Red Pixels | TheHigherEducationReview

Red Pixels

By Raushan Singh, Founder
In a country where practically everyone chases to get a government job to have a 'secure' life, creativity is undoubtedly buried deep down. Expect the few individuals who truly follow their heart and passion, the majority of the population runs after academic excellence and learn in a system where there is no connection between classroom lectures and real-life experiences. Understanding the fact that schools and colleges alone cannot change this scenario over night, RED PIXELS came into existence with a motto of adding professional skills sets in the students. The academy instills a creative mindset in its learners and makes them capable of achieving higher goals. Raushan Singh - Founder, RED PIXELS says, "The problem is educators still cling to old and increasingly ineffective methods of teaching. At RED PIXELS, we expose students to an innovative version of education where they can grow in true sense."

Based in Delhi, RED PIXELS is an ISO 9001: 2015 certified institution, which was commenced in 2013 for providing an innovative platform for all strata of people with a mission of increasing global access to quality education. The institute offers wide range of diploma courses including Graphic Designing, Web Design and Development, Digital-Matte Painting, 2Dand 3D Animation, Video Editing, coupled with Programming courses such as JAVA, Android Development and many more, from which students can choose to pursue according to their interest. In addition to that, RED PIXELS professional education courses are designed to provide working professionals the ability to advance their skill-sets and careers. Focusing on innovation and emerging fields, RED PIXELS Professional Training courses will prepare the professionals for the 21st-century workplace.

"Despite being a young institute, RED PIXELS has earned a niche for itself in the skill development and training arena"

"We have 12 trainers on the board who are experts in their respective fields and are always eager to transfer the best training to the students," claims Raushan Singh. The institute has cultivated a suitable learning environment where the students interact with the faculty members in a very friendly manner and clear their doubts and confusions without any hesitations. Making the training accessible to more students, the institute also organizes special training for engineering institutions like IIT Delhi and other Engineering Colleges, New Delhi. The regular course offered in the training centre, however, varies from 1 to 12months classified into weekdays and weekends classes. Despite being a young institute, RED PIXELS has earned a niche for itself in the skill development and training arena, for which it has received several recognition like Certified by Dubai Accreditation Center in 2017,Certified by International Accreditation Forum in 2017,and Google Verified Training Institute (2016 � 2017), to name a few. RED PIXELS also has a Research and Development team, which is ardently dedicated towards researching on present and future market trends and it generates placement opportunities as per the industry requirement. Raushan Singh pinpoints, "Unlike many training providers in the country, we recommend our students for placement only after a thorough research on the recruiting company's profile." Promising to hold the hands of the students for lifelong assistance, Red Pixels envisions having a centre in every corner of the country in future.