8 Ways to Debunk Pre-Interview Anxiety

Appearing for an interview especially for the first time, might be a daunting task for many students even though, just getting an interview opportunity with a good company has become the primary goal of education for many. Job interview anxiety is something that one should not take easily and there are various ways to overcome interview anxiety. Owing to the importance of this topic, we have created a list of tips for overcoming the anxiety and if one were to understand these tips, they will be able to better prepared for the interviews by getting rid of the anxiety before interview.        

1. Prepare for the day

Starting off, it is important that as a candidate who is appearing for an interview that you have a solid game plan and what is meant by saying have a solid game plan is to have a basic idea of how you are not only going to tackle that interview but also regarding how you are going to tackle that day. If you are going out of state to appear for a face-to-face interview, make sure that you have got all the travel part of it sorted out. And even if you are living close to the interview location, make sure that you don’t underestimate the chances of getting an unexcepted delay. If you don’t plan accordingly, then there are two chances, the worst one is you totally miss that interview and the second one is you will be tensed thinking about you being late and this can have a knock-on effect on your entire interview performance. So, make sure that you have planned the day out especially the time leading up to the interview.

2. Be Calm

Make sure that you reach the interview location a bit early and after you reach there, make sure that you do things that makes you calm down and in sync with your surroundings. Take a quick walk in that place itself if possible and make sure that you remain poised. Getting into your normal rhythm will not only help you to avoid anxiety but it will also help you to present yourself better for the interview and perform in an optimal manner for the interview as a whole.

3. Engaging in a Conversation

On the day of the interview, what many would do is take a secluded approach and distance yourself from others. In doing so, you might think that you will be more concentrated and prepared for the interview but on many occasions, this might have a negative impact and you will just increase your stress levels. So, make sure that you surround yourself with people who make you feel good an this will help you to have less anxiety.

 4. Work on Boosting your Mood

Even though one can find a plethora of online articles on how to boost your mood, you know you the best and if you have something that you do that will not only help you to increase your confidence but also allow you to relieve stress, then do that. See if that is effective and if it works for you then you will be able to perform well for your interview.

5. Eat Healthy

While this might seem obvious for many, the fact of the matter is that many will let their anxiety get the better of them while appearing for their interviews. What you need to do is try to eat and drink healthy, don’t overeat or undereat. Just take something that is healthy and will keep you energized during the entire course of the interview.

6. Exercising

The science behind exercising a few hours prior to appearing for an interview is the fact that doing this will release endorphins which will relieve your stress. If you are someone who works out regularly, this will also help you to calm yourself down and get back into your normal rhythm.  

7. Visualizing Achievement

This is one technique that has a great chance of success when it comes to calming someone and help them gain confidence before appearing for an interview. So, visualizing a positive outcome will help you to have a better performance during your interview.

8. Knowing the Process

This might not seem as obvious as the other tips in this list but the fact of the matter is that you have got the interview opportunity after the company identified you as a viable candidate. So, don’t view the interviewer as some kind of a challenge that you need to conquer. Demystify the fear you have when it comes to appearing for an interview and see it as a normal process.

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