Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy

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Located in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy (NNSMA) is one of the most prestigious medical higher education establishments of the central part of Russia. The brilliant reputation and high educational standards make the academy popular among undergraduate and postgraduate students all over the world.

The academy actively collaborates with scientific centres of Russian Academy of Science and Russian Academy of Medical Science and also with the competent Universities of Europe and the USA and it helps students to apply their theoretical knowledge in the practice and to discover nuances of their future work from the very first years of study. The academy also imparts training according to international requirements and standards of the medical education and the academy also ensures student participation in the international scientific seminars and academic exchange programs conducted in English. The practical skills of the students are worked through the base of Practical Skills Centre equipped with simulators and educational materials which helps students to acquire the basics of medical and pre doctor care.

Further the combination of high level research activities together with advanced clinical practice assures the high level of students' preparation and graduation with a prestigious degree. The Academy constantly looks into the quality of education by including new educational programs with the focus on the demands of the modern healthcare. The main aim of the academy is to prepare highly qualified specialists in individual scientific and practical activities at the highest professional level. Study at the Academy contributes to the formation of the community-minded and harmonically developed personality due to the careful attitude to the student's leisure facilities, creating big number of students clubs and scientific societies. The students of the Academy take part in professional competitions and bursarial programs every year, they receive grants from the leading pharmaceutical companies for scientific and research activities.

Besides Russian students, there are also students from foreign countries such as Morocco, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Mauritius, Kenya, Tanzania, Jordan, Pakistan, Namibia and many others who study in this academy. Some of the foreign students study medicine completely in English medium, and some others study in Russian language.

With the inculcation of new teaching strategies and quality infrastructure, the college is providing great opportunities for all the aspiring students.

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