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Top 10 Educational Institutions in Hyderabad - 2020

Over many years, various cities in India have been included in the list of the most sought-after higher education destinations within the country that most students opt for. Constantly climbing up that list is Hyderabad. The increasing number of top-notch educational institutes in the city along with the increasing number of job opportunities that Hyderabad has to offer is two of the primary catalysts that have been fuelling this growth. The increasing importance given by government organizations to improve the educational infrastructure of the city has also helped Hyderabad in its rise to become one of the most preferred higher education destinations not only for Indian students but for foreign students also. The current covid19 pandemic has put a dent in the dreams of many aspiring students who wanted to pursue their higher education in foreign countries. This has also helped the city of Hyderabad to be a more feasible option for Indian students who wanted to pursue their higher education in foreign countries. With that said, aspiring students should still give ample importance when it comes to choosing a higher education destination to pursue their studies so that they can get the best possible education which can act as a stepping stone for future professional success.

In order to help the Indian students who are looking for a premier higher education institute in Hyderabad, we at Higher Education Review magazine are trying to simplify your confusion of selecting the best educational institutes in Hyderabad. Our expert panel of researchers has looked into the situation and articulated a list under the name ‘Top 10 Educational Institutions in Hyderabad - 2020' which is based on the institutes' qualities, expertise, ranks, facilities and much more. Reviewed and scrutinized by the intellectual individuals of this specific field, the educational institutes mentioned in this list deliver exceptional education along with outstanding infrastructure, top-notch mentoring facilities, and placement opportunities. We hope that this abovementioned list will help the interested Indian students to choose the best educational institutes in Hyderabad.

Top 10 Educational Institutions in Hyderabad - 2020




Aurora's Business School Punjagutta Aurora's Business School operates with a vision to become a global leader in management education with humane values to serve the emerging needs of the society.
Dhruva College of Management Medchal Dhruva College of Management is able to incorporate the latest teaching pedagogies into their curriculum to offer class-leading management education to their students.
IHM Hyderabad DD Colony IHM –Hyderabad always inspires students to take action and encourage students to do something positive by changing the way they look at things.
Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE) Medchal IPE offers students the opportunity to become a part of the exclusive community known for leadership, growth, entrepreneurship, commitment to sustainability, social impact and business.
Matrusri Engineering College New Malakpet The Institute operates with a vision to be a premier academic institution striving continuously for excellence in technical education, research and technological service to the nation.
NALSAR University of Law Shamirpet At NALSAR, the research opportunities for students take the form of mandatory writing done by them as part of the curriculum, for inhouse as well as visiting faculty courses.
Nizam College Basheer Bagh Nizam College operates with a vision to continue as a centre of excellence in education and research and consolidate their position as a reputed institution of higher education in the country.
Osmania Medical College Koti Osmania Medical College formerly known as The Hyderabad Medical School is a premier medical college which is one of the most reputed and recognized in the country.
Pasha College of Education Neredmet Besides providing a fountain of knowledge, Pasha College of Education brings with it the best chance of defeating poverty, providing greater opportunity and a direct line to economic growth.
St. Joseph's Degree & PG College Koti An institute aspiring to create and maintain an environment of excellence in education through technological advancements, effective pedagogy and methods of evaluation.