ICIER-IIMB International Conference on Entrepreneurship Education and Training

International Consortium for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research (ICIER) and Indian Institute of Management Bangalore organized the 4th International Conference on Entrepreneurship Education and Training: Design, Delivery and Effectiveness. The conference received 251 abstracts from which about 100 papers were accepted for presentation at the conference after a rigorous review process. The conference was a larger initiative for understanding the facilitation of entrepreneurship in emerging economies. A virtual exhibition of innovative technologies from Europe was also organized by the European Technology Experience Centre. The virtual exhibition will provide necessary information and contacts to Indian entrepreneurs to explore opportunities for product co-development for multiple markets by identifying and partnering with European businesses. The main objective of the conference was to provide a forum for discussing and sharing research-based ideas on Entrepreneurship education and training with a view to enhancing the awareness of the best practices, both from developed as well as developing countries.
Amrita University Opens Automotive Research Centre
Amrita University, Ettimadai, inaugurated the Amrita Automotive Research & Technology Center (AARTC), a joint venture between Amrita University and Automotive Test Systems. Director General of aeronautical systems at DRDO K Tamilmani inaugurated the Amrita Automotive Research & Technology Centre (AARTC). M Tech students and PhD scholars can use the facility for their research. The Rs. 15 crore facility will assist the automotive industry in areas like vehicle evaluation, road load data acquisition, emission, simulation and multibody dynamics. AARTC is a joint venture between Amrita University and Automotive Test Systems that has branches in Delhi, Chennai, Pune and Bengaluru.
Prof. Parameswaran, Director, Corporate & Industry Relations states that "The Amrita Automotive Research and Technology Center (AARTC) is a clear manifestation of the university's focus on research and innovation that would enhance the quality of teaching and learning experience of faculty, researchers and students."
Nespresso Sustainability MBA Challenge 2015
The world's leading premium portioned coffee brand Nestlé Nespresso, INCAE Business School, and the Sustainable Markets Intelligence Center (CIMS), are calling in all MBA, MM, MPA, MIB, MAS around the world for the "Nespresso Sustainability MBA Challenge 2015." The Challenge aims to engage masters level students at leading management programs in real-world experience. The three finalist teams will get to present their proposal at Nespresso Headquarter in Switzerland. The winning team and its coach will be invited for a trip to Costa Rica.
Amrita University Opens Automotive Research Centre
Amrita University, Ettimadai, inaugurated the Amrita Automotive Research & Technology Center (AARTC), a joint venture between Amrita University and Automotive Test Systems. Director General of aeronautical systems at DRDO K Tamilmani inaugurated the Amrita Automotive Research & Technology Centre (AARTC). M Tech students and PhD scholars can use the facility for their research. The Rs. 15 crore facility will assist the automotive industry in areas like vehicle evaluation, road load data acquisition, emission, simulation and multibody dynamics. AARTC is a joint venture between Amrita University and Automotive Test Systems that has branches in Delhi, Chennai, Pune and Bengaluru.
Prof. Parameswaran, Director, Corporate & Industry Relations states that "The Amrita Automotive Research and Technology Center (AARTC) is a clear manifestation of the university's focus on research and innovation that would enhance the quality of teaching and learning experience of faculty, researchers and students."
Nespresso Sustainability MBA Challenge 2015
The world's leading premium portioned coffee brand Nestlé Nespresso, INCAE Business School, and the Sustainable Markets Intelligence Center (CIMS), are calling in all MBA, MM, MPA, MIB, MAS around the world for the "Nespresso Sustainability MBA Challenge 2015." The Challenge aims to engage masters level students at leading management programs in real-world experience. The three finalist teams will get to present their proposal at Nespresso Headquarter in Switzerland. The winning team and its coach will be invited for a trip to Costa Rica.