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Universities And Colleges In Japan For Indian Students - 2020

The age of pursuing higher education is a very crucial one in any student’s life. With numerous courses and institutes to choose from, many learners often find it hard to take a solid option that will suit them the most. The willingness of the students to explore their higher education opportunities has resulted in various unconventional higher education destinations emerging in the global higher education realm. One such country that has been pioneering the Asian higher education space is Japan. The quality of the education offered by various educational institutes in Japan has helped the country to climb up the hierarchy of students favourite international higher education study destinations. As of 2018, the number of international students in Japan reached 2,98, 980 and this number has been increasing every year. This statistic shows the increasing popularity Japan is having in the international student population. For Indian students who are willing to try out a fresh yet well-established foreign study destination, Japan offers a unique blend of rich tradition and cutting-edge technology. While there are a number of top-notch educational institution in Japan, it is important to choose the most suitable one that offers you the best results.

In order to help the Indian students who are looking for a premier higher education institute in Japan, we at Higher Education Review magazine are trying to simplify your confusion of selecting the best universities and colleges in Japan for Indian students. Our expert panel of researchers has looked into the situation and articulated a list under the name ‘Top 10 Universities and Colleges in Japan for Indian Students - 2020'. Reviewed and scrutinized by the intellectual individuals of this specific field, the educational institutes mentioned in this list deliver exceptional education along with outstanding infrastructure, top-notch mentoring facilities, and placement opportunities. We hope that this above-mentioned list will help the interested Indian students to choose the best educational institutes in Japan.

Universities And Colleges In Japan For Indian Students - 2020




Chubu University Kasugai Producing graduates who are reliable and highly cultivated, have specialized capabilities and the ability to act, who care about the public good and think independently, from a broad cosmopolitan standpoint.
Fukuoka University Fukuoka Fukuoka University is contributing to society by producing creative and spontaneous graduates who can think and act both locally and globally in pursuit of truth and liberty.
Hokkaido University Sapporo Hokkaido University is one of the members of the Imperial Universities making it one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Japan.
Keio University Tokyo Keio has thrived under its founder’s motto of jitsugaku, as it continues to transform Japan as a modern nation through contributions to education, research, and medicine.
Kyoto University Kyoto Kyoto University is one of the most reputed national universities in Japan which encourages the creativity and dialogue essential for groundbreaking research and discoveries.
Kyushu University Fukuoka Kyushu has 16 faculties, 11 undergraduate schools and 18 graduate schools and is home to nearly 19,000 students, from some 90 countries, with over 2,000 academic faculty.
Niigata University Niigata Established in 1949, Niiagata University is striving to bring global perspective to all its programs and activities as well as to be an international base for higher education and advanced research.
Osaka University Suita A Japanese national university that was founded in 1931 as the sixth imperial university of Japan, Osaka prioritizes on offering research intensive higher education to their students.
University of Tokyo Tokyo UTokyo offers courses in essentially all academic disciplines at both undergraduate and graduate levels and conducts research across the full spectrum of academic activity.
Waseda University Tokyo Waseda University is a comprehensive research university based in central Tokyo with over 40,000 undergraduate students in thirteen schools.