Child's Preschool Education Even During The Lockdown

Mr. Arunprasad Durairaj, CEO & Co-founder Flinto Learning Solutions
The importance of early education has been continuously acknowledged by domestic as well as international education systems, parents, and teachers. It is the foundation of every child’s academic, physical, psychological, and social ecosystem. Hence, it is important to strengthen the early education system, tie the loose ends, and make it available to young children.
Be that as it may, the global pandemic, followed by preschools shutting down, India and many other countries have resorted to adopting new policies and patterns.
While the K12 segment has adapted to learning completely via the online medium, it is neither viable nor recommended for preschool children. It is not in a 2-year old’s nature to sit idle in front of a screen. Preschool children need to explore, use their visual/auditory/kinesthetic senses, and engage with different materials to gain skills for the future. Pure online classes have proven to be ineffective for preschoolers and do nothing to stimulate their attention span. This is where at-home blended learning comes to the rescue.
For some parents, taking on their kids' education is an overwhelming responsibility. However, there are assets available online that can make home schooling or at-home learning simpler and more fun.
There are a few early education pro-grams that are helping parents of young toddlers to ensure that their learning process continues at home. They not only give a fresh perspective but also include a change in outlook in the instructional method through a mix of continuous inputs by educators, parents and students. The equilibrium of different forms of teaching is a basic viewpoint to consider while planning the schedule and exercise plan. It assists in barring the hindrances of a traditional classroom, giving students a chance to make decisions and become flexible with learning at their own speed.
Different ways to ensure continuous learning process:
1.While pure online classes cause a negative impact on a child’s development, a better approach would be to blend it with practical and hands-on learning. Pre-school education could be a difficult task right now and there’s no single and all-encompassing strategy to adapt. So try not to depend on the online tools com-pletely; make it a point to incorporate physical activities as a part of the process to help stimulate your children' motor skills, creativity, logical reasoning and keep them intrigued.
2.Homeschooling through play is a significant part of any child’s early development. Play-based learning is allowing a child to roam around, get curious, explore their surroundings, and interact with things or individuals around them. Each second is a learning experience or opportunity. As they stack cups, they learn about sizes. As they sort different types of pasta, they learn about shapes. As they trace the alphabets, they perceive the letter set and distinguish between the up-per and lower case. As a parent, you simply need to offer them the tools to play and the space to explore. Another advantage of homeschooling is, as parents, you can design their schedule based on your convenient time and pace!
Through participation and communication, young ones learn new themes more effectively and have better bits of knowledge than any traditional classroom can possibly give them.
The early years are the foundation for a child’s development and growth. Therefore it’s essential they continue their learning from the safety of home, even during the pandemic. As they develop skills and learn concepts through physical activities, it gets them better prepared for school.
Be that as it may, the global pandemic, followed by preschools shutting down, India and many other countries have resorted to adopting new policies and patterns.
While the K12 segment has adapted to learning completely via the online medium, it is neither viable nor recommended for preschool children. It is not in a 2-year old’s nature to sit idle in front of a screen. Preschool children need to explore, use their visual/auditory/kinesthetic senses, and engage with different materials to gain skills for the future. Pure online classes have proven to be ineffective for preschoolers and do nothing to stimulate their attention span. This is where at-home blended learning comes to the rescue.
For some parents, taking on their kids' education is an overwhelming responsibility. However, there are assets available online that can make home schooling or at-home learning simpler and more fun.
There are a few early education pro-grams that are helping parents of young toddlers to ensure that their learning process continues at home. They not only give a fresh perspective but also include a change in outlook in the instructional method through a mix of continuous inputs by educators, parents and students. The equilibrium of different forms of teaching is a basic viewpoint to consider while planning the schedule and exercise plan. It assists in barring the hindrances of a traditional classroom, giving students a chance to make decisions and become flexible with learning at their own speed.
Different ways to ensure continuous learning process:
1.While pure online classes cause a negative impact on a child’s development, a better approach would be to blend it with practical and hands-on learning. Pre-school education could be a difficult task right now and there’s no single and all-encompassing strategy to adapt. So try not to depend on the online tools com-pletely; make it a point to incorporate physical activities as a part of the process to help stimulate your children' motor skills, creativity, logical reasoning and keep them intrigued.
2.Homeschooling through play is a significant part of any child’s early development. Play-based learning is allowing a child to roam around, get curious, explore their surroundings, and interact with things or individuals around them. Each second is a learning experience or opportunity. As they stack cups, they learn about sizes. As they sort different types of pasta, they learn about shapes. As they trace the alphabets, they perceive the letter set and distinguish between the up-per and lower case. As a parent, you simply need to offer them the tools to play and the space to explore. Another advantage of homeschooling is, as parents, you can design their schedule based on your convenient time and pace!
Through participation and communication, young ones learn new themes more effectively and have better bits of knowledge than any traditional classroom can possibly give them.
The early years are the foundation for a child’s development and growth. Therefore it’s essential they continue their learning from the safety of home, even during the pandemic. As they develop skills and learn concepts through physical activities, it gets them better prepared for school.