Astana Medical University: Imparting Medical Education In Accordance With National And International Quality Standards

Continuously ranked as one of the leading medical universities in Kazakhstan, Astana Medical University (AMU) is renowned for its contribution towards the development of healthcare in Kazakhstan by training highly qualified specialists based on the unity of education, science, and clinic. Established in 1964, the institute strives to work towards the development of society by providing high quality education, science and clinical practice through training of a new generation of medical personnel, modern science and the concept of national health. The institute has 5 faculties, 56 chairs (departments) and 16 clinical units. Its applied clinical expertise comes through major national and republican centres and scientific-research institutes, 28 hospitals as well as through the subsidiary organisations of the National Medical Holding. Experienced in creating internationally integrated centres (Centre of Management Research, Student-Chapter ISPOR), AMU holds strong expertise in health technology assessment along with implementation research, development of clinical protocols and management of medical services.

Being involved into the Bologna Process also gives Astana Medical University an edge over other institutes. Today, AMU actively supports curriculum innovations, implementation of new ways of teaching and learning. The university is also working closely with more than 50 universities around the world and is an institutional member of international organizations as AMSE, AMEA, HTACamp, UNAI, IFMSA, signatory of Magna Charta Universitatum.

“One of the most important tasks of humanity is to obtain higher education, especially in a highly competitive labour market. At Astana Medical University, we implement demanded educational programs of three-level model of education, as well as conducting two-diploma education programs with international universities partners. This provides great opportunity for graduates of Astana Medical University to be in demand not only on the territory of Kazakhstan, but also abroad”, says Dainius Pavalkis, Rector, Astana Medical University.

An Institute Promising the Best

For over 55 years, Astana Medical University has marked its presence not only in the Kazakhstani scientific and educational arena, but also abroad. The AMU enjoys a high reputation in the sphere of higher medical education, has its own traditions in the area of educational services as well as in the development of medical sciences and clinical activities. Being positioned amongst numerous listing and being recognized amongst leaders in numerous rankings, AMU is successfully meeting the interests and needs of applicants and their parents, and for universities, these ratings also provide an opportunity to increase the competitiveness of their graduates. The highly qualified faculty, the university’s location in the capital of Kazakhstan with clinical facilities located in the leading medical centres and the highgrade infrastructure allows AMU to train specialists in demand, both in our country and abroad. University is actively implementing to the academic mobility programmes with partner universities around the globe and participating in international projects (Erasmus+, Horizon 2020).

Renowned for imparting industry upgraded medical courses, Astana Medical University is a go-to medical institute offering an opportunity to study in one of the seven bachelor's degrees, such as General Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Public Health, Pharmacy, Ergo therapy and Kinesitherapy or Master’s degree which is conducted in 19 specialties, residency - 31 specialties, PhDdoctorate - 5 specialties. These educational programmes are based on implementation of an integrated system of training which allows the student to apply the knowledge and skills. The teaching staffs of these departments are also directly involved in the formation of educational programs and learning outcomes aimed at obtaining appropriate competencies and practical skills for graduates.

”AMU holds strong expertise in health technology assessment along with implementation research, development of clinical protocols and management of medical services”

“Student life for foreign students becomes a serious test of life because they are forced not only to learn a new type of activity - studying at a university, but also to adapt to a new culture, climate, and social conditions. For international students, the University has created favourable conditions for the decent education, right from library, various development clubs, and sports sections. We also have a Centre for Youth Affairs, the activity of which is based on systematic educational work with students, ensuring the unity of education and personal development in the training of specialists, including foreign students. While there is a constant cultural exchange between students, both, foreign and the Kazakhstani students have the opportunity to gain new experiences, learn about different culture, understand our similarities and differences, expand their understanding of the world”, shares Dainius Pavalkis.

Leading the League with Positive Growth

Since its inception in 1964, Astana Medical University is constantly marching ahead on the path of formation and improvement. During the years, the Medical Institute has undergone numerous changes in its organizational form, reforming the management system in accordance with the requirements of the time.

From being recognized as an ‘Institute’, then ‘Academy’ and now as a ‘University’, today, Astana Medical University holds a state license of the Committee for Control in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated January 31, 2009, No.KZ93LAA00014823, for an unlimited period of time, for the right to carry out educational activities under the programs of higher and postgraduate professional education, according to which AMU has the right to issue documents on the formation of a state model.

Astana Medical University has registered a lot of firsts since its establishment. The university is the first medical organization that implemented distance-learning program at the bachelor’s level in ‘Public health’ specialty on the basis of higher education in 2018, and today University also implements educational programs with distance learning technologies in other two specialties i.e. ‘Pharmacy’ and ‘Nursing’ with various terms of apprenticeship. The University has been using an international distance learning system ‘MOODLE’ which has become a great platform for assembling teachers and students for knowledge and experience exchange.

NCJSC ‘AMU’ was the first among the medical universities of Kazakhstan that began multilevel training of medical and scientific-pedagogical personnel (the system of continuing higher education) in the following areas: undergraduate - internship - residency; Bachelor - Master - Ph.D. doctoral studies. Also, it’s the first to start an educational program of ‘Masters in Business Administration’ in the field of Hospital Management.

Emerging as a winnerin the final of International Moscow (all-Russian) student Olympiad in surgery, in 2019, Astana Medical University also organized International student Olympiad in Surgery, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Biomedicine with the participation of not only Kazakhstani students but also students from 12 neighbouring countries.

“Student life is a period when a person becomes not only a professional individual but also a member of the society. The purpose of educating students is to foster multifaceted personal development of future competitive specialist with higher professional education; specialists who will be a cultured, intelligent and socially active person. Nowadays, in the conditions of continuous development, the responsibility of university teachers is also increasing. We, at Astana Medical University always strive for professional development and growth. Our mentors help students in finding the right place to belong, to master knowledge and become a real professional in the chosen profession. Today, particularly in circumstances of pandemics, our students have stepped up to support their teachers by continuously providing assistance in preventing and combating the pandemic throughout Kazakhstan. Undoubtedly, a doctor is not just profession, it is passion”, signs off Dainius Pavalkis.