University Of Pecs: Nurturing Excellence In Hungary's Educational Oasis For Over Six & A Half Centuries | TheHigherEducationReview

University Of Pecs: Nurturing Excellence In Hungary's Educational Oasis For Over Six & A Half Centuries

By Dr. Andras Takacs, Professor & Dean
Hungary's higher education landscape is thriving offering a conducive environment for international students. With a focus on quality education, the country boasts diverse programs, a rich cultural experience, and affordability. Renowned universities, combined with an attractive lifestyle, make Hungary an increasingly popular choice for those seeking quality higher education.

Particularly Pecs, often referred to as Hungary's Mediterranean gem, the educational environment prospers amid a favorable climate. Abundant sunshine, rare rainy days, and high safety levels distinguish Pecs from other European cities, offering a secure and serene atmosphere. Recognized among the top 50 attractive university cities globally, the charm lies in its tranquility, green spaces, and safety, making it an ideal haven for international students.

University of Pecs, founded in 1367, stands as Hungary's inaugural institution, and has been shaping academic excellence for over six and a half centuries. With a commitment to both academic rigor and practical application, UPFBE offers programs such as Business Administration and Management (BSc), Management and Leadership (M.Sc) and Business Development (M.Sc), each with its own unique specialization and content. The university further provides international doctoral program (Ph.D.) opportunities.

Operating at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, UPFBE ensures a balanced curriculum, blending a robust academic foundation with practical content. The active involvement of corporate professionals in education, a wealth of extracurricular opportunities, and interactive events enhance students' learning experiences, allowing them to earn extra points and integrate practical activities into their progress towards their Bachelor's or Master's degree.

Ensuring a high-caliber faculty is pivotal for UPFBE to impart knowledge effectively and steer students toward real-world success. The university maintains strict criteria for its teaching staff, with 100 percent of master's program lecturers holding a Ph.D. degree and an impressive 90 percent on the bachelor level.

Primarily relying on internal recruitment, the university selects mostly faculty members from its Ph.D. students, providing a comprehensive understanding of their performance and suitability. While occasionally hiring foreign faculty, the institution remains committed to internal recruitment, fostering loyalty and continuity, as students progress to doctoral roles and, subsequently, full-time faculty positions, actively engaged in teaching.

"œWe are proud to be Hungary's venerable institution that has been shaping minds for over 650 years. Our global perspective, innovative programs, and dynamic pedagogy define our dedication to academic excellence", emphasizes Dr. Andras Takacs, Professor & Dean.

Innovative Pedagogy & Scholarships in Action

At the University of Pecs, student engagement goes beyond traditional academics, venturing into the realm of practical competitions, workshops, and internships. An exemplary annual event is the "˜iExpo' a pre-Christmas extravaganza that brings together around 80 teams of students from various faculties. Teams armed with innovative business ideas, present their concepts to corporate executives who serve as jurors and who can give virtual credits based on their evaluation.

This unique approach not only assesses the viability of ideas but also emphasizes effective presentation skills. Winners receive monetary prizes and, more significantly, opportunities to collaborate with companies on real-life projects. Another compelling initiative involves a virtual pitch competition in collaboration with Ohio University (USA), where students create video presentations for their business ideas, illustrating the university's commitment to practical skill development.

UPFBE recognizes the importance of industry-academia partnerships in aligning higher education with the dynamic needs of industry. With a notable collaboration with Ohio University, a prominent American institution, and affiliations with several EFMD-accredited European universities, including those in Croatia and the Netherlands, the university ensures a global perspective.

By extending its reach to France and India, where a recent double degree agreement was recently signed, the institution is building a network that spans continents. These partnerships play a pivotal role in shaping a pedagogy that remains responsive to industry requirements, offering students a well-rounded and internationally relevant education.

Moreover, to ensure broader access to top-tier education, many types of scholarships are available at University of Pecs. In addition to the state scholarship "˜Stipendium Hungaricum', which covers tuition fees, accommodation, and daily expenses for selected students, the institution offers further support. In recognition of excellence, a new complex scholarship program motivates students, offering tuition fee reductions for outstanding semester performers, high-scoring interviewees, and those who excel in extracurricular activities. These opportunities, coupled with efficient cost management, position the university competitively, underscored by its pursuit of international accreditation.

Quest for Accreditation & Continuous Advancement

The University of Pecs, with a rich history spanning over 650 years, is on a dynamic trajectory toward continuous enhancement. The institute's primary focus for the next five to six years involves securing institutional accreditation from esteemed global bodies like EFMD and AACSB. With eligibility granted by AACSB, a realistic target is set to achieve accreditation within three to five years. This accreditation, pioneered by top American universities such as Harvard, serves as an internationally recognized benchmark for educational quality.

The roadmap also includes the ongoing evolution of programs, incorporating emerging trends like artificial intelligence, emphasizing skills-based teaching, and practical application, and fostering values of ethics and environmental responsibility. "œOur commitment to continuous development ensures the University's sustained competitiveness and a unwavering commitment to global educational standards", concludes Dr. Andras Takacs.

Dr. Andras Takacs, Professor & Dean

Dr. Andras Takacs has been linked with the Faculty of Business and Economics since 1996, first as an MSc student, later as a PhD student, and from 2004, as a full-time employee. He started working as an assistant lecturer, then, after earning his PhD degree, became an assistant professor in 2008. Based on a successful habilitation, he was promoted to associate professor in 2015, and in 2021, he became a full professor at the Department of Finance and Accounting.

His main teaching and research areas are company valuation, advanced corporate finance, and accounting. He has been teaching accounting and firm valuation-related subjects in the Faculty's English language BSc and MSc programmes since 2002. He also takes an active part in the institution's management: between 2015 and 2022, he served as Vice Dean responsible for education and budgeting, while from 2022 he is the dean of the Faculty.