CMR University: Providing Education beyond Expectations

When it comes to global university rankings, India – a country that was once home to globally reputed institutions like Taxila and Nalanda, which attracted good number of foreign students – continues its poor run. The reason behind this as stated by Dr. Anand K Joshi, Vice Chancellor, CMR University is, "The world Ranking pattern and its parameters are non-quantifiable and are learning outcome based. The existing national accrediting bodies are adopting outcome based accreditation system. But with the existing structure of higher education in India, it takes time to enter the global league." While the need of educational institutions that not only create skilled human resource but also boosts indigenous research and development is loud and clear in our higher education system, CMR University strives to create uniqueness in Institutional Governance and Academic Management. The quality benchmarks of CMR University are defined in each of the institutional parameters such as governance, physical and academic infrastructure, program design and curriculum, effective classroom management, innovative examination and evaluation pattern and student support services. The University offers 23 innovative programmes under School of Engineering & Technology, School of Management, School of Economics and Commerce, School of Social Science & Humanities, School of Media Studies, School of Audio and Visual Technologies and School of Research & Innovation.
"CMR University is a structured and process driven university, with focus on convergence of academic, technology, industry and quality faculty, who will drive positive global change.We have adopted creativity, design thinking and innovation in each of our institutional parameters to deliver high quality service to the stakeholders," claims Dr. Joshi. The university is strategically located in Bangalore, which is emerging as a major destination for research institutions owing to the presence of R&D centers of various multinational corporations that are focused on innovation. CMR University's School of Research and Innovation is more focused on Inter disciplinary research across 13 disciplines to provide impetus to creation of new knowledge, application of new techniques and theories. The University publishes CMR Journal of Research and Innovation, which brings in empirical research across the disciplines and a platform to publish innovative research in emerging areas.
A better focus on research has helped the university to expand their horizons and today CMR University possesses strong relationship with many foreign universities for conducting frequent academic activities. The University has signed MoU with Mzumbe University, Tanzania, a state University, as knowledge collaborator to offer MS program in Applied and Business Economics. The CMR faculty members offer specialized knowledge in design and development of program and provide classroom teaching in specified courses. CMR University has also signed MoU with Old Dominion University, Norfolk and Commonwealth of Virginia, U.S. with reference to open innovation in disruptive technologies, knowledge exchange, internships and consultancy with specific areas of Technology and Management. "We emphasize on the quality of the teachers and their teaching. The faculty members are trained in Creative and Innovative teaching techniques, acquaintance with technology driven teaching-learning process," says Dr. Joshi.
CMR University holds diverse set of expertise in its faculty arsenal. While 42 percent of CMR University professors hold PhD in their list of academic qualifications, 44 percent of the faculty members bring vast industry experience to the board. This has helped the university to successfully adopt UGC's Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) wherein student can study 20 percent of the courses under Inter-disciplinary and Trans-disciplinary subjects, whichwill make them multi-skilled and better relevant in the market. In the process the candidate earns additional knowledge certificates. "The students do undergo various skill and competency tests at each semester/trimester in respect of UG/PG programs respectively and get certified by Professional bodies. The final semester/trimester internship is highly focused in terms of hands on learning experience which are closely monitored by the faculty," explains Dr. Joshi. The Basics in IT, Application level knowledge in relevant domains; Business Analytics are part of credit course across the disciplines at CMR University. With NASSCOM IT skill modules, IBM's analytics labs and hands on lab experiments, the CMR University students shall emerge as IT enabled domain professionals.
To accomplish cutting-edge research programs and impart latest industrial knowledge, CMR The University has unique advantage of 55 acres campus near Bangalore International Airport, which will start its academic programs from 2016-17 under School of Engineering and Technology. In addition, CMR University has city campus in strategic location in between prominent tech-parks where theyoffer conventional UG and PG programs including MBA.While, the CMR University is meeting the expectation of student all over the country as well as students from abroad, it is safe to say that the university is marching towards procuring a permanent spot in the global ranking in its years to come.
Dr. Anand K Joshi, Vice Chancellor
Dr. Anand Joshi leads the CMR University's vision to ensure the transformational development of students as creative thinkers who will drive positive global change with 27 years of academic and administrative experience at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), National Council for Teachers Education (NCTE), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, Welingkar B-School and Advisor-Education Management to Azim Premji Foundation. He has taught at reputed institutes such as ICAI, ICSI, and ICWAI. He often shared his thoughts on education at Doordarshan Kendra, Bangalore and regional channels. His writings frequently appear in the 'Times of India' (Education Times),"Speaking Tree" of Times of India and the 'Times Higher Book 2014'. 'Harvard Business Publishing', 'Richard Ivey School of Publishing', IIM-A and AIMA have published Dr. Joshi's case writings. He has more than 35 National/Intl publications and 6 citations. As a speaker and panelist, he has delivered more than 100 keynote addresses at seminars and conferences. He has 40 National/Intl publications and 6 citations.
"CMR University is a structured and process driven university, with focus on convergence of academic, technology, industry and quality faculty, who will drive positive global change.We have adopted creativity, design thinking and innovation in each of our institutional parameters to deliver high quality service to the stakeholders," claims Dr. Joshi. The university is strategically located in Bangalore, which is emerging as a major destination for research institutions owing to the presence of R&D centers of various multinational corporations that are focused on innovation. CMR University's School of Research and Innovation is more focused on Inter disciplinary research across 13 disciplines to provide impetus to creation of new knowledge, application of new techniques and theories. The University publishes CMR Journal of Research and Innovation, which brings in empirical research across the disciplines and a platform to publish innovative research in emerging areas.
A better focus on research has helped the university to expand their horizons and today CMR University possesses strong relationship with many foreign universities for conducting frequent academic activities. The University has signed MoU with Mzumbe University, Tanzania, a state University, as knowledge collaborator to offer MS program in Applied and Business Economics. The CMR faculty members offer specialized knowledge in design and development of program and provide classroom teaching in specified courses. CMR University has also signed MoU with Old Dominion University, Norfolk and Commonwealth of Virginia, U.S. with reference to open innovation in disruptive technologies, knowledge exchange, internships and consultancy with specific areas of Technology and Management. "We emphasize on the quality of the teachers and their teaching. The faculty members are trained in Creative and Innovative teaching techniques, acquaintance with technology driven teaching-learning process," says Dr. Joshi.
CMR University holds diverse set of expertise in its faculty arsenal. While 42 percent of CMR University professors hold PhD in their list of academic qualifications, 44 percent of the faculty members bring vast industry experience to the board. This has helped the university to successfully adopt UGC's Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) wherein student can study 20 percent of the courses under Inter-disciplinary and Trans-disciplinary subjects, whichwill make them multi-skilled and better relevant in the market. In the process the candidate earns additional knowledge certificates. "The students do undergo various skill and competency tests at each semester/trimester in respect of UG/PG programs respectively and get certified by Professional bodies. The final semester/trimester internship is highly focused in terms of hands on learning experience which are closely monitored by the faculty," explains Dr. Joshi. The Basics in IT, Application level knowledge in relevant domains; Business Analytics are part of credit course across the disciplines at CMR University. With NASSCOM IT skill modules, IBM's analytics labs and hands on lab experiments, the CMR University students shall emerge as IT enabled domain professionals.
To accomplish cutting-edge research programs and impart latest industrial knowledge, CMR The University has unique advantage of 55 acres campus near Bangalore International Airport, which will start its academic programs from 2016-17 under School of Engineering and Technology. In addition, CMR University has city campus in strategic location in between prominent tech-parks where theyoffer conventional UG and PG programs including MBA.While, the CMR University is meeting the expectation of student all over the country as well as students from abroad, it is safe to say that the university is marching towards procuring a permanent spot in the global ranking in its years to come.
Dr. Anand K Joshi, Vice Chancellor
Dr. Anand Joshi leads the CMR University's vision to ensure the transformational development of students as creative thinkers who will drive positive global change with 27 years of academic and administrative experience at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), National Council for Teachers Education (NCTE), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, Welingkar B-School and Advisor-Education Management to Azim Premji Foundation. He has taught at reputed institutes such as ICAI, ICSI, and ICWAI. He often shared his thoughts on education at Doordarshan Kendra, Bangalore and regional channels. His writings frequently appear in the 'Times of India' (Education Times),"Speaking Tree" of Times of India and the 'Times Higher Book 2014'. 'Harvard Business Publishing', 'Richard Ivey School of Publishing', IIM-A and AIMA have published Dr. Joshi's case writings. He has more than 35 National/Intl publications and 6 citations. As a speaker and panelist, he has delivered more than 100 keynote addresses at seminars and conferences. He has 40 National/Intl publications and 6 citations.