Asian Institute of Nursing Education

By Dr. Unmona, Principal & Director
Projected to rank in the top three of healthcare markets by 2020, Indian healthcare sector at present holds the record of being fourth largest employer with a total of 319,780 employees. By next year, healthcare sector will generate 40 million jobs. Among the variety of jobs in the healthcare sector, numbers will increase in regards to nurses as shortage of trained nurses for oncology (Nursing) has created the need. Asian Institute of Nursing Education (AINE), the first private nursing institute in North East India, is offering splendid nursing courses. Started in 2004, AINE is the idea of Dr. Unmona Borgohain Saikia. The institute is located in Guwahati, Assam and offers B.Sc. Nursing Course under INS Trust, which is recognized by Indian Nursing Council and Assam Nursing Council. AINE is affiliated to SNDT Women's University (5 star NAAC accredited).

M.Sc. Nursing and Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing course were added to the institute's curriculum later in the years 2009 and 2011 under Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences, Assam. The Institute is rated as best Nursing College in North East India. By collaborating with a famous cancer institute, AINE included Diploma course in Oncology Nursing in 2018. A unique distinction of being the only institution in the entire North East India to have been authorized by the Indian Nursing Council for conducting the prestigious course - 'Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care' was achieved by AINE in the same year. Teaching paradigm is also remarkable that extracts out the veiled ability of the students. "Putting the best efforts to groom the faculties has made it possible. Increasing the intellectual perception of the students', we conduct regular conference, workshops and researches. Students present papers at National and International level, demonstrate clinical procedures and discuss academic and non-academic topics for the same purpose. Besides academics, we adopt villages and offer free healthcare services, health education, food and clothes from time to time," says Dr. Unmona Borgohain, Principal & Director, GNRC Hospitals. Offering flagship course - 'Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care' under S.S.U.H.S., AINE has equivalent postgraduate course for students with at least one year's experience in critical care unit. Guiding students to work at reputed hospitals like AIIMS in New Delhi, Asia Heart Foundation in Mumbai, Dhirubhai Ambani Hospitals in Mumbai, MAX Hospitals in New Delhi, Tata Hospitals in Kolkata, RIMS in Manipur. The companies conduct campus interviews and almost all the students get recruited.

"Focusing to develop students first as good citizen and next as skillful healthcare professional, AINE nurture them to become independent in their future endeavor"

Faculties regularly interact with students, encourage and guide them for full proof study in all the subjects. Faculties have completed Post-graduation, Ph.D. and have 1-20 years of teaching experience. "Nursing faculties are selected from different institutions across the country. Doctors are there in the hospitals who are allotted classes every year. AINE is part of super specialty hospital. The nurses get well equipped labs at the hospital to learn all the clinical procedures with other medical professionals. The faculties deliver all medical updates to the students, teach them in well equipped classroom. Faculty Orientation courses and various Seminars including All India Seminars are regularly held in the Institution to keep the faculties abreast of the latest developments. Faculties use the library in frequent time intervals where latest journals are there to enrich their knowledge horizon, are also encouraged to contribute to various journals as a step forward to their career advancement.

What started with a mere 30 students studying one discipline in 2004, today, AINE has over 300 students in five disciplines. Apart from holistic academic performance, students take part in various social activities and health camps to spread awareness among the rural people of the state. The institution encourages students in co-curricular activities for overall performance enhancement, leadership quality development. Focusing to develop students first as good citizen and next as skillful healthcare professional, AINE nurture them to become independent in their future endeavor. The institution is established to prepare quality graduates not simply adding quantity but who strive to make distinct contribution to the healthcare sector.

Founded by Dr. Nomal Chandra Borah, a renowned Neurologist, Chairman INS Trust, Shri Jatin Hazarika, IAS (Retd), this Institute was ranked as the top most Nursing College in India in April 2019 issue of SILICON India and also ranked among top 10 in the July 2019 issue of Knowledge Review Magazine. In the next months, AINE envisions to educate and empower more female aspirants in different para-medical courses to gear up women's power. AINE is striving hard to establish itself as the best institute in ASIA.

Dr. Unmona, Principal & Director

Dr. Unmona completed M.Sc. in nursing from SNDT Mumbai. She has served different hospitals in Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata.