SRM Dental College

Affiliated to SRM University of health sciences, SRM Dental College was founded in the year 1996 to impart quality education to the students. The institute has a Quality Policy and implements Quality Systems to become a World Class Institution. With a hospital set up for dental provides the aspiring students ample learning opportunity and helps them nurture in the field of medicine. As a Post Graduate institution, the college excels in carrying out numerous research activities. To encourage research activities in the Institution and to impose quality and standards to the research work done, the college has a Scientific Committee, with its members as eminent people from various fields. The annual intake of students in the institution is 100 for UG course and 54 students for PG program.

In order to review the ethical issues which might arise in research proposals in the health and biomedical fields, an Ethical Committee has been functioning in the college. The college has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with other universities for sharing and exchange of ideas, information, staff and students. This collaboration increases the visibility and accessibility of the published papers across the world. The college publishes a peer reviewed Journal named SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences. It aims to create a platform for researchers to publish their findings and by being a base where knowledge can be shared.