Building an Innovation-Ready India

Anuj Duggal, Innovation Program Manager Intel Software Innovator
The future is upon us. Blurring distinctions between the physical and the virtual, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is taking globalization to an unprecedented level, knitting the world together in a way we have never experienced before. This phenomenon promises to completely transform economic, socio-cultural and political structures, bringing a tectonic shift in the way we work, communicate and relate. Anyway, exactly how this transformation is going to play out, only time will tell. What we do know is that it will leave no area untouched. Only the ability to innovate and adapt will give industry and society the resilience to take this Revolution by its horns and ride it to an exciting future of unimagined possibilities.
Artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and robotics have already brought about a shift in the recruitment landscape, resulting in an evident skill gap.
Today, across sectors, employers are struggling to access talent of the caliber necessary to push their enterprises forward in this technology-driven scenario. Artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and robotics have already brought about a shift in the recruitment landscape, resulting in an evident skill gap. Abilities such as critical thinking, creativity, complex problem solving and interpersonal skills are now being prioritized over technical skills. Foremost is the need for an entrepreneurial spirit and the drive to innovate - qualities that the conventional academic curriculum is ill-equipped to nurture. This situation takes on a particularly critical dimension in developing nations like India where the failure to wholeheartedly embrace new-age technologies can result in amplifying existing socio-economic divides to a dangerous tipping point. The key challenge, then, involves ensuring inclusivity and equal access to opportunity in this shifting landscape and to do this in a self-sustaining manner.
As a young nation boasting a vibrant startup culture, highly skilled workforce, and reputed institutes that deliver quality education, India is uniquely poised to take its place at forefront of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. That is, provided its formal educational system is decisively reoriented to focus squarely on technology. The youth need an education that encourages fresh ideas and imparts the confidence to turn these ideas into reality so that innovation becomes embedded in their very DNA.
What India needs is education that's nimble enough to adapt itself to changing needs and agile enough to think ahead of the curve. In other words, India's youth must connect with technology to be able to connect to the future. The idea is not only to nurture a sense of curiosity towards technology and to address the widening skill-gap in industry but to create technological solutions to uplift communities through socially sensitive innovation driven by proactive citizens themselves.
Anuj Duggal
As an Innovation Program Manager at Intel Software Innovator, Anuj Duggal is responsible for running Innovation program to inspire, equip and empower the next generation of technology innovators. He defines strategies and advocates for compelling results with due emphasis on Operational Excellence. He also previously worked with Google on Google Launchpad Program to empower startups by mentoring them to build and scale successfully on Google platforms.
Artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and robotics have already brought about a shift in the recruitment landscape, resulting in an evident skill gap.
Today, across sectors, employers are struggling to access talent of the caliber necessary to push their enterprises forward in this technology-driven scenario. Artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and robotics have already brought about a shift in the recruitment landscape, resulting in an evident skill gap. Abilities such as critical thinking, creativity, complex problem solving and interpersonal skills are now being prioritized over technical skills. Foremost is the need for an entrepreneurial spirit and the drive to innovate - qualities that the conventional academic curriculum is ill-equipped to nurture. This situation takes on a particularly critical dimension in developing nations like India where the failure to wholeheartedly embrace new-age technologies can result in amplifying existing socio-economic divides to a dangerous tipping point. The key challenge, then, involves ensuring inclusivity and equal access to opportunity in this shifting landscape and to do this in a self-sustaining manner.
As a young nation boasting a vibrant startup culture, highly skilled workforce, and reputed institutes that deliver quality education, India is uniquely poised to take its place at forefront of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. That is, provided its formal educational system is decisively reoriented to focus squarely on technology. The youth need an education that encourages fresh ideas and imparts the confidence to turn these ideas into reality so that innovation becomes embedded in their very DNA.
What India needs is education that's nimble enough to adapt itself to changing needs and agile enough to think ahead of the curve. In other words, India's youth must connect with technology to be able to connect to the future. The idea is not only to nurture a sense of curiosity towards technology and to address the widening skill-gap in industry but to create technological solutions to uplift communities through socially sensitive innovation driven by proactive citizens themselves.
Anuj Duggal
As an Innovation Program Manager at Intel Software Innovator, Anuj Duggal is responsible for running Innovation program to inspire, equip and empower the next generation of technology innovators. He defines strategies and advocates for compelling results with due emphasis on Operational Excellence. He also previously worked with Google on Google Launchpad Program to empower startups by mentoring them to build and scale successfully on Google platforms.