Rochat School of Business: Devoted To Improving Students' Lives Through Superior Online Degree Programs

By Carlos Güereca, MBL, Dean, Rochat School of Business

Established in Switzerland, Rochat School of Business is a top-quality, in-ternational institution of higher edu-cation, devoted to improving students' lives through superior online degree programs and continuous quality education. A re-nowned global institute, Rochat focuses on trans-mitting knowledge, with theory explained in the context and environment of present-day business. With its person-centered, values-based philosophy, Rochat School of Business is known to put students first while building skills to meet the challenges and opportunities of the modern, multicultural world.

Focused on Holistic Development

The programs offered at Rochat School of Business analyze the business world from a truly global per-spective; not only from the perspective of the coun-try or culture in which the institution is located. The curriculum is also carefully curated to help students be more industry ready. To ensure success, each student at Rochat School of Business is a developing individual who receives continual support and mentoring from the multi-dis-ciplinary Rochat faculty throughout their program. The programs are designed with the working adult in mind; hence, the learning material is complete-ly asynchronous which makes it easier for students to balance their professional and personal life with studies.Says Carlos Güereca, MBL, Dean, Rochat School of Business (Switzerland): "At Rochat School of Busi-ness, the students come from many countries and are offered courses that embrace global knowledge sources. The faculty is composed of scholars from many different cultures, backgrounds, and professional experiences, which provides a broader grasp of the business world itself. In Rochat, business subjects are not taught in isolation of each oth-er, but rather in an interrelated way, presenting them as part of a larger holistic whole. We, at Rochat, allow students access to highly qualified professors, quality programs, and up-dated curricula, at a very affordable cost. This gives students an outstand-ing opportunity to manage their time at their convenience."

A Gateway of Growth for International Students

Rochat School of Business has grown significantly over the past 5 years to reach more than 2,000 students from some 10 countries. All courses of-fered by Rochat School of Business are of interest to Indian students, but more specifically, the MBA program and the Advanced Degree Diplomas attract the greatest number of Indian students.Since Rochat School of Business is a 100 percent online higher-edu-cation institution, maintaining the quality of offerings is essential. The faculty plays a key role by using re-al-world examples calling upon their own successful career experiences in the global business world to develop students' skills and competencies for their future success.Speaking about the scholarship opportunities for Indian and Inter-national students, Carlos Güereca mentions, "We have Sacré Coeur (Switzerland) - a Swiss non-profit association that promotes access to quality education internationally.

The Sacré Coeur (Switzerland) as-sociation sponsors the Rochat School of Business in Switzerland and the Rochat Escuela de Negocios in Mex-ico with the objective of providing top-quality higher education around the world, at affordable costs, to achieve the employability and inte-gration of its graduates in modern society. Thanks to the sponsorship of this Swiss association, students around the world can access Rochat School of Business degree programs with re-duced tuition ascompared to their cost in Switzerland. Rochat facilitates access to quality educational opportu-nities for working adults so that they can start or continue their Bachelor and/or Maser degree studies, 100% online, in English or Spanish; as well as continuing education programs to develop their professional skills.

"With the aim of professionally equipping its students, Rochat School of Business offers companies around the world the opportunity to engage in a collaboration agreement to pro-vide students with internship oppor-tunities. Rochat graduates are known to positively impact their companies and communities with the skills and knowledge acquired in their study experience.

Carlos Güereca, MBL, Dean, Ro-chat School of Business (Switzerland) concludes, "Rochat School of Busi-ness is a convenient way to study an undergraduate or graduate program in a multicultural environment, with high academic quality and without having to leave the home country. Since Rochat is a Swiss-based school, it benefits from the rich learning en-vironment that the country offers. A Swiss diploma can also give students access to leading world-class uni-versities, research institutions, in-ternational organizations, world-re-nowned companies and businesses. Through our collaboration with these organizations and many others, we always strive to provide a myriad of opportunities for international stu-dents."

Carlos Güereca, MBL, Dean, Rochat School of Business

Mr. Güereca holds a degree in International Business from Tecnológico de Monterrey; Master in Business Leadership from Duxx Graduate School; and is a Ph.D. in Education candidate at Universidad Anáhuac in Mexico.This distinguished international professor and speaker has participated in study and training programs in the U.K., United States, Canada, Spain, Italy, and Germany.For 9 years (from 2007 to 2016) he was President of Universidad Interamericana para el Desarrollo (UNID), a multi-site university system that operates in 46 cities in Mexico, with a university community of more than 70,000 people.