Medical Education: Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences

Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) started with the construction of a 200-bedded hospital in 1982. After two years, under the new policy of the Govt. of Maharashtra the medical college was established. Till then, healthcare facilities in Western Maharashtra were confined to metropolitan cities like Mumbai and Pune. People living in villages did not have access to health care wherein even primary health care facilities were deficient. There was also a pressing need for creating health awareness and providing health education in village communities. These circumstances prompted Late Jaywantrao Bhosale to establish the Krishna Institute with the noble objective of providing quality health care at an affordable cost for people living in rural areas. The University conducts five under Graduate, 40 post Graduate degree, six post graduate diploma, two super-speciality courses, PhD in 11 disciplines and 11 post-doctoral fellowship programs.
Today, KIMS is not just a medical college, but an abode of research. Students who come to seek knowledge in health sciences have to be aware that they are entering a program, which premeditates their involvement in research. "Faculty in health sciences besides being -clinicians and service providers" are also "teachers and researchers." Their contribution has to be all pervasive with universal reach and have to undergo "Refresher orientation courses" to update his knowledge, attitude and skills and contribute to its expansion by his/her involvement in research," claims Dr. Neelima A Malik, Vice Chancellor, KIMSDU. University has taken a number of steps to strengthen and promote research initiatives by undertaking interdisciplinary and inter-pathy research projects with a number of institutes and organization.
On the flipside, the university has a well-defined structured procedure for planning, designing and update of the curriculum along with adoption of global standards in medical education, reflecting the views of The World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) and Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME). KIMSDU has taken into account all the relevant stakeholders in designing curriculum, syllabi and courses. Training in research methodology and scientific use of library information resources along with modules on ethics and soft skills are a part of the KIMSDU curriculum, which inculcates values and right attitude for all round development of learners.
"The curriculum is periodically updated in order to make it socially relevant, skill oriented and knowledge intensive. It is structured and updated on the edifice of feedback analysis and recognition of student needs with intellectual inputs from alumni, expert faculty members, parents and peers," explains Dr. Malik. The university has developed infrastructure and learning recourses that not only comply with the requirement of the councils, but also have been further enhanced by providing the latest equipment and technologies to keep pace with the rapid advancements in health care and health education. Today, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University takes pride in being one of the largest health care facility & most sought after destination for health sciences in the state of Maharashtra.
Dr. Neelima A Malik, Vice Chancellor
She is academician par excellence with total teaching experience of 40 years in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and in Dentistry. Post graduate Teacher for 30 Years. She is the first women from the Dental fraternity, as well as from Oral & M/F surgical speciality to become the Vice Chancellor of a Health University in India. She was formerly a Dean, Professor and Head and Professor Emeritus, in the department of Oral and M/F surgery, Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai.
Did you know?
The University has 60 laboratories, which conduct practical training alongside providing services and undertaking research. Some of the laboratories are experimental in nature wherein the students can conduct their own experiments. In addition to that, the teaching hospital has 1125 beds with specialties in critical care, Cardiac Surgery, Neurosurgery, Urosurgery, Plastic and reconstructive Surgery and facility for organ transplant. The Institute has 14 ultra modern (modular) operation theatres, state of art radio diagnostic equipment like whole body, CT, MRI, and lineal accelerator for treatment of cancer. The dental hospital has 247 chairs and facilities for implants, with the establishment of a specialized ceramic laboratory. The dept. of Oral and Maxillo-facial surgery is well developed for treating oral cancers, congenital defects of the lip & palate and cosmetic dentistry.
Today, KIMS is not just a medical college, but an abode of research. Students who come to seek knowledge in health sciences have to be aware that they are entering a program, which premeditates their involvement in research. "Faculty in health sciences besides being -clinicians and service providers" are also "teachers and researchers." Their contribution has to be all pervasive with universal reach and have to undergo "Refresher orientation courses" to update his knowledge, attitude and skills and contribute to its expansion by his/her involvement in research," claims Dr. Neelima A Malik, Vice Chancellor, KIMSDU. University has taken a number of steps to strengthen and promote research initiatives by undertaking interdisciplinary and inter-pathy research projects with a number of institutes and organization.
On the flipside, the university has a well-defined structured procedure for planning, designing and update of the curriculum along with adoption of global standards in medical education, reflecting the views of The World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) and Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME). KIMSDU has taken into account all the relevant stakeholders in designing curriculum, syllabi and courses. Training in research methodology and scientific use of library information resources along with modules on ethics and soft skills are a part of the KIMSDU curriculum, which inculcates values and right attitude for all round development of learners.
"The curriculum is periodically updated in order to make it socially relevant, skill oriented and knowledge intensive. It is structured and updated on the edifice of feedback analysis and recognition of student needs with intellectual inputs from alumni, expert faculty members, parents and peers," explains Dr. Malik. The university has developed infrastructure and learning recourses that not only comply with the requirement of the councils, but also have been further enhanced by providing the latest equipment and technologies to keep pace with the rapid advancements in health care and health education. Today, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University takes pride in being one of the largest health care facility & most sought after destination for health sciences in the state of Maharashtra.
Dr. Neelima A Malik, Vice Chancellor
She is academician par excellence with total teaching experience of 40 years in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and in Dentistry. Post graduate Teacher for 30 Years. She is the first women from the Dental fraternity, as well as from Oral & M/F surgical speciality to become the Vice Chancellor of a Health University in India. She was formerly a Dean, Professor and Head and Professor Emeritus, in the department of Oral and M/F surgery, Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai.
Did you know?
The University has 60 laboratories, which conduct practical training alongside providing services and undertaking research. Some of the laboratories are experimental in nature wherein the students can conduct their own experiments. In addition to that, the teaching hospital has 1125 beds with specialties in critical care, Cardiac Surgery, Neurosurgery, Urosurgery, Plastic and reconstructive Surgery and facility for organ transplant. The Institute has 14 ultra modern (modular) operation theatres, state of art radio diagnostic equipment like whole body, CT, MRI, and lineal accelerator for treatment of cancer. The dental hospital has 247 chairs and facilities for implants, with the establishment of a specialized ceramic laboratory. The dept. of Oral and Maxillo-facial surgery is well developed for treating oral cancers, congenital defects of the lip & palate and cosmetic dentistry.