Most Preferred Career Options After Studying Political Science

The study of political science in India can be traced back to the 2nd century BC when the famous philosopher, economic expert and consultant, Chanakya authored the political dissertation the ‘Arthashastra’, known as the ‘science of politics.’ Although the term ‘politics’ might bring the images of crooked strategies and corruption to many of our minds, the study of political science is an honourable field, where the students engage in inspecting the political functionalities and government operations, leading towards an improved understanding of how society functions. Enabling the students to either enter the field of politics or simply boost their knowledge, critical thinking abilities, and analytical skills for other career options, Political Science course has always remained a popular course for those who are interested in the peoples and society.

Some of the most opted career options after studying political science is mentioned below.

Civil Services

A career in civil services such as the IAS (Indian Administrative Service) and IFS (Indian Foreign Services) is one of the most common choices for the students, after completing graduation in political science. While the role of IAS mostly comprises of objectives ensuring the country run to efficiently and influencing the decision-making process, the IFS officials represent India across a global platform. As most of the questions from the preliminary and main civil services exams are based on the past and future of politics, studying political science will give students an edge over these exams.

Legislative Assistant

Most people are ignorant of the fact that Members of Parliament and other elected representatives and officials often employ assistants who can assist them with their legislative obligations. These recruits are professionally known as legislative assistants, and they work coherently with our MPs to research on policy matters, incomplete legislations, question the difficulties of residents within the authority of their employers, and connect with other officials of the jurisdiction.

Policy Analyst

Political Science majors often tend to nurture robust critical thinking, writing, and investigation skills, along with a vast knowledge of public policy, and all of these are essential necessities while applying for the role of a policy analyst. The job of policy analysts is to estimate the impacts of adopting a policy and use the investigation to invent arguments that either support or discredit the implementation. This is one of the most preferred career options for Political Science graduates, as they possess the essential expertise in the political and legislative developments of the country and are an excellent fit for the job.

Political Campaign Staff

Quite similar with the job profile of a social media manager, the fact that stands apart is that her the work is done mostly offline. Political campaign staff members are responsible for preparing press releases, drafting speeches for their clients, designing and implementing campaign policies, analysing present political issues, learning public reactions to promote their client’s political representation, and organise fundraising campaigns for the party.

Public Relations Representatives

Public relations representatives or specialists are the professionals who act as intermediaries between their clients and the public through various media platforms. Public Relations Representatives should know a load of skills ranging from press release organization and conferences to handling campaigns, events, and public appearances. The profession also necessitates astute critical skills of exploring, writing, and analysing to promote their client’s image, something that political science majors own in abundance.

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