IITM part of Compact Muon Solenoid experiments of CERN

IIT Madras is excited to announce that IIT Madras has recently been included to join the Compact Muon Solenoid experiments of CERN. This will open up a tremendous opportunity not only in the area of Physics but also in a large number of related technologies which are initiated and applied at CERN. The CERN laboratory sits astride the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva. It was one of Europe\'s first joint ventures and now has 21 member states. India is an associate member of the firm. The company is well-known for the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. The world-wide-web (www) was also invented at CERN. The company is not only an international laboratory for fundamental research in experimental high energy physics but also a platform provider for innovation in technology through international collaboration. India has been part of its experiments since its inception. IIT Madras, the only IIT to be a full member of the CMS experiment, is now part of one of the biggest international collaboration involving more than 3000 scientists, engineers, and students from 172 institutes in 40 countries.