Cover Story

Acute shortage of qualified nurses is becoming a problem for hospitals and healthcare centers. The hospital emergency divisions and various care units stay flooded with patients requiring on time health checks. It becomes a soaring task for the nurses to look after every requirement. This is due to the deficit of 2 million nurses across the country (as suggested in a recent study done by Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy). Portraying solution to this situation is Koshys School and College of Nursing (KSCN). Started in 2003 in Bengaluru, Karnataka to design the mindset of the nursing students with care, compassion and competence for the patients, KSCN is helping the healthcare industry by providing skilled nurses. It is a formidable nursing college that highlights students' learning curve with faultless practical skills and indomitable theoretical knowledge. These students become passionate professionals, build strong and healthy communities. Specialty Of The Nursing...
