An Investment in Knowledge Pays the Best Interest

Kalpesh Mehta, Partner Deloitte
Today's competitive milieu demands specific skill sets, which will help people succeed in their personal and professional journey. This is where education plays an integral role. The future of education and the future of the world of work are closely linked. Even if education should certainly not be reduced solely to the formula of acquiring skills, a key issue centres on adaptation of our education system to meet structural changes taking place to ensure a prosperous future. Just like other countries India is also adopting digital technology and eLearning, and it has changed the way students learn concepts in school. This new information and communications technologies have changed the way in which knowledge is acquired and shared. Another important area that should be prioritised is teaching of knowledge acquisition strategies, which is by knowing the right questions to ask that education-related content can be found.
When we think about the word education, we often think of the formal education that happens in primary and secondary schools and in high schools and colleges. However, this is not the only form of education. There are many examples of non-formal education. These might include a variety of courses for different professions, training of new personnel, career development learning for existing personnel, or, more broadly, the education of the populations through public campaigns.
In a move away from the traditional education system of the Industrial Age, the ABC of education and training in the knowledge age will change innovative thinking and creativity will be taught and learned as disciplines on an equal footing in a lifelong learning process. This will result in the model of a "potential-oriented" education system, which supports every single pupil in best achieving his or her individual potential. The change in the area of education will once again place the focus on people. And this has potential for the future since education is a window, through which we see into the future – through education we prepare and support them to shape the future.
"The diffusion of technical knowledge by modern educational institutions can help in the creation of skilled manpower"
The scenario of education nowadays has totally changed from the earlier times. Just like modern education was not considered good and today traditional education is not considered enough. The diffusion of technical knowledge by modern educational institutions can help in the creation of skilled manpower. Earlier education used to focus on basic needs and existence but as times change the focus also changed to seek a more mature and practical approach. Making them or forcing them to think and take their decisions, in a way this way of teaching is helping the students with a level of responsibility and maturity, also grooming them to be independent individuals making more practical and well informed decisions at a young age. In a nutshell, there are various emerging trends which effect higher education system in India. New technological changes become essential parts of one's life and modern education. There are so many lightened waves of modernisation (Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Privatisation, Globalisation and Distance Education).These changes has broken down the physical barriers and has potential to provide the opportunity for higher education to a person located in any part of the country.
Education increasingly helps students acquire professional and practical skills as well as academic and theoretical knowledge. In contrast to explicit knowledge, which helps us 'know what', tacit knowledge can be understood as 'know how'. Tacit knowledge is something that we often can't learn by reading books; it is acquired by addressing real problems and practice, it relates to experience, ideals, intuition, values, creative thinking, emotions, skills and attitudes. Tacit knowledge in education can be a critical input in the innovation process. The idea was to prepare students for all aspects of work, and also provide practical knowledge.
Assessing the quality of education is incredibly important in ensuring that students acquire practical skills. Assessment must not only measure the effects of learning of individual students but also the sum of student experiences defined in a meaningful system of 'performance indicators'. It can be difficult to measure the consequences of education because many of its outcomes can only be seen much later in the professional and social activities of former students. However, this is only another reason to try to measure the quality of education.
Recently, I attended the science exhibition at my son's school and was impressed by the model presented by his team on ways to save and conserve energy for the future. The focus was to explore home energy use and energy feedback, I felt these projects makes children derived more motivation to save energy from responsibility conferred by school activities. This way children can be disciplined to reduce energy-consuming activities such as watching television, and while parents complained about children's energy use most saw it as a low priority issue. This approach can be considered to be an effective way of investigating and increasing children's perceptions and consciousness around energy use.
One can imagine in the relatively near-term future in an era of robotics and artificial intelligence all this will allow us to easily and quickly find answers, create products, or accomplish tasks, all simply by expressing our desires. From 'mind to manufactured in moments'. But, what will be most critical is for the next generation will be about passion, curiosity, imagination, critical thinking, and grit.
When we think about the word education, we often think of the formal education that happens in primary and secondary schools and in high schools and colleges. However, this is not the only form of education. There are many examples of non-formal education. These might include a variety of courses for different professions, training of new personnel, career development learning for existing personnel, or, more broadly, the education of the populations through public campaigns.
In a move away from the traditional education system of the Industrial Age, the ABC of education and training in the knowledge age will change innovative thinking and creativity will be taught and learned as disciplines on an equal footing in a lifelong learning process. This will result in the model of a "potential-oriented" education system, which supports every single pupil in best achieving his or her individual potential. The change in the area of education will once again place the focus on people. And this has potential for the future since education is a window, through which we see into the future – through education we prepare and support them to shape the future.
"The diffusion of technical knowledge by modern educational institutions can help in the creation of skilled manpower"
The scenario of education nowadays has totally changed from the earlier times. Just like modern education was not considered good and today traditional education is not considered enough. The diffusion of technical knowledge by modern educational institutions can help in the creation of skilled manpower. Earlier education used to focus on basic needs and existence but as times change the focus also changed to seek a more mature and practical approach. Making them or forcing them to think and take their decisions, in a way this way of teaching is helping the students with a level of responsibility and maturity, also grooming them to be independent individuals making more practical and well informed decisions at a young age. In a nutshell, there are various emerging trends which effect higher education system in India. New technological changes become essential parts of one's life and modern education. There are so many lightened waves of modernisation (Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Privatisation, Globalisation and Distance Education).These changes has broken down the physical barriers and has potential to provide the opportunity for higher education to a person located in any part of the country.
Education increasingly helps students acquire professional and practical skills as well as academic and theoretical knowledge. In contrast to explicit knowledge, which helps us 'know what', tacit knowledge can be understood as 'know how'. Tacit knowledge is something that we often can't learn by reading books; it is acquired by addressing real problems and practice, it relates to experience, ideals, intuition, values, creative thinking, emotions, skills and attitudes. Tacit knowledge in education can be a critical input in the innovation process. The idea was to prepare students for all aspects of work, and also provide practical knowledge.
Assessing the quality of education is incredibly important in ensuring that students acquire practical skills. Assessment must not only measure the effects of learning of individual students but also the sum of student experiences defined in a meaningful system of 'performance indicators'. It can be difficult to measure the consequences of education because many of its outcomes can only be seen much later in the professional and social activities of former students. However, this is only another reason to try to measure the quality of education.
Recently, I attended the science exhibition at my son's school and was impressed by the model presented by his team on ways to save and conserve energy for the future. The focus was to explore home energy use and energy feedback, I felt these projects makes children derived more motivation to save energy from responsibility conferred by school activities. This way children can be disciplined to reduce energy-consuming activities such as watching television, and while parents complained about children's energy use most saw it as a low priority issue. This approach can be considered to be an effective way of investigating and increasing children's perceptions and consciousness around energy use.
One can imagine in the relatively near-term future in an era of robotics and artificial intelligence all this will allow us to easily and quickly find answers, create products, or accomplish tasks, all simply by expressing our desires. From 'mind to manufactured in moments'. But, what will be most critical is for the next generation will be about passion, curiosity, imagination, critical thinking, and grit.