National College: A Magnificient Citadel Of Higher Education

By Padmabhushan Dr. V. Krishnamurthi, President
Innovation and consistency are two major parameters that determine the success of a higher educational institution in the world where we are living in now. Having two of these qualities and much more in aces is National College. National College is an autonomous institution of Tiruchirappali with a glorious history of 100 years. Founded by three visionary teachers in 1919, the college stands as a sentinel to the thousands of students who pass through its portals every year.

The early years of the college were marked by Nationalist fervour and community development and the post-independence period saw it engaging itself in Nation building by offering quality education to the less privileged and socially backward students in large numbers. Paying homage to their rich history and tradition, the National College still operates with the motto "˜SaaVidyaa Yaa Vimukthayea' which means "˜That alone is knowledge which liberates'. The commitment of National College' to never compromise on the quality of education offered has helped the institute to develop into one of the most recognized study destinations in the whole of South India.

Dawn of a New Era

National College is marching ahead with renewed vim and vigour under the stewardship of President, Padmabhushan Dr. V. Krishnamurthi who has held respectable positions in multiple reputed organizations. Adding about the academic credentials of National College, Krishnamurthi says, "œNational College was conferred autonomous status by the UGC in 2010. The college also has the unique distinction of being recognized by UGC as a "˜College with Potential for Excellence' (CPE Status).

The National Assessment and Accreditation Council has accredited the college at A+ level in 2016. The College has also been identified by MHRD, Government of India under Study in India (SII) programme to admit foreign students in various programmes. Most of our science departments are covered under DBT "˜Star College Scheme' and currently, we have a dedicated team of 261 teaching and 100 non-teaching staff who will go the extra mile to make sure that our students get top-tier education."

The college offers a wide spectrum of programmes including seventeen Postgraduate programmes and twenty-two Undergraduate programmes. Thirteen departments provide research facilities for pursuing M. Phil and Ph.D. and thousands of scholars have obtained their research degrees, especially Ph.D. from the prestigious institution. During 2019-20 alone, 44 research scholars of the college were awarded Ph.D. by the Bharatidasan University, Tiruchirapalli. National College endeavours to expand the academic horizon of students in every possible manner.

"œNational College has completed a century of dedicated service to the cause of higher education. Today, it stands out as a mighty and magnificent institution. The potent mix of dynamic visionary leadership, excellent infrastructure, committed faculty, and the wealth of rich legacy and goodwill will propel the grand old institution to Himalayan heights in the years to come."

Certificate/ Diploma programmes are offered along with regular programmes on an optional basis. Diploma in Journalism, Diploma in fabrication engineering and PG diploma in analytical techniques are some popular programmes that students opt for. To ensure the academic performance of each one of their students, National College has The Continuous Internal Assessment process which is based on periodical tests, assignments, quiz and student seminars.

An effective Tutor - Ward system has also been functioning in the institute for the past 10 years where every student is assigned to a tutor, who pays personal attention to the performance and growth of the students. The performance of each student over the duration of the programme is systematically recorded and the faculty facilitates timely remedial intervention to ensure all-round development of students.

Growing Together for a Better Tomorrow

National College has signed a memorandum of understanding with MAXIBIO Oleos for co- operation in the fields of research, industrial training and knowledge dissemination through which the students in the department of chemistry will get first-rate learning and training experience. Similarly, the department of Botany has an understanding with K.S. Varier's Ashtanga Ayurvedics which promotes student interest in medicinal plants and Ayurvedic studies. The Department of Commerce at National College conducts a certificate course in Banking and Finance, in collaboration with Bajaj Finance, as part of the company's CSR initiative. Also, an MOU with CII Tiruchi chapter facilitates the leadership development programme named "˜YUVA' for the youth.

When asked about the road ahead for National College, Krishnamurthi adds, "œWelfare of our students is the primary concern of National College. More specifically, we shall aim at the skill development of our students by redesigning the curriculum and adapting the pedagogy. Our focus will be to add value to our students in such a way that they are good at whatever they do, be it employment or entrepreneurship. Further, the wish of our Management is to increase the intake of girl students so that the benefit of quality higher education is fairly distributed. Through all these, we are aiming to be the epitome of top-notch higher education in the country".

According to the Secretary of the college Mr.Raghunathan, the management would continue to strengthen the infrastructure and take all steps to enrich the students with a very high quality of education. The Prinipal Squadron Leader Dr.R.Sundararaman noted that the grand vision and sustained support of the President, Dr. V. Krishnamurthi and enthusiastic execution of master plans by the Secretary have propelled the college into the growth trajectory- with world class facilities being created for the student community.

Padmabhushan Dr. V. Krishnamurthi, President

Apart from leading some of the most successful companies in India, Krishnamurthi has also been awarded with Padmashri in 1973, Padma Bhushan in 1986, and Padma Vibhushan in 2007. He was also the former Chairman of IIM Bangalore, IIM Ahamadabad, and IIT New Delhi. His wisdom and expertise have been a cornerstone for the development of the National College.