David Tvildiani Medical University: Facilitating Quality Education For Community Growth
By Nino Tabagari, DTMU Dean
Functional since 1992-1993 academic year, the foundation of David Tvildiani Medical University. is related to an idea of necessity of international cooperation generally in education and particularly in medical education. Founding a new, different and alternative medical school in Georgia (as well as the whole post-Soviet space) gave founders and academic contingent a unique opportunity to influence medical education system, bring up professionals who will successfully implement all the functions of physicians of future. Focused on increasing opportunities of learning for the students is one of the key priorities of the institute.
“We provide latest educational resources to ensure individual and group learnings. This includes latest literature published in English; access to scientific resources important for biomedical sciences; opportunities to work in organized manner in small groups in ambulatory and hospital environments to enhance clinical skills and obtain educational practice, so that each student has an opportunity and access patients for individual learning. We also provide access to modern e-learning resources, such as practice and self-evaluation using virtual patients; PBL session work; classes to develop and assess clinical skills, etc. To provide feedback and identify progress of students their educational activities are monitored and assessed using the latest, valid and precise assessment methods/tools available in medical education”, briefs Nino Tabagari, DTMU Dean.
Foreign students study next to local, Georgian, students. This is, on one hand, an opportunity to develop new generations of skilled workers in a multicultural environment of competiveness, when the base for competition is mutual development to enhance the quality of study outcomes. In the same time, this is also a responsibility ‘taken’ by the University in front of the societies in those countries where our graduates will return and implement their professional activities.
The MD programme is accredited by an agency recognized by the World Federation for Medical Education (Georgian Center for Educational Quality Enchancement), the University is in the World Directory of Medical Schools with the “sponsor’s note” and our graduates (Georgians and foreign students) are formally allowed to apply for residency programmes in any country (e.g. USA, European countries, etc.). At the same time, the knowledge and skills obtained during the study period gives the graduates an opportunity to pass the preferred residency related exams within the clinical stage of studies.
These exams include USMLE for US, PLAB for the UK, and the Foreign Medical Graduates Examination for practice in India, etc. Meanwhile DTMU students consistently demonstrate not only the best FMGE pass rate in Georgia, but also among the top pass rates globally. Employment rate among our graduates is among the highest (according to the latest survey it was about 95 percent, including 75 percent working as physicians).
The program structure and interdisciplinary learning approach (arranged around human organ systems) support student learning process. This facilitates learning of basic/fundamental biomedical sciences in the context of clinical application (for example in cardiovascular system students learn relevant anatomy, histology, physiology, etc. including clinical diagnosis and pharmacology). In general the studies are six years long (360 ECTS credits) and the diploma is equal to a master’s degree level.
The first stage of five semesters is dedicated to basic and clinical medical sciences, the second stage of the 6th to 10th semesters is dedicated to clinical medicine and the third stage of the sixth year is for general specialization. The academic year consists of 40 weeks and 2 semesters; Teaching is going mainly by rotations. According to European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System 20 weeks semester of academic year consists of 30 credits which is distributed on academic courses (subjects) and amount for a year – 60 credits. 1 credit considers 30 working hours, out of which 16 hours are mainly the contact hours and 14 hours devoted to the student’s independent work.
Modules of the Curriculum include 1. Musculoskeletal System and Principles of Clinical Diagnosis; 2. Hematopoietic System and Infections; 3. Cardiovascular System; 4. Respiratory System; 5. Digestive Tract and Nutrition; 6. Nervous System; 7. Urinary System; 8. Reproductive System; 9. Endocrine System Strategies of Teaching and Learning are: Student-centered; Directed self-learning; Promoting; Integrated(Deep-Learning); Understandable learning objectives; Use of spiral curriculum; Structured around educational module.
To make a short conclusion of the previously said, we are sure that the program provides the graduates with long-term competitive superiority, which makes them extremely demanded by any employer.
There more important arguments to choose Georgia, and specifically David Tvildiani Medical University for your medical studies: according to reliable international research Georgia and the capital, Tbilisi, take the 9th pace by safety globally; DTMU students can benefit of living for the first five semesters (or more) in our campus in Rustavi, where we provide a suitable environment for studies, as well as provide all the household services and commodities (e.g. housing, meals, cleaning, security, and more.)
It is important to note that foreign and local students have equal opportunities in the University: those performing well in studies get their tuition fees fully or partially waved; any student has an opportunity to join any functioning self-governing student body within the university [e.g. the student self-governance SYSSA (Students’ and Young Scientists’ Scientific Association), student interest groups: SIGA (Surgical Interest Group, GIGA (Gynecology Interest Group), SIGN (Student Interest Group in Neurology), ROSSMIG (Rehabilitation, Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Interest Group), etc.]. They receive same opportunities for exchange for observership and get same chances of funding helping them attend scientific conferences or other kind of events as Georgians.
The university which set out enrolling 60 students in 1992 now has about 1000 youth studying medicine across the six years of studies. In addition to that, the University has a doctoral degree program as well, with lots of success on its own. The most important feature which was incorporated in DTMU since the foundation, is continued and will continue is the following: the University’s responsibility for the past, present and future, meaning our responsibility for the future of our students and graduates.
“Our University is open to those youth who share the idea that to obtain the honorary degree of a medical doctor one needs to dedicate strong efforts and work to the learning process from the first day of enrollment into the program”, signs off Nino Tabagari, DTMU Dean.
Nino Tabagari, DTMU dean, professor of internal medicine. As a faculty dean Prof. Nino Tabagari coordinates education undergraduate and postgraduate education processes. She ensures compliance with existing quality assurance standards and collaborates with academic staff, students and relevant university departments to ensure best quality of education delivered as well as research.
“We provide latest educational resources to ensure individual and group learnings. This includes latest literature published in English; access to scientific resources important for biomedical sciences; opportunities to work in organized manner in small groups in ambulatory and hospital environments to enhance clinical skills and obtain educational practice, so that each student has an opportunity and access patients for individual learning. We also provide access to modern e-learning resources, such as practice and self-evaluation using virtual patients; PBL session work; classes to develop and assess clinical skills, etc. To provide feedback and identify progress of students their educational activities are monitored and assessed using the latest, valid and precise assessment methods/tools available in medical education”, briefs Nino Tabagari, DTMU Dean.
Open to Foreign Learners
Foreign students study next to local, Georgian, students. This is, on one hand, an opportunity to develop new generations of skilled workers in a multicultural environment of competiveness, when the base for competition is mutual development to enhance the quality of study outcomes. In the same time, this is also a responsibility ‘taken’ by the University in front of the societies in those countries where our graduates will return and implement their professional activities.
The MD programme is accredited by an agency recognized by the World Federation for Medical Education (Georgian Center for Educational Quality Enchancement), the University is in the World Directory of Medical Schools with the “sponsor’s note” and our graduates (Georgians and foreign students) are formally allowed to apply for residency programmes in any country (e.g. USA, European countries, etc.). At the same time, the knowledge and skills obtained during the study period gives the graduates an opportunity to pass the preferred residency related exams within the clinical stage of studies.
These exams include USMLE for US, PLAB for the UK, and the Foreign Medical Graduates Examination for practice in India, etc. Meanwhile DTMU students consistently demonstrate not only the best FMGE pass rate in Georgia, but also among the top pass rates globally. Employment rate among our graduates is among the highest (according to the latest survey it was about 95 percent, including 75 percent working as physicians).
Uniqueness of Curriculum
The program structure and interdisciplinary learning approach (arranged around human organ systems) support student learning process. This facilitates learning of basic/fundamental biomedical sciences in the context of clinical application (for example in cardiovascular system students learn relevant anatomy, histology, physiology, etc. including clinical diagnosis and pharmacology). In general the studies are six years long (360 ECTS credits) and the diploma is equal to a master’s degree level.
The first stage of five semesters is dedicated to basic and clinical medical sciences, the second stage of the 6th to 10th semesters is dedicated to clinical medicine and the third stage of the sixth year is for general specialization. The academic year consists of 40 weeks and 2 semesters; Teaching is going mainly by rotations. According to European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System 20 weeks semester of academic year consists of 30 credits which is distributed on academic courses (subjects) and amount for a year – 60 credits. 1 credit considers 30 working hours, out of which 16 hours are mainly the contact hours and 14 hours devoted to the student’s independent work.
"We also provide access to modern e-learning resources, such as practice and selfevaluation using virtual patients; PBL session work; classes to develop and assess clinical skills, and so on"
Modules of the Curriculum include 1. Musculoskeletal System and Principles of Clinical Diagnosis; 2. Hematopoietic System and Infections; 3. Cardiovascular System; 4. Respiratory System; 5. Digestive Tract and Nutrition; 6. Nervous System; 7. Urinary System; 8. Reproductive System; 9. Endocrine System Strategies of Teaching and Learning are: Student-centered; Directed self-learning; Promoting; Integrated(Deep-Learning); Understandable learning objectives; Use of spiral curriculum; Structured around educational module.
To make a short conclusion of the previously said, we are sure that the program provides the graduates with long-term competitive superiority, which makes them extremely demanded by any employer.
There more important arguments to choose Georgia, and specifically David Tvildiani Medical University for your medical studies: according to reliable international research Georgia and the capital, Tbilisi, take the 9th pace by safety globally; DTMU students can benefit of living for the first five semesters (or more) in our campus in Rustavi, where we provide a suitable environment for studies, as well as provide all the household services and commodities (e.g. housing, meals, cleaning, security, and more.)
A Future Full of Opportunities
It is important to note that foreign and local students have equal opportunities in the University: those performing well in studies get their tuition fees fully or partially waved; any student has an opportunity to join any functioning self-governing student body within the university [e.g. the student self-governance SYSSA (Students’ and Young Scientists’ Scientific Association), student interest groups: SIGA (Surgical Interest Group, GIGA (Gynecology Interest Group), SIGN (Student Interest Group in Neurology), ROSSMIG (Rehabilitation, Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Interest Group), etc.]. They receive same opportunities for exchange for observership and get same chances of funding helping them attend scientific conferences or other kind of events as Georgians.
"Our university is open to those youth who share the idea that to obtain the honorary degree of a medical doctor one needs to dedicate strong efforts and work to the learning process from the first day of enrollment into the program"
The university which set out enrolling 60 students in 1992 now has about 1000 youth studying medicine across the six years of studies. In addition to that, the University has a doctoral degree program as well, with lots of success on its own. The most important feature which was incorporated in DTMU since the foundation, is continued and will continue is the following: the University’s responsibility for the past, present and future, meaning our responsibility for the future of our students and graduates.
“Our University is open to those youth who share the idea that to obtain the honorary degree of a medical doctor one needs to dedicate strong efforts and work to the learning process from the first day of enrollment into the program”, signs off Nino Tabagari, DTMU Dean.
Nino Tabagari DTMU Dean
Nino Tabagari, DTMU dean, professor of internal medicine. As a faculty dean Prof. Nino Tabagari coordinates education undergraduate and postgraduate education processes. She ensures compliance with existing quality assurance standards and collaborates with academic staff, students and relevant university departments to ensure best quality of education delivered as well as research.