Empowering tomorrow's Supply Chain Leaders

Janifha Evangeline
Mary Janifha Evangeline. X , Editor
In today’s rapidly globalizing world, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM) has become a critical component of almost every industry. Studying logistics and SCM not only opens doors to a diverse range of career opportunities but also equips students with the essential skills to address the complexities of global trade, operations, and transportation. Understanding the importance of this field is vital for students aspiring to become leaders in business, manufacturing, technology, and beyond. In this issue we have focused on some of the top colleges offering Logistics and Supply Chain Management Programs for students.

This issue features The International School of Business & Media (ISB&M). The International School of Business & Media (ISB&M) has emerged as a pivotal institution in India, particularly in the field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM). With a legacy dating back 25 years, this institution has been at the forefront of offering specialized programs that align with evolving industry standards. It is this dedication to innovation, industry engagement, and practical learning that makes the college a key contributor to enhancing the quality of Logistics and Supply Chain Management programs in India.

This issue also features NSB Bangalore. One of the cornerstones of NSB Bangalore’s success in the MBA (L&SCM) program is its robust international academic collaborations. From its inception, NSB Bangalore has demonstrated a proactive approach by forging partnerships with eleven prestigious international institutions. These collaborations are not mere formalities but are deeply integrated into the academic experience, offering student and faculty exchange programs, and immersive international learning opportunities.

After scrutinizing some of the top colleges Logistics and Supply Chain Management Programs, Higher Education Review has selected the top performers who have showcased exceptional academic expertise. With the intent to transform the lives of students, these colleges have exhibited the acumen to adapt to the evolution of the educational field and help students emerge victorious.

We look forward to receiving your feedback and suggestions.

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