Career Options After Pursuing a Degree in Film Studies

A perfect blend of storytelling, screenwriting, direction, casting, shooting, sound recording, pre-production, editing and much more, career in film and television is undoubtedly a creative profession, and has become one of the most sought-after-career options among youth. A film, also known as a movie or motion picture, is a medium through which ideas, stories or messages are communicated to the mass. Most of the times, film making is considered similar to direction, but film makers are involved in all aspects of film making and there are many career options in film studies degree. As film making has significantly evolved in terms of technology as well as new techniques, tools, camera, and so on, a lot of changes can be noticed in the film making process. Though one can definitely go for film making process without any specific degrees, but having a degree certainly broaden your prospective. To learn the details of film making from scratch, an aspirant need to get enrolled in a film studies degree, post which he/she can look out for a job or can work on his/her personal projects.

Some of the career options after pursuing a degree in film studies are mentioned below:

Film Directors: Apart from controlling the artistic and dramatic aspects of the film, film directors are responsible for visualising the script and guiding the crew members, actors to execute the same. Apart from maintaining a proper coordination among everyone involved in the film making, a director also keeps a track of the financial aspects of a film.

Screenwriters: Responsible to transform creative ideas into stories, a screenwriter is also known as storytellers and playwrights. They present narratives to directors, which is later converted into films.

Cinematographers: Often behind the camera, Cinematographers often work with directors and are often referred as photography directors or DP. A cinematographer also remains aligned with the camera technicians and coordinate accordingly during a shoot.

Production Designers: Responsible for looking after the visual appeal of the film, a production designer works in harmonization with the director and other crew members.

Broadcast Presenter: A broadcast presenter is the face of TV show or a programme, and they are also known as anchor or radio jockey. Being a very challenging and versatile job, there is very less scope of mistakes for a broadcast presenter and due to this, there is an immense demand for it.

Location Manager: Responsible for taking care of the location arrangements, designing the venue for a film, a location manager manages to arrange the location for a film under budget.

Program Researcher: Responsible for research related to content or program, a program researcher or media researcher’s role is to give creative inputs and assist in planning a TV program.

Art Director: Apart from taking care of the creative work, the role of an art director is to make the final product look good. Playing a significant role in the advertising agency, an Art Director works with the copywriters during the production of a film.

Video Editor: Responsible for putting the scenes and footage in proper sequence in order to create a story as per the script, a video editor has a freedom to work under a company or as a freelancer.

Film Editing: A film editor edits the scenes and remove the unwanted footage for the final film. Responsible for the post-production work, a film editor mostly works in coordination with the director.

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