Symbiosis Centre for Management & Human Resource Development

By Dr. Ravi Kulkarni, Professor & Business Analytics
The only thing that never changes in business is change. With technology disrupting the business world significantly since last few years, the top organizations of the world are hunting for employees who are 'data-literate' and instilled with a set of new and innovative skills. A pioneer in introducing business analytics course to the young generation, Symbiosis Centre for Management & Human Resource Development (SCMHRD) started offering a Diploma in Analytics in 2009, foreseeing the opportunities in this field, which later was enhanced into a full-fledged MBA in Business Analytics. SCMHRD along with honing each student wholesomely, takes the responsibility to carve out a bright career graph for them. Dr. Ravi Kulkarni, Professor, Business Analytics, SCMHRD says," Established in 1993, the institute boasts of a history of producing managers who can lead, persevere and continuously raise the bar of management performance".

The USP of SCMHRD’s Business Analytics programme is its course content, which has been designed after several months of consultation with practitioners of Analytics from the industry. The institute keeps good synchronization with a broad spectrum of companies and industry professionals in India and abroad for constantly updating the course content according to the market trends. "We ensure a very personalized and comprehensive delivery of education," shares Dr. Manish Sinha, Professor, Business Analytics, SCMHRD. Comprising of trainers who are having extensive years of experience in the business analytics do-main, the Analytics programme is imparted under two broad heads.

"Over the years, SCMHRD has emerged as one of the most trusted names in the education sector for providing skilled and holistically developed professionals"

Dr. Kulkarni explains, "The first set, of course, is related to the use of technology in collecting, extracting and managing data. Courses like big data, Internet of Things, Database Management and so on, fall under this head. While the second set consists of analysis of data i.e. courses like Marketing Analytics, Sales Analytics, Financial Analytics, to name a few".

Apart from these, Statistical Foundations, Quantitative Techniques, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, are also covered within the Business Analytics programme. The Institute welcomes from industry professionals from time to time for providing essential insights on various topics to the students of SCMHRD. Additionally, to draw the attention towards research, the institute encourages both students and faculty members to present joint research papers in the area of Analytics at national and international conferences organized on such themes.

Over the years, SCMHRD has emerged as one of the most trusted names in the education sector for providing skilled and holistically developed professionals. "Through our robust training and grooming, we make sure that our students are well versed with R and Python, the two de facto programming languages for making Analytics models. This saves the companies' time in training the students when they join. We have a wide range of illustrious alumni who are doing really great in their respective fields," pinpoints Dr. Kulkarni. Rendering the students with avant-garde facilities in the campus and placing them in the most sought-after companies such as Ma Foi, Brillio, Dun & Bradstreet, HSBC, Nanobi and so on, the institute in next couple of years has set the goal to train more students by expanding the size of the Business Analytics batch.