UGC unveils new Annual Capacity plan for Workforce Development

The University Grants Commission (UGC) on Jan 2 published its annual capacity building plan. This plan was driven to improve workforce growth and efficiency.

The UGC Annual Construction Plan (ACBP) was launched today by UGC Chairperson Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar in the presence of Dr. R Balasubramanium, HR Member, Capacity Building Committee. The UGC is the first private organization to launch a capacity-building program for its employees in collaboration with the Capacity Building Commission (CBC).

“The idea is to build, develop and enhance the abilities, talents, competencies, efficiency and qualifications of UGC employees to increase their capacity to serve the higher educational system in India,” Kumar said. Through this initiative, UGC employees will be trained in four key areas.

Behavioral skills help UGC employees take on more than their assigned tasks. The practical skills will help UGC employees perform better in the areas of administration, procurement and financial management. Strengthening your domain skills will help you perform better in professional areas such as policy-making or project management. Training on the latest technology can help you reduce response times, increase efficiency, improve digital record-keeping, and use technology platforms to reach stakeholders.

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