Hotel & Tourismschool Of Luxembourg | HigherEducationReview

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There is no denying that management is the core of each and every industry and while engineering and medical courses have their own popularity, the number of students pursuing management courses has tremendously increased over the past few years. The history of the 'cole d'Hotellerie et de Tourisme du Luxembourg (EHTL) dates back to 1949. At that time, most businesses were passed down from father to son, however, the industry professionals were aware of the need to offer their children structured training and development which came with a recognised certification; hence, the hotel school was born. Since 2018, the EHTL offers a Diploma of general secondary studies (ESG), as well as a Certificate of Advanced Technician in Hospitality Management (BTS). English as a lingua franca was introduced at BTS level but also in vocational training to give English native speakers the possibility to attend the school and obtain a qualification in the hospitality sector in Luxembourg and...
