Rezekne Academy Of Technologies (RTA): Creating Unique Learning Opportunities For Students To Ensure Quality Development

By Team Rezekne Academy of Technologies
When you think about international higher education destinations, Latvia is one name that will probably never cross your mind. This hidden gem of a nation has been floating below the radar for many years now. With the students starting to explore more on their higher education opportunities, some new contenders have been coming up and one among them is Latvia. What Latvia doesn’t have in sheer numbers of world-class educational institutions, the country makes it up with the unrivalled uniqueness, Latvia and Latvian higher education can offer. The change in the mindset of students which now searches for uniqueness has played a major role in Latvia’s rise as a premier higher education destination. The Latvian government has been heavily investing to take the country’s higher education infrastructure comparable to other destinations. Staying true to the Latvian vision of education that gives importance to the holistic development of their students is Rezekne Academy of Technologies (RTA). RTA is a dynamic, active, developing state founded university that has been operating since 1925 with unlimited international accreditation.

Envision Opportunity in Higher Education

With its 1700 students, RTA is a great place for those who are looking for competitive European level academic or professional higher education and opportunities to research about educational science, humanities and arts, social science, information and communication sciences, engineering, manufacturing and construction. The courses offered in the institute are custom designed and developed with the help of industry stalwarts to align perfectly with what the industry requires. “We are fully equipped to cater to the needs of

international students and what we are trying to create here is an amalgamation of different cultures which will also help our students in cross-cultural learning. All our courses are popular among our students but international students mainly choose Laser Technologies, Mechatronics, Management Science, and Engineer of Programming”, speaks Dr. Gunars Strods, Career Counselor, RTA. Adding about the uniqueness of the courses, Dr. Gunars, says, “Realising that laser technologies are an innovative instrument for modern entrepreneurship, RTA pays great attention to the studies and research in this area. Apart from the master`s study program in Laser Technologies, lecturers, students and researchers have a great opportunity to involve in the activities of the Laser Technologies Research Center (PPLTC) and participate in the implementation of various projects. The centre provides a basis for studies and research as well as collaboration with local and international companies and educational institutions. Together with the Centre for Lifelong Learning, PPLTC organizes a number of courses that aims at the development of students.”

Holistic Education is the Key to Succeeding

RTA strives to be a place where the students can feel like an individual and get personalized education. To make sure that they never compromise on their quality, RTA provides the students with the support of highly qualified staff and access to modern laboratories equipped with the latest technologies. RTA provides students the right knowledge and skills that help make their lives meaningful and strengthen their contributions to society. The close partnership with entrepreneurs provides opportunities for placement during which students gain valuable work experience and, therefore, are in demand on the domestic and international labor market. Cocurricular activities are an important part of the students` life in RTA. There are a lot of opportunities to meet new friends, share common interests with other students and make life at RTA fun and memorable. The students can join the RTA dance group ‘Dziga’, drama group ‘KerRA’, or mixed choir ‘Sonitum’ to make their academic life more colorful. A wide range of traditions, such as European Researchers` Night, Law Days, Engineering Days, Knowledge Day and others are another way in which the students are able to express themselves.

"With its 1700 students, RTA is a great place for those who are looking for competitive European level academic or professional higher education and opportunities"

RTA has signed collaboration agreements with more than 288 partner-universities from 43 countries. The institute also participates actively in the Erasmus + program which allows RTA to share their experience with other institutes, improve themselves and contribute to the society. RTA`s endeavors in internationalization and collaboration with entrepreneurs have been mentioned and assessed. RTA has been included in U-Multirank among 25 best universities worldwide in terms of the mobility of students and has met the following criteria including the number of graduates with bachelor`s degree working in the region, the number of graduates with master`s degree working in the region, and student internships in the region. To keep pace with the changing trends, RTA is planning to overhaul and improve some of its operational methods. Currently, the institute is also renovating one of the buildings on its campus to turn it into a cozy and user-friendly dormitory. To stand apart from the rest, RTA has successfully created an educational institution where the best lecturers meet talented students.

Team Rezekne Academy of Technologies

Dr. Gunars Strods, Career Counselor: The presence of Dr. Gunars has been crucial in the development of RTA. He joined the institute as an assistant professor in 1995 and now he is also holding the position of the career counselor. His 24 years of service have been impeccable and even now Dr. Gunars is still constantly working to fuel the growth of the institute.