Leading University: Producing Professionally Competent And Accomplished Graduates Who Contribute Significantly To Human Development

Dr Ragib Ali, Leading University (LU)
Being established in 2001 by a leading philanthropist Dr Ragib Ali, Leading University (LU), Bangladesh was intended to bring about a revolutionary change in the higher education of the northeast part of Bangladesh and ensure significant contributions to this region and the nation as a whole. The vision of LU is to produce professionally competent and accomplished graduates who will be able to encounter any challenges at home and abroad, to contribute significantly to the human development. The missions of the LU are to provide internationally comparable education at a reasonable cost in a range of programs that are particularly relevant to societal needs, to offer opportunities and expertise to the students so that they can achieve their goals, to gain confidence of all stakeholders through Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Leading University is a higher education institute that boosts capacity in generating and sharing knowledge, skills and attitudes as recognised nationally and globally, making important contributions to development of the country.
Leading University is characterised of a congenial academic environment where inspired intellect, high morals and social responsibilities are focused. Being in the bulk of challenges, LU addresses the multidimensional requirements of the job markets through smooth employment patterns. A virtual statistics proves that the graduates of LU have a wider access to 127 foreign Universities of the world in pursuing the postgraduate degrees and further advanced studies at tertiary level. As it emphasises on interdisciplinary, cross disciplinary and international collaboration, it has established network with other institutions and organisations, where such partnerships can lead to cutting-edge research and teaching. The programs are designed based on the needs of the industry and society. Moreover, the nature of the courses of the programs that LU offers is diversified, skills-based and career oriented where the students have an ample access to hands-on training, seminars, dissertation and monograph with a view to achieving the mapped Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) of each course are rationally extracted for students applying domains of knowledge.
The study in the Leading University improves entrepreneurship and innovative skills of the students. Most programs are professional and related to practical and problem-solving skills. Most of the programs that LU offers are business, tourism cum hospitality, science and technology related but some programs are public health and welfare related in all of which the students of India have greater opportunities to be enrolled and can add an extraordinary value to the image of the University and India simultaneously. The University ensures a homely academic atmosphere where the students of India will feel more familiar with cultural similarities and affinities than feeling alienated being off their native land. Moreover, students from SAARC nations get special privileges.
The faculty members of Leading University with higher degrees (Phd/MPhil) are professionally competent and engaged besides being highly trained in quality teaching and assessment. In fact, the faculty members played a pivotal role as the career counsellors in building the future of the students and for this particular purpose, frequent career development workshops and seminars are prioritised. Advising the students to be engaged in entrepreneurship and creative activity tops the list of professional duties of the faculty members.
Diverse methods as part of teaching-learning strategy are used to develop the skills of original thinking and creative faculty of the students, providing course profile, use of lesson plan, technology integration and skill development mechanism. The instruction strategy is direct and student oriented. Teachers play vital roles and students are also encouraged to participate actively in learning process. It is done in the programs in various ways like delivering lectures, multimedia presentation, explicit teaching, drill and practice, didactic questions, guided and shared- knowledge, listening, viewing, critical thinking and video sharing.
At LU, the students' performances are assessed in different ways in the courses, like presentation, viva, assignment, tutorials, Midterm Examination and Final Examination. All the assessment strategies are planned before the commencement of the particular course. The strategies are planned to measure students' multiple skills through the achievement of intended learning outcomes of study. Students acquire grades based on their performances.
As a social responsibility, Leading University offers a number of free studentship to the deserving candidates. Scholarship and aid at admission at LU are also available depending on the results of secondary and higher secondary examinations. In particular, meritorious students are always rewarded financially in the LU. Moreover, students from SAARC countries get special privileges, compared to other countries.
Students undertake internship, project work, dissertation, and industry attachment programs which are viewed as one of the salient features of the learning environment at Leading University. At the end of the academic programs (sometimes sandwiched), students are to take an internship project in any corporate organization or government or nonprofit organization in order to obtain firsthand knowledge of the job markets. It provides an opportunities to the students before entering the job markets to get practical appraisal of various functional, operational and decision making process in the industry.
Though relatively a new university, the employment rate of the graduates of Leading University at national and international level is praiseworthy. Many of them have been appointed in the most prestigious positions under public and private sectors at home and abroad. A great many graduates render their jobs in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. Our graduates have brought accolades from Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.
A few noteworthy achievements of the graduates of Leading University include the full-bright scholarships in the USA and completing PhD degrees from public universities of Bangladesh and overseas. LU would like to invite those promising students to pursue higher education who wish to make their career brighter and happier in their real life situation. The authority of the University feels pledge-bound to ensure excellent higher education for the students. The University has 10 (ten) undergraduate programs and 7 (seven) postgraduate programs in operation where almost 5000 students are enrolled. About 150 faculty members are committed to generate knowledge. Some 12 (eight) faculty members have been enrolled in different Universities, both home and abroad, to pursue their PhD degrees.
In a nutshell, the curricula of the programs at Leading University are designed to be fit for and of the purposes for job markets while producing competent graduates with generic skills. The LU takes its pride while accomplishing an external peer review (EPR) system for the programs through a rigorous academic process. The continuous process management for quality higher education is the crux of the matter of the policy making authority of the University. Being located off the city, LU is such an alma mater in which excellent transport facilities are ensured for the students carrying its own branding value. Extracurricular activities of LU help the students improve their life-long learning habit.
Leading University is characterised of a congenial academic environment where inspired intellect, high morals and social responsibilities are focused. Being in the bulk of challenges, LU addresses the multidimensional requirements of the job markets through smooth employment patterns. A virtual statistics proves that the graduates of LU have a wider access to 127 foreign Universities of the world in pursuing the postgraduate degrees and further advanced studies at tertiary level. As it emphasises on interdisciplinary, cross disciplinary and international collaboration, it has established network with other institutions and organisations, where such partnerships can lead to cutting-edge research and teaching. The programs are designed based on the needs of the industry and society. Moreover, the nature of the courses of the programs that LU offers is diversified, skills-based and career oriented where the students have an ample access to hands-on training, seminars, dissertation and monograph with a view to achieving the mapped Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) of each course are rationally extracted for students applying domains of knowledge.
The study in the Leading University improves entrepreneurship and innovative skills of the students. Most programs are professional and related to practical and problem-solving skills. Most of the programs that LU offers are business, tourism cum hospitality, science and technology related but some programs are public health and welfare related in all of which the students of India have greater opportunities to be enrolled and can add an extraordinary value to the image of the University and India simultaneously. The University ensures a homely academic atmosphere where the students of India will feel more familiar with cultural similarities and affinities than feeling alienated being off their native land. Moreover, students from SAARC nations get special privileges.
The faculty members of Leading University with higher degrees (Phd/MPhil) are professionally competent and engaged besides being highly trained in quality teaching and assessment. In fact, the faculty members played a pivotal role as the career counsellors in building the future of the students and for this particular purpose, frequent career development workshops and seminars are prioritised. Advising the students to be engaged in entrepreneurship and creative activity tops the list of professional duties of the faculty members.
Diverse methods as part of teaching-learning strategy are used to develop the skills of original thinking and creative faculty of the students, providing course profile, use of lesson plan, technology integration and skill development mechanism. The instruction strategy is direct and student oriented. Teachers play vital roles and students are also encouraged to participate actively in learning process. It is done in the programs in various ways like delivering lectures, multimedia presentation, explicit teaching, drill and practice, didactic questions, guided and shared- knowledge, listening, viewing, critical thinking and video sharing.
At LU, the students' performances are assessed in different ways in the courses, like presentation, viva, assignment, tutorials, Midterm Examination and Final Examination. All the assessment strategies are planned before the commencement of the particular course. The strategies are planned to measure students' multiple skills through the achievement of intended learning outcomes of study. Students acquire grades based on their performances.
As a social responsibility, Leading University offers a number of free studentship to the deserving candidates. Scholarship and aid at admission at LU are also available depending on the results of secondary and higher secondary examinations. In particular, meritorious students are always rewarded financially in the LU. Moreover, students from SAARC countries get special privileges, compared to other countries.
Students undertake internship, project work, dissertation, and industry attachment programs which are viewed as one of the salient features of the learning environment at Leading University. At the end of the academic programs (sometimes sandwiched), students are to take an internship project in any corporate organization or government or nonprofit organization in order to obtain firsthand knowledge of the job markets. It provides an opportunities to the students before entering the job markets to get practical appraisal of various functional, operational and decision making process in the industry.
Though relatively a new university, the employment rate of the graduates of Leading University at national and international level is praiseworthy. Many of them have been appointed in the most prestigious positions under public and private sectors at home and abroad. A great many graduates render their jobs in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. Our graduates have brought accolades from Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.
A few noteworthy achievements of the graduates of Leading University include the full-bright scholarships in the USA and completing PhD degrees from public universities of Bangladesh and overseas. LU would like to invite those promising students to pursue higher education who wish to make their career brighter and happier in their real life situation. The authority of the University feels pledge-bound to ensure excellent higher education for the students. The University has 10 (ten) undergraduate programs and 7 (seven) postgraduate programs in operation where almost 5000 students are enrolled. About 150 faculty members are committed to generate knowledge. Some 12 (eight) faculty members have been enrolled in different Universities, both home and abroad, to pursue their PhD degrees.
In a nutshell, the curricula of the programs at Leading University are designed to be fit for and of the purposes for job markets while producing competent graduates with generic skills. The LU takes its pride while accomplishing an external peer review (EPR) system for the programs through a rigorous academic process. The continuous process management for quality higher education is the crux of the matter of the policy making authority of the University. Being located off the city, LU is such an alma mater in which excellent transport facilities are ensured for the students carrying its own branding value. Extracurricular activities of LU help the students improve their life-long learning habit.