Hotel & Tourismschool Of Luxembourg: Setting New Benchmarks With Its Carefully Crafted Courses

Michel Lanners, Headmaster, Hotel & Tourismschool Of Luxembourg
There is no denying that management is the core of each and every industry and while engineering and medical courses have their own popularity, the number of students pursuing management courses has tremendously increased over the past few years. The history of the 'cole d'Hotellerie et de Tourisme du Luxembourg (EHTL) dates back to 1949. At that time, most businesses were passed down from father to son, however, the industry professionals were aware of the need to offer their children structured training and development which came with a recognised certification; hence, the hotel school was born.
Since 2018, the EHTL offers a Diploma of general secondary studies (ESG), as well as a Certificate of Advanced Technician in Hospitality Management (BTS). English as a lingua franca was introduced at BTS level but also in vocational training to give English native speakers the possibility to attend the school and obtain a qualification in the hospitality sector in Luxembourg and eventually continue their studies. By doing so, the aim of the EHTL was to attract more students to the hospitality sector and to offer them interesting job opportunities.
Crafted to Ensure Uniqueness
EHTL launched a four-year training course in tourism and communication in 2022. With a view to access higher education, the school is also collaborating with the Chamber of Salari's (CSL) - Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Centre, the Chamber of Commerce - House of Training, the University of Lorraine (IAE Metz), and is finally offering a Bachelor's degree in Management. This ambitious course will run concurrently over a period of two years. Afterwards, graduates can continue their studies towards a Master's degree if they wish.
Today, the EHTL is the one and only school in Luxemburg to offer hospitality courses, which makes it unique in its country. Moreover, the connection to the sector is one of its strengths and it differentiates the EHTL from most other secondary schools in Luxembourg. The teaching staff provides support to the students as they acquire, not only knowledge, but also skills. From the start of the school year onwards, students are put into close contact with the professional world, which can only be artificially replicated at school. That is why every year,the students have to complete a mandatory internship. Secondly, the modest size of the school,with merely 300 students, offers them personalised and effective care.
The learners are encouraged to embark on a voyage of selfdiscovery, to set themselves goals and to construct their own personal educational pathway based on their values and convictions. The philosophy of the school aims to combine the latest learning and teaching knowledge with a permanent focus on social and professional developments in our society to be able to deliver up-to-date training to the students. At EHTL, the programmes are reviewed and adapted on a regular basis by teams of professionals in the field to meet the requirements of the job market or further studies that await the students when they leave.
Students need real perspectives, not only professional ones but also personal ones. The EHTL's mission is to give them the know-how to combine and manage both responsibly. If education and training is defined this way, consequently the teachers need to have a strong awareness of today's and tomorrow's challenges. The graduates will leave with the confidence that they have acquired interpersonal skills on top of the foundations of their chosen profession. Allied with the professional skills they acquire; these personal qualities will ensure that they go on to have a successful national or international career.
Equipped with the Best
The EHTL's facilities are arranged in such a way that the practical courses in catering and service can be taught at the school's own various kitchens and restaurants which are at the cutting edge of technology. The students benefit from a high-quality learning environment, combining both theory and practical learning. Students who wish to stay on-site can be accommodated at the school's own boarding school. The latter is located in the same building as the application restaurant in Diekirch, which is currently being refurbished to be able to provide modern-day amenities and a training hotel in the future. While the main training restaurant in Diekirch is under construction, a training restaurant has opened its doors in Luxembourg City in the form of a pop-up restaurant since October 2022.
The current EHTL campus facilities thus include kitchens for the practical courses as well as a restaurant, a bar, and a cafeteria in which the students can hone their skills. The theoretical knowledge is gained in the classroom using roleplaying techniques and simulation programs to allow students to apply the knowledge and deepen their skills. EHTL aims to be modern, dynamic, and ambitious.
Since September 2018, it has been implementing the national 'one2one' strategy. This project marked a turning point in the way that teaching and learning is conceived at the EHTL. All pupils, students and teachers are equipped with an iPad. All the courses are digitalized, and the pedagogical content was, in a second step, enhanced by videos, tutorials, and online self-training questionnaires. In a third step this content was reviewed from a graphic point of view and the EHTL is now able to present a very attractive learning tool.
At the start of the academic year 2020-2021, blended learning was introduced at the EHTL which means that the students can alternate between face-to-face and distance learning courses. The aim of blended learning is to allow for more flexibility to take into accountthe students' needs and abilities, and also to enable and encourage them to work semi-autonomously and give them greater responsibility for the management and success of their studies. 'One2one' is now part of the school's DNA and the groundwork is being laid for 21st-century learning skills.
To meet the training needs of blended learning, our in-house facility service built LearningBoxes. These connected and collaborative learning spaces are equipped with an Apple TV and allow learners to work alone or in groups.
EHTL has been creating an innovative and stimulating learning environment. This will continue to engage students and improve academic achievement by giving the teaching and learning process much more flexibility.
"EHTL aspires to keep up with the ongoing process of enhancing the quality of teaching and learning by focusing on courses and curriculum."
Placement Opportunities
Partnerships with other schools and universities, as well as with the industry, are of strategic importance to the EHTL. First of all, in the context of redesigning our curricula, where the school collaborates with professionals from the sector to give their opinion at each revision of the courses. Bringing students closer to the reality of the field, enabling them to create business menus for the national airline, or giving them the opportunity to continue their studies in other renowned establishments are just some of the avenues that the school proposes to its students within the framework of its industry academy partnerships.
On the educational front, the EHTL has signed a prestigious partnership with Ducasse Education, but also with the ITHW (Institut de Tourisme et d'H0tellerie du Quobec), one of Canada's leading hotel and tourism schools, to help students to successfully enter the hospitality industry. The EHTL closely collaborates with players in the hospitality market. Speakers are invited on a regular basis to the school to give presentations on various issues and to exchange with students.
As part of their studies, the students also have the chance to discover the working world and its requirements during annual (10-week to 6-months) internships at Luxembourgish or international companies. The experience they gain in these placements will facilitate their transition from education to employment. Foreign placements have the additional advantage of preparing students for the demands of professional mobility.
Path Ahead
The Ecole dHotellerie et de Tourisme du Luxembourg (EHTL) was established in 1949, and in 2024, the school will celebrate its 75th anniversary. "We are looking forward to this event and hope that it will bring together former students with current students as well as various other people who are active in the HORESCA sector in Luxembourg", says Mr Lanners, the headmaster of EHTL.
In the years to come, EHTL aspires to keep up with the ongoing process of enhancing the quality of teaching and learning by focusing on courses and curricula. The institute will have a second campus in the south of the country through the refurbishment of the Castle of Sanem. The institutional development of the school will thus enable young people in the south of the country to take advantage of the hospitality training offered by the Luxembourg School of Hospitality and Tourism without long and tedious commute.
Apart from the second campus, the EHTL will, in order to remain faithful to its motto, continue to strive for excellence in every field, especially in its IT infrastructures, its training courses and its (inter)national projects and collaborations.
Since 2018, the EHTL offers a Diploma of general secondary studies (ESG), as well as a Certificate of Advanced Technician in Hospitality Management (BTS). English as a lingua franca was introduced at BTS level but also in vocational training to give English native speakers the possibility to attend the school and obtain a qualification in the hospitality sector in Luxembourg and eventually continue their studies. By doing so, the aim of the EHTL was to attract more students to the hospitality sector and to offer them interesting job opportunities.
Crafted to Ensure Uniqueness
EHTL launched a four-year training course in tourism and communication in 2022. With a view to access higher education, the school is also collaborating with the Chamber of Salari's (CSL) - Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Centre, the Chamber of Commerce - House of Training, the University of Lorraine (IAE Metz), and is finally offering a Bachelor's degree in Management. This ambitious course will run concurrently over a period of two years. Afterwards, graduates can continue their studies towards a Master's degree if they wish.
Today, the EHTL is the one and only school in Luxemburg to offer hospitality courses, which makes it unique in its country. Moreover, the connection to the sector is one of its strengths and it differentiates the EHTL from most other secondary schools in Luxembourg. The teaching staff provides support to the students as they acquire, not only knowledge, but also skills. From the start of the school year onwards, students are put into close contact with the professional world, which can only be artificially replicated at school. That is why every year,the students have to complete a mandatory internship. Secondly, the modest size of the school,with merely 300 students, offers them personalised and effective care.
The learners are encouraged to embark on a voyage of selfdiscovery, to set themselves goals and to construct their own personal educational pathway based on their values and convictions. The philosophy of the school aims to combine the latest learning and teaching knowledge with a permanent focus on social and professional developments in our society to be able to deliver up-to-date training to the students. At EHTL, the programmes are reviewed and adapted on a regular basis by teams of professionals in the field to meet the requirements of the job market or further studies that await the students when they leave.
Students need real perspectives, not only professional ones but also personal ones. The EHTL's mission is to give them the know-how to combine and manage both responsibly. If education and training is defined this way, consequently the teachers need to have a strong awareness of today's and tomorrow's challenges. The graduates will leave with the confidence that they have acquired interpersonal skills on top of the foundations of their chosen profession. Allied with the professional skills they acquire; these personal qualities will ensure that they go on to have a successful national or international career.
Equipped with the Best
The EHTL's facilities are arranged in such a way that the practical courses in catering and service can be taught at the school's own various kitchens and restaurants which are at the cutting edge of technology. The students benefit from a high-quality learning environment, combining both theory and practical learning. Students who wish to stay on-site can be accommodated at the school's own boarding school. The latter is located in the same building as the application restaurant in Diekirch, which is currently being refurbished to be able to provide modern-day amenities and a training hotel in the future. While the main training restaurant in Diekirch is under construction, a training restaurant has opened its doors in Luxembourg City in the form of a pop-up restaurant since October 2022.
The current EHTL campus facilities thus include kitchens for the practical courses as well as a restaurant, a bar, and a cafeteria in which the students can hone their skills. The theoretical knowledge is gained in the classroom using roleplaying techniques and simulation programs to allow students to apply the knowledge and deepen their skills. EHTL aims to be modern, dynamic, and ambitious.
Since September 2018, it has been implementing the national 'one2one' strategy. This project marked a turning point in the way that teaching and learning is conceived at the EHTL. All pupils, students and teachers are equipped with an iPad. All the courses are digitalized, and the pedagogical content was, in a second step, enhanced by videos, tutorials, and online self-training questionnaires. In a third step this content was reviewed from a graphic point of view and the EHTL is now able to present a very attractive learning tool.
At the start of the academic year 2020-2021, blended learning was introduced at the EHTL which means that the students can alternate between face-to-face and distance learning courses. The aim of blended learning is to allow for more flexibility to take into accountthe students' needs and abilities, and also to enable and encourage them to work semi-autonomously and give them greater responsibility for the management and success of their studies. 'One2one' is now part of the school's DNA and the groundwork is being laid for 21st-century learning skills.
To meet the training needs of blended learning, our in-house facility service built LearningBoxes. These connected and collaborative learning spaces are equipped with an Apple TV and allow learners to work alone or in groups.
EHTL has been creating an innovative and stimulating learning environment. This will continue to engage students and improve academic achievement by giving the teaching and learning process much more flexibility.
"EHTL aspires to keep up with the ongoing process of enhancing the quality of teaching and learning by focusing on courses and curriculum."
Placement Opportunities
Partnerships with other schools and universities, as well as with the industry, are of strategic importance to the EHTL. First of all, in the context of redesigning our curricula, where the school collaborates with professionals from the sector to give their opinion at each revision of the courses. Bringing students closer to the reality of the field, enabling them to create business menus for the national airline, or giving them the opportunity to continue their studies in other renowned establishments are just some of the avenues that the school proposes to its students within the framework of its industry academy partnerships.
On the educational front, the EHTL has signed a prestigious partnership with Ducasse Education, but also with the ITHW (Institut de Tourisme et d'H0tellerie du Quobec), one of Canada's leading hotel and tourism schools, to help students to successfully enter the hospitality industry. The EHTL closely collaborates with players in the hospitality market. Speakers are invited on a regular basis to the school to give presentations on various issues and to exchange with students.
As part of their studies, the students also have the chance to discover the working world and its requirements during annual (10-week to 6-months) internships at Luxembourgish or international companies. The experience they gain in these placements will facilitate their transition from education to employment. Foreign placements have the additional advantage of preparing students for the demands of professional mobility.
Path Ahead
The Ecole dHotellerie et de Tourisme du Luxembourg (EHTL) was established in 1949, and in 2024, the school will celebrate its 75th anniversary. "We are looking forward to this event and hope that it will bring together former students with current students as well as various other people who are active in the HORESCA sector in Luxembourg", says Mr Lanners, the headmaster of EHTL.
In the years to come, EHTL aspires to keep up with the ongoing process of enhancing the quality of teaching and learning by focusing on courses and curricula. The institute will have a second campus in the south of the country through the refurbishment of the Castle of Sanem. The institutional development of the school will thus enable young people in the south of the country to take advantage of the hospitality training offered by the Luxembourg School of Hospitality and Tourism without long and tedious commute.
Apart from the second campus, the EHTL will, in order to remain faithful to its motto, continue to strive for excellence in every field, especially in its IT infrastructures, its training courses and its (inter)national projects and collaborations.