and content knowledge.
Technological knowledge highlights the practical abilities of the teacher. It focuses on how the teacher imparts the curricular objectives as well as the elements in the daily life situations. India is one among the prominent nations that are obsessed with the technology and the first thing put forth by our honourable chief minister, NarendraModi is the ?Digital India? which symbolizes the entire technological aspects.
There is a huge difference between the traditional so called, ?oral teaching? and the new ?technologically enriched teaching?. Either a student of the old generation or the new generation surely wishes for something new, innovative, and creative and which is learner oriented. This quest or wish has grown into its peak where the teachers are forced to teach using technological elements.
A real teacher is the one who enrich his/her students in the most creative and comfortable manner. The plain oral teaching can be done by anyone, but it becomes so challenging when coming to the usage of technologies.
Many of the modern schools uses the facilities like smart boards, projectors, computers, language labs, scientific labs, virtual classrooms, flipped classroom teaching, e-based learning etc. The learners of the new era are searching for ?what is new?. The respect factor in this era depends on how advanced the teacher is, rather than how deep the teacher knows about the textual context.
Students want teachers who are representatives of TPACK. Because, the information overload from the various media and gadgets have set their minds in such a manner that they do not feel comfortable in the traditional way of teaching.
But ?What are the major issues that our students face?? ?Why are they not competent with the outside learners?? There are many elements for this. Lack of proper training pre-service and in-service training for teachers, lack of availability of equipment, less interest of teachers to use the modern way, lack of resources, school or institutional infrastructure etc. are some of the major issues. But if we could resolve such barriers, it will surely change the face of our nation. And most of all, it is the willingness and capability of the learners to impart such technological based teaching done in the institutions.
Teacher is the main actor in developing intellect and information. He or she explores all the available windows of wisdom and knowledge. He can influence the students. Most of the students swallow what the teacher says as it is. The teacher is a model to all students and hence they?ll love their teachers so very much and obey him wholeheartedly. The dressing, talks, habits, attitudes, knowledge and skills are appreciated by the students. The teacher should be affectionate, able and willing to convince and clear the doubts, impartial and sincere. He should be able to command among students not only inside the campus but also all throughout their life. The students will respect their teacher, if he talks to them, find out their problems and solve it. If the teacher is multi skilled in different subjects, they will have of course, develop an attitude of worship. But alas! Where can we find such a teacher!
Unfortunately, the present day teachers are not solving but creating problems among students, inside the campus, making disputes among the staffs. if any student is slow to understand or asking a doubt, the teacher will shout or may even punish him. How can we face such a situation? Be patient, talk calm and peacefully, find out his problem and try to solve it with great care and affection. Be impartial to all students despite of caste, colour, creed, religion or politics. Corporal punishment may be considered if it is inevitable. Do not try to play politics inside the campus and spoil the bright future of the students. Political rivalry among teachers will spread gloom to the personality and humanity of both the teachers and students.
Now it all comes to the point that, what measures can be adopted to solve this situation. First of all, the teacher must have a deep content knowledge as well as competent as a teacher. Then he/she must utilize the various internet as well as technological advancements such as flipped classroom, computer enabled teaching, interactive sessions, teaching through activity method and the list goes on. Next the teacher must join an online teacher association and must engage in everything and keep on updating themselves. The teacher must try to understand the learners and adopt various strategies according to it and better keep in mind that a good teacher tells students what to do. An excellent teacher shows them how to do and a master teacher becomes a part of the student group and together moves on. The teacher must be a part of the group to make the students to exhibit their real output.
Thus, the duty of a teacher is moulding good human beings at home, school, society and nation. It is worth honor and prestige. Be committed to learn throughout life and teach until your last breath.