Material science: A New Air to Breathe

Every institute wants all of their students to get a good job after completing their degree. However, to find a good job one has to have good skills. Universities thus, need to offer good courses and research projects to develop good skills among its students. In this technology-filled world, there are a whole lot of fields to study and specialize. With the growing trend in the technological world, the need to study various specific courses increases too. Institutions are focusing particularly on teaching certain subjects that are pivotal these days and Material Science and Engineering is one among them.
Many universities nationally as well as internationally offer undergraduate, graduate and specialization courses for material sciences. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, IIT (BHU) Varanasi and University of Allahabad are some of the Indian universities that offer courses in this field. International universities are also a viable option as they are equipped with state-of-the �art infrastructure and most importantly, with advanced laboratories. Renowned colleges like MIT, Harvard and Oxford also offer this course. State Universities like Missouri State University, U.S., are a cost effective option for those who want equitable return of investment from their academic pursuits.
What is Material Science?
Materials science is a multidisciplinary field, which deals with synthesis and characterization of advanced materials and development of unique devices using these materials. This incorporates elements of physics, chemistry, electronics, metallurgy and nanoscience. Many high tech industries need research and education experience in interdisciplinary field. Students who flourish in this field are the ones with good analytical and thinking skills. Surely, strong math background also helps in solving problems in depth. Most of the students in MS program in materials science come from BS degree programs in Physics, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics, Chemistry. Experimental research projects in MS degree helps students deal with several state-of-the-art-instruments. These skills are very much useful later, to find a job in industry. Students should look to do internships at some industries, while at college, to broaden their experiences on this. Since this study of materials science also incorporates elements from nanoscience and biomedical fields, it is well connected with Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Metallurgy. This factor gives students, a wider range to select their respective course of study on this subject.
The study of Material Science is very vast and it gives career opportunities to students in more than just one field of technology. It prepares students for careers in the field of Defense industry, Novel Electronic materials, and Structural composites. Students with a strong academic background and the required training and skills in material science can find a lucrative career in high-tech companies. They also get a platform to be involved in developing new materials that can be used for technological advancements. With in-depth knowledge of materials and the right ideas to bring it into application, one can build a good career in this relatively new field of study. As the possibilities in material science are limitless, students with a thorough knowledge on this subject will definitely find adequate opportunities.
Almost every second student you meet today has an engineering degree. However, a degree in material science and engineering can be very promising in the competitive global market today. A degree in this subject certainly gives an extra edge from the regular engineering degree. With background in materials science, adding to the engineering degree, a student can really do well in the industry. Industries look to hire people who can solve problems and students with this extra edge are capable of doing it. However, not many colleges are providing this platform and the ones that do are not always relatively low in budget.
After deciding the subject, there are several factors to select a university. Students need to choose a university that matches their requirements depending on their economic and intellectual strength. One among the few institutions to be doing that today is Missouri State University, U.S. A pioneer in the field of materials science, the university not only takes pride in it but also helps students soar higher. Providing everything to educate students in the best possible way, the university has certainly given birth to a new species of engineering. In nutshell, a degree in material science and engineering can be very promising in the competitive global market (As told to HER Team).
Dr Karthik Ghosh
Dr. Kartik Ghosh is the Professor and Graduate Coordinator of Physics, Astronomy and Materials Science at Missouri State University, U. S. He has received several external grant awards of about 7 million dollars from the National Science Foundation, Department of Defense and National Institute of Health. Much of his work at MSU has been done with undergraduate and graduate (master\'s level) students. During the past 14 years 40 undergraduate students and 35 graduate students have completed various research projects under his supervision. He received both University Teaching and Research Award for his outstanding contribution in the integration of teaching and research at MSU.
\"The study of Material Science is very vast and it gives career opportunities to students in more than just one field of technology\".
Many universities nationally as well as internationally offer undergraduate, graduate and specialization courses for material sciences. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, IIT (BHU) Varanasi and University of Allahabad are some of the Indian universities that offer courses in this field. International universities are also a viable option as they are equipped with state-of-the �art infrastructure and most importantly, with advanced laboratories. Renowned colleges like MIT, Harvard and Oxford also offer this course. State Universities like Missouri State University, U.S., are a cost effective option for those who want equitable return of investment from their academic pursuits.
What is Material Science?
Materials science is a multidisciplinary field, which deals with synthesis and characterization of advanced materials and development of unique devices using these materials. This incorporates elements of physics, chemistry, electronics, metallurgy and nanoscience. Many high tech industries need research and education experience in interdisciplinary field. Students who flourish in this field are the ones with good analytical and thinking skills. Surely, strong math background also helps in solving problems in depth. Most of the students in MS program in materials science come from BS degree programs in Physics, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics, Chemistry. Experimental research projects in MS degree helps students deal with several state-of-the-art-instruments. These skills are very much useful later, to find a job in industry. Students should look to do internships at some industries, while at college, to broaden their experiences on this. Since this study of materials science also incorporates elements from nanoscience and biomedical fields, it is well connected with Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, and Metallurgy. This factor gives students, a wider range to select their respective course of study on this subject.
The study of Material Science is very vast and it gives career opportunities to students in more than just one field of technology. It prepares students for careers in the field of Defense industry, Novel Electronic materials, and Structural composites. Students with a strong academic background and the required training and skills in material science can find a lucrative career in high-tech companies. They also get a platform to be involved in developing new materials that can be used for technological advancements. With in-depth knowledge of materials and the right ideas to bring it into application, one can build a good career in this relatively new field of study. As the possibilities in material science are limitless, students with a thorough knowledge on this subject will definitely find adequate opportunities.
Almost every second student you meet today has an engineering degree. However, a degree in material science and engineering can be very promising in the competitive global market today. A degree in this subject certainly gives an extra edge from the regular engineering degree. With background in materials science, adding to the engineering degree, a student can really do well in the industry. Industries look to hire people who can solve problems and students with this extra edge are capable of doing it. However, not many colleges are providing this platform and the ones that do are not always relatively low in budget.
After deciding the subject, there are several factors to select a university. Students need to choose a university that matches their requirements depending on their economic and intellectual strength. One among the few institutions to be doing that today is Missouri State University, U.S. A pioneer in the field of materials science, the university not only takes pride in it but also helps students soar higher. Providing everything to educate students in the best possible way, the university has certainly given birth to a new species of engineering. In nutshell, a degree in material science and engineering can be very promising in the competitive global market (As told to HER Team).
Dr Karthik Ghosh
Dr. Kartik Ghosh is the Professor and Graduate Coordinator of Physics, Astronomy and Materials Science at Missouri State University, U. S. He has received several external grant awards of about 7 million dollars from the National Science Foundation, Department of Defense and National Institute of Health. Much of his work at MSU has been done with undergraduate and graduate (master\'s level) students. During the past 14 years 40 undergraduate students and 35 graduate students have completed various research projects under his supervision. He received both University Teaching and Research Award for his outstanding contribution in the integration of teaching and research at MSU.
\"The study of Material Science is very vast and it gives career opportunities to students in more than just one field of technology\".