IAME - Laying Unique Foundations for Future Leaders

What does the corporate look from the pool of fresh graduates in the market? Job ready students, and candidates who are ready to solve day to day problems right from the day they graduate college are the need of the hour for head hunters. India is emerging as a top global innovation hub with a focus on management. Through innovative business models, this sector will also redefine its customer value proposition and capture growth from currently untapped markets. However, one major challenge which exists today is employability. Low employability of existing talent, with only 10-15 percent employable graduates in business services continues to be a major bottleneck. Keeping these factors in mind, IAME Bangalore was formed with a vision to help in the cause of producing more capable talent and empowering the employability among the young aspirants. IAME is a B-school established in the year 2007, non-compromising in the drive to deliver consistently world-class research and education. \"We grab information and deliver solutions. We follow the First Hand information system to accurately grade our students. This is perhaps the one factor that has done it for us in successfully training and placing our students in the current job market,\" says Mahantesh B Nelavigi, Managing Director, IAME.
IAME very cautiously strives for excellence, with their strength lying in their full range of program offerings. Today with a judicious mix of academicians and industry experts lining their faculty, the institution helps students in spending a large portion of their tenure in getting ready for industry, through practice based learning and skill development. Corporate Interface Programs are the key ensuring students in experiencing the industry life, within the campus. With the knowledge about what the industries are looking for in fresh candidates, the institute sets its curriculum and prepares leaders, required to lead any given organization. Inculcating in many different industry-institute affiliated programs, such as seminars and internships, the college committed itself to give international standard business education to its students. Adding a unique pedagogy to solve the industrial problems, the college sets its curriculum to meet the industrial world, head to head.
With a vast curriculum comes a professional team of passionate faculty. Looking to close in the gap between industries and students, the college takes pride on its faculty being the backbone of the institution. \"We have a golden infrastructure but what is the purpose of it, if we don\'t have teachers to impart quality knowledge? Every good institution ensures that it has quality faculty and so does IAME,\" is proud about its quality faculty members, says Mahantesh. Giving advantage to faculty members to train in the industries while on the job as academicians, the institution features their yet another impressive program called \"On-the Job training.\" Here faculty members are given the advantage to train in the industries to bring the industrial world inside the campus. Knowing what the industries are looking to solve, more important topics are covered by the faculty. This leading to the practice of faculty helping students come up with solutions to challenge the industrial problems. The faculty ensures, students get compulsory practical experience while studying theory to solve day to day problems.
With preparations done, the vision seen and the mission accomplished, the college places its students in a lot of top notch firms in and around the country. Offering 100 percent placement assistance to students, the college prepares students to be Job Ready instead of providing them with Ready Jobs. With a strong placement system which coaches, guides and organizes placement opportunities, the college has been placing its students at a minimum of 6 lakhs, the highest package having been 24 lakhs. Vodafone, Airtel, Kotak, American Express, Microsoft, Camlin, Indiamart, Orange County, Oracle,HDFC and HP are some of the top names in the business world that recruits from IAME. Today, the college takes pride in helping solve critical challenges, supporting innovation, to create new-age managers through its unique pedagogy. \"Our philosophy is simple we help students become capable, for success to follow\", concludes Mahantesh.
Panel: Developing managerial skills through Corporate Interface Program (CIP)
IAME now, offers the largest spectrum of courses from graduate to post graduate levels, with a fully dedicated team for Management and Commerce Education only. The college also gives specific focus to develop the management skills and capabilities required to conduct business in a global environment, through their most unique course, \'Corporate Interface Program\'. This is a course which the college has come up on its own, to ensure their students achieve success globally.
Mahantesh. B. Nelavigi
An MBA from Cardiff University UK, Mahantesh Nelavigi is a passionate young entrepreneur. He has been instrumental in setting up many businesses across Karnataka, in short period of time. He represents today\'s vibrant young India and, through IAME, plans to help other young Indians to become successful entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs.
IAME very cautiously strives for excellence, with their strength lying in their full range of program offerings. Today with a judicious mix of academicians and industry experts lining their faculty, the institution helps students in spending a large portion of their tenure in getting ready for industry, through practice based learning and skill development. Corporate Interface Programs are the key ensuring students in experiencing the industry life, within the campus. With the knowledge about what the industries are looking for in fresh candidates, the institute sets its curriculum and prepares leaders, required to lead any given organization. Inculcating in many different industry-institute affiliated programs, such as seminars and internships, the college committed itself to give international standard business education to its students. Adding a unique pedagogy to solve the industrial problems, the college sets its curriculum to meet the industrial world, head to head.
With a vast curriculum comes a professional team of passionate faculty. Looking to close in the gap between industries and students, the college takes pride on its faculty being the backbone of the institution. \"We have a golden infrastructure but what is the purpose of it, if we don\'t have teachers to impart quality knowledge? Every good institution ensures that it has quality faculty and so does IAME,\" is proud about its quality faculty members, says Mahantesh. Giving advantage to faculty members to train in the industries while on the job as academicians, the institution features their yet another impressive program called \"On-the Job training.\" Here faculty members are given the advantage to train in the industries to bring the industrial world inside the campus. Knowing what the industries are looking to solve, more important topics are covered by the faculty. This leading to the practice of faculty helping students come up with solutions to challenge the industrial problems. The faculty ensures, students get compulsory practical experience while studying theory to solve day to day problems.
With preparations done, the vision seen and the mission accomplished, the college places its students in a lot of top notch firms in and around the country. Offering 100 percent placement assistance to students, the college prepares students to be Job Ready instead of providing them with Ready Jobs. With a strong placement system which coaches, guides and organizes placement opportunities, the college has been placing its students at a minimum of 6 lakhs, the highest package having been 24 lakhs. Vodafone, Airtel, Kotak, American Express, Microsoft, Camlin, Indiamart, Orange County, Oracle,HDFC and HP are some of the top names in the business world that recruits from IAME. Today, the college takes pride in helping solve critical challenges, supporting innovation, to create new-age managers through its unique pedagogy. \"Our philosophy is simple we help students become capable, for success to follow\", concludes Mahantesh.
Panel: Developing managerial skills through Corporate Interface Program (CIP)
IAME now, offers the largest spectrum of courses from graduate to post graduate levels, with a fully dedicated team for Management and Commerce Education only. The college also gives specific focus to develop the management skills and capabilities required to conduct business in a global environment, through their most unique course, \'Corporate Interface Program\'. This is a course which the college has come up on its own, to ensure their students achieve success globally.
Mahantesh. B. Nelavigi
An MBA from Cardiff University UK, Mahantesh Nelavigi is a passionate young entrepreneur. He has been instrumental in setting up many businesses across Karnataka, in short period of time. He represents today\'s vibrant young India and, through IAME, plans to help other young Indians to become successful entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs.