International Telematic University Uninettuno: Making Quality Education Accessible to All!

Prof. Maria Amata Garito, President and Rector
The pandemic has created a new normal with online education replacing all existing methods. Owing to this, a large number of educational players, including the traditional universities, tried to shift from a traditional learning to a distance learning model of education. However, online and distance learning is not easy, especially maintaining the quality and consistence. To add to this, new universities and colleges are cropping up driven mainly by the market with a consequence loss of quality in terms of didactic and educational offer. However, one such institute which is setting a benchmark for itself is International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.
With its origin from the training model of NETTUNO - Network per l'Universit' Ovunque, a consortium of 43 Italian and foreign universities and the Italian Ministry of Higher education, UNINETTUNO is on a mission to bring innovation in the University System through the use of new technologies in teaching and learning process. Working towards this mission, UNINETTUNO has created and developed a global network of universities, starting from the Mediterreanean Countries and now extended to the world based on the creation of commom curricula of studies, double degrees, and training of the professors on the use of new technologies.
"Our origins have strongly forged its identity and its values in Education, Research and Innovation, Internationalization, Inclusion and Passion. These five principles have always inspired all people working at the University to let the model of Uninettuno grow; together we have created a laboratory of multicultural and multilingual cooperation, that has really made the access to knowledge democratic", speaks Prof. Maria Amata Garito, President and Rector, International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.
Thriving on Technology & e-Learning
While the pandemic hit us in 2020, UNINETTUNO was ready for this big change since at least one decade. "Thanks to the unique online didactic cyberspace that is designed to foster an inclusive and supportive framework through an innovative virtual 3D classroom, today, students from all over the world without any limitation of time and space can be part of the classroom no matter where they are located. We are able to offer global students high quality programs from the point of view of contents, professors, delivery technologies, students support and we were able to add new blended/hybrid programs in the campus of our partners in order to offer a new experience to the students proposing a combination of study flexibility and real campus experience. Also, all lectures are pre-recorded to allow you to build the course around your own teaching timetable and Online seminars", elaborates Prof. Maria Amata Garito.
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO adheres to the ECTS (European Credits Transfer and accumulation System). It's a credit system designed to make it easier for students to move between different countries for continuing studies or for enter the global job market. A student can transfer their ECTS credits from one university to another, from one course to another and use it for certifying their competences acquired in the area of study. Therefore, the great thing about ECTS credits is their versatility.
UNINETTUNO offers to study by distance with this e-Learning platform available in five languages (Italian, English, Arabic, French and Greek) and blended programs in cooperation with a network of International partners in which students can study online and on campus at partners premises.
While Nettuno Consortium was born in 1992, it was in 2005 that the institute was transformed into a full-online university. Since then, the university has been bestowed with many international awards as the best e-Learning model at global level, becoming, by now, a leading university at international level in the field of distance teaching. Since 1992, thousands of International students obtained a distance university degree thanks to television and the Internet.
Unique Courses for Unique Learning Experiences
Whether it is earning a three-year degree, a second-cycle degree, a doctorate title or a master's degree from a digital university like UNINETTUNO is a synonym of international prestige as it actually allows one to acquire the skills required to live the present knowingly while building one's own future. The educational offerings of the university meets the needs of the new labor markets and, at the same time, develops competences allowing students to enter the university research world.
"UNINETTUNO has been included among the first 10 most innovative universities of Europe in the ranking compiled by, has over 22,000 students coming from 174 countries across the world"
To add to it, the recently renewed educational offer covers the issues of technological innovation with the new paths of the degree courses in Business Management and Digital Technologies, Law of the Digital Society, Industry 4.0, Big Data, Cyberpsychology, Neurosciences, Cultural Heritages and Digital Memory, Public Institutions and Digital Media, Master's and Vocational Training Course.
Fostering an Inclusive & Supportive Framework for Indian Students
The faculties most followed by Indian students at UNINETTUNO are Engineering and Economics. For those people wishing to earn a degree in Engineering, UNINETTUNO Faculty is running three-year degree courses (bachelor-level) as well as second-cycle (master-level) degree course.
More specifically, on you will find all information about degrees and on their relative paths.
The collaboration with the Berlin School of Business & Innovation (BSBI) in Germany, for the three-year degree course in Economics and Business Management as well as Master programs, is another appreciated choice by Indian students and counts more than 600 enrolled students coming from India, Europe and all over the world.
Students, besides studying on the UNINETTUNO platform through its psycho-pedagogical model, can also attend in-depth classroom lessons, take exams and discuss their thesis directly in the school's partner technology centers in Berlin and Athens.
Starting from September 2022 the new MSc program in Business Management and Digital Technology will start in cooperation with Rubika School and Campus in Pune India. "Studying on these blended programs with a mix of online and face-to-face lessons, Indian and international students are able to benefit from the flexibility to study online and from the campus experience. At the end of their studies, they will be awarded with an International university study titles and ECTS credits. Thanks to the services offered by the partners, students can also benefit from internship experiences as well as job placement support", highlights Rector Prof. Maria Amata Garito. Adding further she says, "In particular, for Indian students, our partners in Berlin, Athens, and Pune (India) offer internship opportunities to those who show interest in combining work experiences with their studies. In February 2022, the first students from the Berlin Campus completed the BA program in Economics and Business Management, after overcoming any logistical difficulties related to the Covid pandemic. Additionally, we also offer full scholarships but they are available only for Ph.d. programs conducted in Rome".
"The blended programs chosen by Indian students are mainly located in Berlin (Germany), Athens (Greece), Rome (Italy), and, starting from September 2022 in Pune (india) thanks to the agreement with Rubika School driven by his CEO Dr. Manoj Singh", says Dr. Nicola Paravati, Head of International Affairs at UNINETTUNO University.
Working towards Preparing Future Ready Professionals
Today, UNINETTUNO has been included among the first 10 most innovative universities of Europe in the ranking compiled by, has over 22,000 students coming from 174 countries across the world that, every day, study on the University's e-Learning platform, being supported by excellence-level lecturers specialized in the Internet-based distance teaching.
Working with a social mission of `Democratizing the access to Knowledge' under open skies, without boundaries, in 2017 UNINETTUNO University was indicated by UNESCO among the universities whom most acting for the actualization of the SDGs 2030 Goals. In 2018 the University participated to the creation of the UNESCOs Global Education Monitoring Report. In 2019, UNINETTUNO was also been invited to the UN headquarter in New York to share in a public speech his Best Practice in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2030).
In almost thirty years of activities, UNINETTUNO has trained over eight thousand professors of the traditional Universities ' who delivered their distance teaching courses on the television and on the Internet ' and that created the largest European digital repository of video lessons and multimedia academic contents, with over 50 thousand of video lessons realized by the best lecturers of the Italian Universities and of Universities of various countries of the world and over 10 million pages (lecture notes, books, exercises, articles linked to the issues treated in the video lessons).
The strength and the process of growth of UNINETTUNO are unquestionably represented by the fact that it rapidly succeeded in acquiring a significant role at international level by concluding agreements with universities and ministries of several countries across the world with the purpose of creating, harmonizing and sharing their curricula.
Prof. Maria Amata Garito
Prof. Maria Amata Garito is the President and Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, and Professor Emeritus of Psychotechnologies. She has been full professor of "Teaching and Learning Technologies" at the Universities "La Sapienza" (Rome), Salerno (Italy) and Pantheon-Assas (Paris-France). She has been coordinator of the Italy-Morocco Cultural Cooperation Committee, UNESCO 2002 expert in charge of the design of the Arab Open University in Kuwait, scientific consultant for `Teaching and Learning Technologies' and for `Distance Teaching' for the Italian Ministry of Education - MIUR, member of the Scientific Committees for several European research programs. She was also Director of `RAI NETTUNO' satellite tv channels, and has developed the idea of the `international telematic university' in projects as: MED NET'U ' EUMEDIS, EDICT, TEMPUS, Arab Open University Project, `Teachers Training in Europe', `Training of managers in the US and Japan', `Research about the Europe of UNIVERSITIES'.
With its origin from the training model of NETTUNO - Network per l'Universit' Ovunque, a consortium of 43 Italian and foreign universities and the Italian Ministry of Higher education, UNINETTUNO is on a mission to bring innovation in the University System through the use of new technologies in teaching and learning process. Working towards this mission, UNINETTUNO has created and developed a global network of universities, starting from the Mediterreanean Countries and now extended to the world based on the creation of commom curricula of studies, double degrees, and training of the professors on the use of new technologies.
"Our origins have strongly forged its identity and its values in Education, Research and Innovation, Internationalization, Inclusion and Passion. These five principles have always inspired all people working at the University to let the model of Uninettuno grow; together we have created a laboratory of multicultural and multilingual cooperation, that has really made the access to knowledge democratic", speaks Prof. Maria Amata Garito, President and Rector, International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.
Thriving on Technology & e-Learning
While the pandemic hit us in 2020, UNINETTUNO was ready for this big change since at least one decade. "Thanks to the unique online didactic cyberspace that is designed to foster an inclusive and supportive framework through an innovative virtual 3D classroom, today, students from all over the world without any limitation of time and space can be part of the classroom no matter where they are located. We are able to offer global students high quality programs from the point of view of contents, professors, delivery technologies, students support and we were able to add new blended/hybrid programs in the campus of our partners in order to offer a new experience to the students proposing a combination of study flexibility and real campus experience. Also, all lectures are pre-recorded to allow you to build the course around your own teaching timetable and Online seminars", elaborates Prof. Maria Amata Garito.
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO adheres to the ECTS (European Credits Transfer and accumulation System). It's a credit system designed to make it easier for students to move between different countries for continuing studies or for enter the global job market. A student can transfer their ECTS credits from one university to another, from one course to another and use it for certifying their competences acquired in the area of study. Therefore, the great thing about ECTS credits is their versatility.
UNINETTUNO offers to study by distance with this e-Learning platform available in five languages (Italian, English, Arabic, French and Greek) and blended programs in cooperation with a network of International partners in which students can study online and on campus at partners premises.
While Nettuno Consortium was born in 1992, it was in 2005 that the institute was transformed into a full-online university. Since then, the university has been bestowed with many international awards as the best e-Learning model at global level, becoming, by now, a leading university at international level in the field of distance teaching. Since 1992, thousands of International students obtained a distance university degree thanks to television and the Internet.
Unique Courses for Unique Learning Experiences
Whether it is earning a three-year degree, a second-cycle degree, a doctorate title or a master's degree from a digital university like UNINETTUNO is a synonym of international prestige as it actually allows one to acquire the skills required to live the present knowingly while building one's own future. The educational offerings of the university meets the needs of the new labor markets and, at the same time, develops competences allowing students to enter the university research world.
"UNINETTUNO has been included among the first 10 most innovative universities of Europe in the ranking compiled by, has over 22,000 students coming from 174 countries across the world"
To add to it, the recently renewed educational offer covers the issues of technological innovation with the new paths of the degree courses in Business Management and Digital Technologies, Law of the Digital Society, Industry 4.0, Big Data, Cyberpsychology, Neurosciences, Cultural Heritages and Digital Memory, Public Institutions and Digital Media, Master's and Vocational Training Course.
Fostering an Inclusive & Supportive Framework for Indian Students
The faculties most followed by Indian students at UNINETTUNO are Engineering and Economics. For those people wishing to earn a degree in Engineering, UNINETTUNO Faculty is running three-year degree courses (bachelor-level) as well as second-cycle (master-level) degree course.
More specifically, on you will find all information about degrees and on their relative paths.
The collaboration with the Berlin School of Business & Innovation (BSBI) in Germany, for the three-year degree course in Economics and Business Management as well as Master programs, is another appreciated choice by Indian students and counts more than 600 enrolled students coming from India, Europe and all over the world.
Students, besides studying on the UNINETTUNO platform through its psycho-pedagogical model, can also attend in-depth classroom lessons, take exams and discuss their thesis directly in the school's partner technology centers in Berlin and Athens.
Starting from September 2022 the new MSc program in Business Management and Digital Technology will start in cooperation with Rubika School and Campus in Pune India. "Studying on these blended programs with a mix of online and face-to-face lessons, Indian and international students are able to benefit from the flexibility to study online and from the campus experience. At the end of their studies, they will be awarded with an International university study titles and ECTS credits. Thanks to the services offered by the partners, students can also benefit from internship experiences as well as job placement support", highlights Rector Prof. Maria Amata Garito. Adding further she says, "In particular, for Indian students, our partners in Berlin, Athens, and Pune (India) offer internship opportunities to those who show interest in combining work experiences with their studies. In February 2022, the first students from the Berlin Campus completed the BA program in Economics and Business Management, after overcoming any logistical difficulties related to the Covid pandemic. Additionally, we also offer full scholarships but they are available only for Ph.d. programs conducted in Rome".
"The blended programs chosen by Indian students are mainly located in Berlin (Germany), Athens (Greece), Rome (Italy), and, starting from September 2022 in Pune (india) thanks to the agreement with Rubika School driven by his CEO Dr. Manoj Singh", says Dr. Nicola Paravati, Head of International Affairs at UNINETTUNO University.
Working towards Preparing Future Ready Professionals
Today, UNINETTUNO has been included among the first 10 most innovative universities of Europe in the ranking compiled by, has over 22,000 students coming from 174 countries across the world that, every day, study on the University's e-Learning platform, being supported by excellence-level lecturers specialized in the Internet-based distance teaching.
Working with a social mission of `Democratizing the access to Knowledge' under open skies, without boundaries, in 2017 UNINETTUNO University was indicated by UNESCO among the universities whom most acting for the actualization of the SDGs 2030 Goals. In 2018 the University participated to the creation of the UNESCOs Global Education Monitoring Report. In 2019, UNINETTUNO was also been invited to the UN headquarter in New York to share in a public speech his Best Practice in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2030).
In almost thirty years of activities, UNINETTUNO has trained over eight thousand professors of the traditional Universities ' who delivered their distance teaching courses on the television and on the Internet ' and that created the largest European digital repository of video lessons and multimedia academic contents, with over 50 thousand of video lessons realized by the best lecturers of the Italian Universities and of Universities of various countries of the world and over 10 million pages (lecture notes, books, exercises, articles linked to the issues treated in the video lessons).
The strength and the process of growth of UNINETTUNO are unquestionably represented by the fact that it rapidly succeeded in acquiring a significant role at international level by concluding agreements with universities and ministries of several countries across the world with the purpose of creating, harmonizing and sharing their curricula.
Prof. Maria Amata Garito
Prof. Maria Amata Garito is the President and Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, and Professor Emeritus of Psychotechnologies. She has been full professor of "Teaching and Learning Technologies" at the Universities "La Sapienza" (Rome), Salerno (Italy) and Pantheon-Assas (Paris-France). She has been coordinator of the Italy-Morocco Cultural Cooperation Committee, UNESCO 2002 expert in charge of the design of the Arab Open University in Kuwait, scientific consultant for `Teaching and Learning Technologies' and for `Distance Teaching' for the Italian Ministry of Education - MIUR, member of the Scientific Committees for several European research programs. She was also Director of `RAI NETTUNO' satellite tv channels, and has developed the idea of the `international telematic university' in projects as: MED NET'U ' EUMEDIS, EDICT, TEMPUS, Arab Open University Project, `Teachers Training in Europe', `Training of managers in the US and Japan', `Research about the Europe of UNIVERSITIES'.