The Design Village | HigherEducationReview

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Despite the rise in popularity of fashion courses and the number of colleges that offer them, most experts agree that fashion education has not kept up with the change and elasticity expected from a fashion system. Today, the volatility of the changes in the field of Fashion calls for a programme which can develop designers who are capable of dealing with these changes. Based out of Noida, India, The Design Village - TDV is an interdisciplinary, industry-centric design institute which believes that its students should not only be equipped to respond to the present but specialize in responding to the unknowns of tomorrow. A renowned institute, The Design Village gets its name as ’The’ which emphasizes on the aspiration to be a premier centre, ‘Design’ signifies the focus of this centre and the ‘Village’ brings in the flavour of a mix – that of institutes, associations, studios, industries, students and faculty all co-existing, cooperating and collaborating within a whole. For TDV,...
