Importance of Innovation and Incubation in Higher Educational institutes in India

Importance of Innovation and Incubation in Higher Educational institutes in India

India needs young graduates with creative thinking to develop and manufacture new products to address the challenges faced by the industry and society. In order to mould the students to the expectations of the government, higher educational institutes need to start the innovation and incubation centres. By setting up the innovation and incubation centres at higher educational insti­tutes, small industries gain access not only to leading edge technolo­gies, but also highly trained stu­dents, professors and infrastructure facilities while the higher education institutes are benefited from build­ing links with local bodies and im­proving their objectives regarding student employability. Involvements of the industry in the academic pro­grams of the higher educational in­stitutes are a major mechanism for knowledge transfer. Role in knowl­edge transmission has been the mo­tivation for the development of In­novation and incubation Centres at higher educational institutes.

In order to create this innovation and incubation culture in the higher educational institutes, students must be developed with all the cog­nitive levels of learning, every lab in the institute must be equipped with latest gadgets that are used in the industry and the students must be given open ended experiments in laboratories which are design/algo­rithm based, product development must be part of their curriculum, should be encouraged with the multi discipline research projects in every area of technology such as internet of things, big data analysis, robotics, cyber security and non conventional energy resources. And also involve experts from industry in order to handle few courses for the develop­ment of innovative thinking of stu­dents which leads to incubation at the higher educational institutes.

Innovation and Incubation cen­tres at higher educational institutes aimed at promoting economic de­velopment of the region by sup­porting start-up companies. The increment of companies in the lo­cal market leads to job creation and economic growth of the country. In such a scenario, we would wit­ness a longer queue of job provid­ers than job seekers. In order to fulfil the dream of our honourable Prime Minister i.e. ‘Make in In­dia’, the higher educational insti­tutes will have a significant role to play in the growth of India as they are the breeding grounds for future entrepreneurs.

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